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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. 6 hours ago, AnnieSeek said:


    They achieved not letting the virus run out of controls. You could have got a situation like in some European countries where they were having over 100,000 cases a day and hospitals full. 


    This Indian variant is much more trannsmissible - no chance they can get it back to zero. 


    Hyperbole. I don't remember 100,000 cases a day in any European country

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, khunphil said:

    The question is 'how many are the few'.? If 7 days free in Phuket is compared to 14 days in a bkk hotel room... Phuket could have significant numbers of non tourists willing to shorter their quarantine time... Until bkk adjusts... 


    Is it 7 days or 14 days in Phuket.

    Just like everyone else, I'm confused.


  3. On 6/8/2021 at 7:57 AM, 4MyEgo said:


    Considering the Pneumonia shot and booster a year later would cost you more than that, I believe the price is reasonable, that and if they do arrive in October which is only a few months away, might be one to consider, providing that they haven't put any chips in them ????



    It should be free for all in order to unlock Thailand.

    How many billions a day of tourism money is the country losing out on?


  4. 2 hours ago, realfunster said:


    Good grief, time to catch up with the 21st century Thailand !


    The rest of the world does not share your obsession with Masters’ degrees.

    They might be seen as valuable in a Thai context, as the general education system is so poor. 


    Some of the most ineffective and clueless people I have ever met have been Thai academics. I recall one individual who did a training for my company who was a Dr.Dr.Dr Professor BA.BSC.Dr (or something similarly ridiculous- which filled the lower half of his opening PowerPoint slide).

    This ‘status arrogance’ didn’t go down well with the assembled crowd and when asked even simple questions on putting his academic theories into place in a real business environment he couldn’t formulate a sensible or coherent reply. OurThai colleagues that invited him were embarrassed and apologetic. He never got invited back.


    Quite right. I have no degree (though I suspect my GCSE qualifacations equate to a Thai degree) but I have 30+ years experience which seems to matter to most head-hunters!!


    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, H508 said:

    Ugh, Cathay Pacific just cancelled my flight (USA->Hong Kong->Phuket) arriving on July 1 and rebooked me automatically for July 20th, haha. Seems a clear sign of what they're expecting with the official news next week.

    - The move from 7 to 14 days and SHA+ isn't great, but I'd still go as I'd be staying for 60 days.

    - The addition of possibly 2(?!!) covid tests in Phuket when I'm there after already taking one pre-flight (and naturally another when I leave) out of my pocket? Probably also still needing travel insurance? Almost a deal breaker with these costs keep piling on non-stop.

    - SHA+ Hotel - also not great but assuming the majority of SHA hotels get SHA+ approval, not awful

    - Who knows what else we may see next week if we do finally get official rules. Restrict travel on the island? Can't go to neighboring islands until after day 5? The news requiring excursions possibly having to go through tour groups?


    Probably going to be a cancelled trip and I'll go to Mexico or the Caribbean.


    My understanding is that you cannot leave the island so no day trips to Phi Phi etc until you've done your 14 day "quarantine" on Phuket.


  6. 8 hours ago, robblok said:

    So it was mainly circumstantial, that is what i thought. Does not mean he is not guilty. I have no real opinion in this case too many things are not clear. I mean what motive ? (no sexual assault)


    Anyway if he guilty i hope they get him. Sometimes circumstantial evidence is all that is needed. 


    Quite but the TV brigade have already decided he is guilty. Lets see what evidence there is before we hang him.


    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, skatewash said:

    My understanding is that 14 day SHA Plus is the recommendation of the subcommittee that met on Friday.  Whether that is accepted without modification by the full CCSA committee early next week remains to be seen.  ASQ for the Phuket Sandbox is off the table as that implies quarantine.  The requirement to stay at a SHA Plus hotel is not quarantine.  People can go out everyday and do whatever is allowed at that time in Phuket but have to stay overnight at the booked SHA Plus hotel.  Up until the meeting on Friday it was assumed that would be required for 7 days.  At the meeting that period was expanded from 7 to 14 days.

    In theory the full CCSA committee could go against the recommendation of the subcommittee and restore the required stay in an SHA Plus hotel to 7 days, but it seems that would require a reversal of sentiment.  Not that we haven't seen reversals of sentiment before, but it's probably not very likely.


    Well thats me out then.


    I have 30 days holiday of which 15 will now be in phuket, 10 in the UK leaving me 4-5 days with the missus and daughter in Issan... hardly worth it. Just hope another loony plan comes along soon thats a tad more paletable.


    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, skatewash said:

    I don't know how appealing this will be for tourists. 

    But, I think it will be appealing for anyone looking to return to Thailand.  Instead of 14 days in quarantine, people who arrive in Phuket (fully vaccinated) starting on July 1 it appears will need to stay in Phuket at SHA Plus approved hotels for 14 days but they will not be quarantined.  They will be allowed to do whatever is allowed in Phuket anywhere in Phuket as long as they stay overnight at the booked hotel.  Also, unlike ASQ and ASQL there is no built-in cost for services from a hospital in the SHA Plus hotels.  The visitor will be expected to pay for the day 5 covid test (5th day after arriving in Phuket), but there're no medical services fees and meal plans like that built-in with ASQ/ASQL lodging.  So, in theory the costs associated with 14 days of SHA Plus lodging would be less than 14 days of ASQ. 

    This is just my understanding of the current proposal that was approved by the subcommittee today.  Very few details have come out.  I guess we are waiting for more details to come out. To be discussed and voted on by the full CCSA committee next week, according to what I understand.


    So i assume that 7 day ASQ is off the table for Phuket. Its 14 day SHA+ or nothing ?



  9. 1 hour ago, Kasset Tak said:

    And then they wonder how Thailand could pass the first wave of COVID-19 with ease but with the second and third wave it just went down hill...



    Yes, wonder if they were charged over 60,000 baht for quarantine ?


    It's what I've been saying all along. What is the frickin point of Quarantining tourists (other than to prop up the hotel industry) when there are illegals from Myanmar and Combodia bringing the damned virus into the country.


    The whole thing is a farce....as usual.




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  10. 6 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

    So you wait for the results to come in the next day, then the 3 day quarantine comes in, so where do you wait until the next day? 


    Then after the wait and 3 days of quarantine you can sit in your hotel until you return to your home country. 

    During this time you must not be in contact with any local people 

    Special rooms will have a beach view, but walking or standing on the beach will be prohibited, as you may come into contact with the beach vendors, who have all left as they had no customer, long time, and are not allowed to talk to tourists from abroad. 


    Now why can't the TAT be this informative....Thank-you ????



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