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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. 1 hour ago, Chill27 said:

    On further reading, I also would be excluded as an "expat" holding a retirement visa.

    So unless anything changes, the scheme is of no use to us, and it's back to the drawing board.

    Plan B is to go to Georgia and hang out there for a while until all this crazyness ends. Might end up being cheaper as well!


    If you are waiting for the craziness to end you might be spending the rest of your life in Georgia!


  2. 3 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

    This astounding news.  The only logic behind it could that owners of quarantine hotels in Bangkok, who have paid good money to be on the list, don't want to lose the business of wealthy Thai returness to Phuket hotels.  Since there is going to be hardly any demand from foreign tourists, Thais and local residents allowed to spend two weeks in the Phuket sandbox instead of being quarantined in Bangkok would make the project more viable.  Chinese are not allowed to come to Thailand and the UK and many other European and Asian countries require travellers returning from Thailand to quarantine.  Why would you want to come in the rainy season and wear a parolee's electronic bracelet when most bars, tours etc are closed?  This is one of the most insane ideas yet.  To kill off demand from the most motivated customers who have to come to Thailand. 


    A friend, who is a PR, is trying to get back and booked flight and hotel for the Phuket sandbox only to read this BS this morning. 


    Absolutely. I've managed to get 4 weeks off work. If they had stuck to the original 7 days / requirements I would probably take the time to work my way through the red tape to see my wife but there's no way I am going to pay to be treated like a criminal for two weeks.


  3. 9 hours ago, John435 said:

    I’m fairly sure that most of the people holding out for this scheme were Thai residents trying to get back into the country without spending 2 weeks in a hotel room. Holiday makers surely looked elsewhere by now, maybe for places where they don’t have to do this:


        1    Supply proof of vaccine
        2    Apply for visa
        3    Complete COE registration
        4    Covid insurance of at least 100,000 dollars
        5    Register SHA+ hotel (which will be overpriced)
        6    Arrange flight directly to Phuket (which will be overpriced)
        7    PCR test 72 hours before I leave UK
        8    Possible PCR test on arrival
        9    Load up tracking app on phone
        10    Wristband to track my every move
        11    Two PCR tests during my 14 day stay on Island (at my own cost)
        12    Entertainment venues closed
        13    Tracked by facial recognition
        14    Large fines for breaking rules (not sure what they are but will try to mindread when I get there)
        15    Unable to visit other islands, (Phi Phi, Coral etc)
        16    Wear mask at all times (Even when I am asleep on the beach??)
        17    No alcohol on beach.
        18    No alcohol with my meal
        19    10 day quarantine on arrival in UK


    (Credit to previous ThaiVisa poster for this depressing list)


    So if residents can’t enter via Phuket, who actually will visit?




    Your welcome ????


  4. 9 hours ago, Excel said:

    All Thais are not naïve. What they are unfortunately is that they have been  indoctrinated by an  education system incorporated into the  curriculum changes around 1952 that was adopted to effectively discourage any form of challenge to a higher authority.  That has manifested itself into Thais privately discussing the many bad and corrupt issues that the Thai state did and still does yet unable to publicly make complaints due to such indoctrination and fear of reprisal. Only in very recent times have some people felt strong willed enough to do this and look at how this administration has criminally denied some of them their rights.


    This is a very valid point. On many occassions I've had discussions with Mrs Chelseafan about the ineptitude of Government. She freely acknowedlges this but tells me to shut my cakehole when discussing in public.


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  5. 8 hours ago, Boomer6969 said:

    Isn't this putting the cart in front of the oxes. Just ask the central bank to lower interest rates, increase in money supply will have all sorts of other beneficial effects as well.


    But by now we should all know that these army clowns have only a very vague idea of what they are doing.



    Basic rule of economics. Never let Government interfere with banking. It always ends in tears...


    • Like 1
  6. 9 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Everything today is been done to help people that are in Debt, not just

    in this country but the West too.

    People who try and save a little ,who are canny with their money, dont

    spend more than they earn, are at a disadvantage ,due to low interest

    rates been offered on bank deposits , and rising inflation ,which is just

    eating away at their savings . 


    regards worgeordie


    Not me, I've put everything into Betamax....its the future....


    • Haha 2
  7. 5 hours ago, pkrv said:

    Promises, misunderstandings, bluster, blame, and blah-blah-blah.


    For heaven's sake vaccinate people, starting with those who are more vulnerable or in positions of care (that's not generals in case you're wondering), and start to put the country on the road to recovery.


    Without vaccination the future is looking pretty bleak while many parts of the world are making their way out of the pandemic.


    Vaccinate with what? It's clear that the vaccines aren't there in the numbers they have promised.


    • Like 2
  8. 19 hours ago, Excel said:

    "The department is currently under the process of forming an inquiry committee" who eagerly look forward to receiving their very own brown envelopes from the Red Bull family in order to reach their conclusion.


    They are only in "the process of forming an inquiy comittee", I heard that they are setting up a committee to see if they are going to allow the comittee...


  9. 6 hours ago, terryp said:

    both my parents had the AZ first shot on 21 Jan 2021 ..neither had any on going medical issues both were fit and healthy (never had problems with Breathing heart, kidneys , diabetes etc both non smokers never drank alcohol)....

    My father started having reactions from the 2nd day after receiving the injection & sadly died 53 days later from a AMI (heart attack).....My mother had many different reactions that changed weekly from rashes, blinding headaches, blood clots , body swellings, could not stand unsupported lasted 106 days and died from an AMI (heart attack)....My Mothers doctor admitted to her 4 days before her death that it was her immune system attacking her body and he had no idea what to do and for her not to take the 2nd shot.......I am going thro hell sorting out 2 wills etc as sole executor 


    TOO MANY PEOPLE have absolutely no idea whats going on and are basically brainwashed ...but I hope you think long and hard before letting anyone convince you to take this muck.


    I am not interested in anyone's pro vax stand I am living with the consequence  of loosing Both my parents in less than 4 months of them being injected ...to me this is state mandated murder


    I am very sorry to hear of your loss this but the whole thing needs to be taken in context.

    Taking any form of medication usually incurs risk. For most the risk is small but some do die from a reaction. If you look at the small print of any prescribed drug it will list the warnings.


    Whether AZ causes premature death I don't know but the data (so far)  does not seem to suggest that there are any sifgnificant increase in deaths nor any causal link. Time will tell but even if there is a link, the %age of people dying from the vaccine is minute.


    There is a good article here








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  10. 3 minutes ago, statman78 said:

    This is what I saw published on the 11th.  In the article it states 14 days.



    I also saw it in an article published today in another Bangkok English language newspaper



    I would for if it was 7 days but not 14days...

    Totally ridiculous that if you are fully vaccinated that you have to spend this length of time on Phuket.

    They are deluded if they think many people are going to go...


  11. 5 hours ago, AnnieSeek said:


    Behave. If you think Thailand is a tough gig to get into - go see neighbours Hong Kong and Singapore which are closed, and if you get government permission to enter you will do a horrific 3 weeks quarantine. Try getting into Vietnam! Thailand has one of the more open approaches in Asia.


    There is a raging pandemic with a more transmissible variant. If they put no measures in place (albeit some are misguided) you'd have a scenario with a virus raging out of control (see India), which will in turn cause more damage. 



    But Singapore and Hong Kong are not typical touist destinations, nor do they rely on 20% of their GDP from tourism.


    What you have is a system that discourages tourism to prevent Covid and yet has little control on illegals from surrounding countries. Over 30,000 were caught trying to enter and that's just the ones they know about.

    THAT is the real problem.


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