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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. That is not my question to answer. I fully understand the frustrations of others who have endured during Covid and then when that seems it is finalising, in comes a war that will affect us all in some way at some stage. Then, what do you know - along comes Monkey Pox to spoil another party! Covid was not of our making, The war was not of our making, Monkey pox was not of our making. Are we saying that Thailand should do nothing? My comments above relate only to the negative responses to the OP. My reason for my comments and believing that screening, however that may be managed, has some merit is as follows: Need I remind people that Monkey pox, as was Covid-19 was previously the preserve of animals and eventually mutated to affect humans. Current information suggests this virus doesn't transmit easily and then only in certain groups of people. But as in Covid-19, it seems there are many aspects of the Monkey Pox virus yet to be learned (specially as it relates to humans) as can be actually verified, and because it IS able to transmit to other humans some mutation will happen and could cause serious problems down the line. I for one would rather deal with the screening than the disease. No, I am not gay - I am quite happy though! I will not join the conspiracy club!
  2. What is wrong with screening? Monkey pox is contagious. We don't want it here. Many people on here still think covid was a "damp squib" but in reality whatever it was, it has caused chaos in Thailand and the world over for more than two years. I see no harm in the action that has been taken. To keep saying that THEY want to control us is ridiculous. That would be counter-productive.
  3. ChrisKC

    Roof Gutters

    Just as important as the gutters themselves (appropriately inclined), are the downpipes with sufficient capacity to allow the heavy downpours to flow freely. In addition, the water from those downpipes needs adequate away drainage. Even with everything in its place, gutters easily become clogged with leaves and other debris and need to be checked and cleared from time to time. Difficult to find those who really understand the potential problems when installing, especially at the joints.
  4. And soon, he will be talking about "monkey pox" that has introduced itself into Europe and USA from Africa, already.
  5. Maybe, but they haven't so far. I am over 35 kph in a few seconds. Soi dogs are not as fit as me!
  6. In twelve years I have been bitten twice by dogs while on my bike, that required hospital treatment and rabies injections. But on neither of these occasions were they soi dogs. I have been chased a few times but they can't catch me as I accelerate. The second time the owners dog jumped at my leg as I went to past him on the road coming the other way. Its Owner saw what happened and ultimately paid for my treatment!
  7. Good for you, Mike! if matters (issues) are outside of your control, then best be stoical about them and not allow them affect your stress levels. I address "issues" on this forum and while I continue to have strong views on the politics and the corruption and the scams and the Thai driver attitudes and, and, and... I maintain outward calm and inner peace. In any event, I am not actually affected much because I can have no influence enough to make a difference. When I address an issue about anything, I have my "moan" and then it slips form my attention. Like you, I am more appreciative of what is good in my life and what are thought of as "issues" are for others to get stressed about. it doesn't ever take me long to realise that wherever I am in the world, there will be issues that I would need to deal with or accept.
  8. "A year in the Nick or B1,000 baht fine? "I'll take the fine, please And I would like a receipt" "Am I free to go now?"
  9. No mention of what the land is about. Is it an old rice field? is it next to a large factory? does it get flooded? Is it solely in the name of the current Seller? What can you do with it? And the list goes on The "rat" you can smell will surely surface if there is one! Hopefully not after you buy it!
  10. I think the correct name of any Thai person is on their ID card, which is required by just about any Official body, that would obviously include all Banks. With so many "Lois and Leks", no organisation will accept this as "ID". In the case of this story, the Sender should have checked the name before pressing "confirm". It's obvious, but somehow that didn't happen.
  11. We live in the real world. It has been easy for many years to set up automatically and at last it has been done - better late than never. In this real world, even the best of us sometimes forget our responsibilities and important dates to remember. I give credit to those who know this and try to help us with a system that doesn't require anybody in large organisations to do anything except set it up in the first place. My agent frames these notifications as "friendly reminders" closer to the point in time when action now or sooner is needed. I find this useful. I have a busy life and I appreciate others care about that; they are "on the ball" when maybe I might have lost track a bit. Accept them in good faith and say to yourself, thank you, as it happens, I hadn't forgotten!
