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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. Just more unnecessary opportunities for Thai people (to increase their problems of debt) as well as tourists, to line government and big Business coffers. And of course, there will still be illegal gambling carrying on as normal.
  2. No, not for me. I have too many interests in my life that I think of as more important. In any event, I don't claim to qualify. I think I read somewhere a long time ago, Moderators are invited by their peers, arising from the content they read on the forum over a long period, that demonstrates clearly their personal qualities that include fairness and justice and upholding the rules of the Forum.
  3. I would think a Moderator should have the qualities of being moderate and have stability in their persona online in the forum. You have had at least three different profile pictures in the last week, none of which are you I guess - that shows instability to me. So the answer from my perspective is, NO to being a Moderator for any amount of time that includes forever!
  4. My point is that you should understand a "brush off" when you see one! It doesn't matter what "level" either of you is on, only that yours is miles away from hers. Carlotta can speak for herself, though.
  5. That Thai Doctor was kicked. Copying that guy is a sure way to get yourself into having your visa revoked
  6. I don't know which emoji to use, confused, sad, funny peculiar, unnecessary, ignore it! Bob, how do you manage to become "stressed out" by somebody leaning on your gate? That's how it started but it seems you "mountained" it from the "mole hill" Or the Weather Forecast of storms to come were of the "teacup" variety.
  7. Hello Bob, It matters not to me if your stories are true or not - I am unaffected but I have an observation to make: The two most important words I notice in your threads have only three letters between them: "I" and "me". These add up to another three letter word: "ego" If your ramblings here are termological inexactitudes, then let us be generous and refer to them as "romanticising" but without the 'romance' - or, If they are true, then it is a very poor reflection on your philosophy of life and certainly not much I would wish for myself! Mr Chris, here, not perfect but in matters of honesty, sincerity and integrity, he tries to be!
  8. Irrespective of the rules of the dowry game; a foreigner is entitled to his own "culture and traditions" to play a part of the "deal" After all, it is HIS money Let's get something straight: Dowries are NOT obligatory, if they are agreed to, the idea is for it to be a show of good faith in terms of the ability for the new husband to be financially sound - basically, it is a formality. In Thai rak Thai cases, sometimes the parents of the girl will deny marriage to those men unable to show willing but in many cases also, if the man is known and respected the dowry won't be pushed. I have been to a few weddings of both persuasions, Thai/Thai, Foreigner/Thai, where dowry has been a feature. I have seen all the money on the ground in front of the couple where beforehand they went to the bank and had it all changed into B20 notes to look like a lot of money - this is accepted with good humour. In many cases the money is given back to the couple as it is anticipated that while it might all have originated with the husband, it will later be shared as part of the spirit of genuine compatibility between them. Dowries should not be considered at all if the bride has been married before and/or is not a virgin, so this obviously excludes any children. This does not stop those parents (often in league with their daughter) to extract what they can from a gullible or uninformed foreigner. "Love" might be tested to its extreme in these situations
  9. Do you really mean EVERY aisle?? I have more trouble with Shoppers and trolleys that think they are the only ones in the store, often leaving their trolley in the middle of the aisle while they go 'awalking'
  10. Or a Press Button A, Press Button B public phone box. Cannot reminisce on the good 'ole nursery rhymes either: Mary had a little pig She couldn't stop it gruntin She took it down the garden path And........ Jack and Jill went up the Hill To have a bit of fun But Jill forgot to take her pill And.....
  11. A Peacock is ONLY male, the female is a PeaHEN
  12. Patient to Doctor: "I think I lave lost my memory" Doctor to Patient: "When did you lose it?" Patient to Doctor: "Lose what?"
  13. What about your poor wife, does she get anything beneficial from this move of yours?
  14. You are trying to impress us again, Bob But I think its not working!
  15. Maybe that is 1,000 people in 1,000 hotels and that is only one million!
  16. The "familiarity breeds contempt" seems to follow you around. I never experience social conflict whether I am in familiar surroundings or otherwise or in any country I have ever visited, Lived here for 21 years and inside Thai culture and enjoying the "familarity" with both Thai women and men whoever I meet. I know they like and approve of me - they tell my Thai wife that helps her feel proud of me. What are you actually doing and saying to people to make them behave that way towards you. It would help all of us understand what really happened at the store the other day when they "allegedly" told you to not talk Thai and go away. I see that as a bizarre response to an existing customer without some kind of ?provocation? Were you drunk for example? Tell us the bit you are leaving out!
  17. My point remains valid
  18. From silly to stupid. Don't waste any more of your time
  19. I will take a pinch of salt with that silly remark!
  20. I have never taken supplements in my life - why? Because I am perfectly 100% healthy and I don't need them! Why, because I always have a balanced diet and a great deal of exercise - that includes my brain. I am 79!
  21. And almost certainly no fines for many people riding by - not to mention those arriving and departing from that store - with no helmets!
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