  12. I don't think it is clear if the actual prawns were with their shell on as just about everywhere and in everything, as is the case here in Thailand. If this is true in the story, then I for one who is very sensitive to the shell, not from an allergy, but because it feels sharp in my mouth, would then take it out of my mouth before I chewed and ate into it. If one is so sensitive, then extra vigilance is required and every precaution taken. We don't know the precise truth of the matter as it relates to discussion involving guest and staff, but if there were to be legal proceedings, there would need to be proof of liability (negligence or lack of care and attention) by the hotel or for the the matter be considered an accident. (misadventure)
  13. But many people wouldn't think twice about upgrading their smartphone for the same price as a potential life-saving seat for their young children! Are these the same people who don't strap themselves in or their children of older age at the moment? How many have died already unnecessarily? It isn't the law that is so important, it is the children themselves. And how will it be policed? Can't see into most cars because of heavily tinted windows. I can't see that this will be a successful campaign as much as I think it is a good idea if everybody accepts their responsibilities: Parents and Police alike!
  14. UK Government Functionary To a lowly civil servant minion: "The Poms are whinging again, cut and paste the usual and then you can make the tea"
  15. It's a test for your reaction time in an 'emergency stop' situation - it isn't a "foot test" - apart from your foot going to the brake pedal. One would have thought that there must be at least one English-competent person interpreting Thai to English, in particular for the test involving the 45/90 correct requirement to pass. I failed twice and on the third occasion, the "Supervisor" came to help me understand the English while I was actually doing the test and even gave me the correct answers to some. Funny old world innit?
  16. No, it isn't too much to ask. Two years is a lot to catch up on. But an adjustment for me, two Lao girls, soft music and two years would pass in five minutes!
  17. It is perfectly possible to speculate!! But being right, not quite so!
  18. What I don't understand is that having been in Thailand for 20 years, 12 of which receiving my pension, no increase for all that time while using absolutely nothing of the services. I am costing the UK nothing in expenses, especially that of the Health Service that might have cost them a fortune for the average person of my age. Yet Ex-Pats in European Countries and a few others DO get the increase. It isn't much in one year but over 12 years it is worth having!
  19. The most beautiful and sexy women are those many men aspire to be with once they switch off the light!
  20. They need these planes for a decent fly past when Anutin becomes PM Or send the money to Ukraine. That's where those planes are really needed.
  21. Your reply is really useful and helpful for the OP I am unaffected by the condition of the OP - just appreciate the time you have given
  22. My pleasure. Older people - of all nationalities - have perceptions that are often misguided and of course there are those who are stubborn, too. Some people just don't like being told what to do! It depends on who he trusts and feels comfortable with when trying to persuade him to do or act on something they know they really should - may have to be gentle with him. My approach would be something like, "You are in pain, you need someone to help you. Your teeth are giving you lots of trouble and there is someone that CAN help you. Go and see the Dentist, I will go with you and sit beside you. The Dentist will look inside your mouth and he may recommend an Xray - none of this will hurt. He will study the Xray and give you some information about what he thinks is best for you. It is unlikely he will give any treatment at that time, maybe even suggest an appointment in a months time and you will know already what he will do when you get there. This will also give you waiting time to think about your decision to go ahead. In the meantime. ask the Dentist about anything more you can do to reduce the pain!. Do this for me, but more important, for yourself. Later you will say, "I glad I did that!""
  23. It's important for this man to be persuaded that the experts will know the exact nature of his problems. Tell him that Dentists; won't drag him kicking and screaming, tying him to a chair and having their wicked way with him. He will be told exactly a process of treatment that he is entitled to reject. In any case, I doubt their first plan would be extract everything there and then. Maybe after (if he cannot accept), that some palliative treatment/medication to ease his pain. It's a tricky business convincing those who don't even visit their Doctor - white coat syndrome. Good luck with your efforts - but if he won't go, then he is left with the pain or matters getting even worse.
  24. Who are these "Rankers" anyway? Sorry, my "swelling" is not so good these days!
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