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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. 17 hours ago, Percy P said:

    Yes sicken situations.. And the vaccines situation seems to have stopped . If the vaccines are there why are people not getting them and do the vaccines have a shelf life . As read possible  tourist are not coming because of the vaccination hold up. I haven't come across one person who's been vaccinated against the disease . What are the people in charge waiting for


    They are waiting for vaccine avaibility having arrived far too late in the game.

    Question is, where are the Thai produced vaccines that Prayut proudly boasted about last year?!


  2. 2 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    Many countries are in the same situation as we are here.  Some much worse.  Some countries in Africa might not see significant numbers of jabs until 2022!


    The wealthy countries ponied up big money to get in the front of the line.  Sadly, many didn't have the money to do so, or didn't move quick enough.


    All in all, we've been pretty lucky here.  I'd much rather be here than back home or in Europe.  Though that seems to be changing rapidly with the mass vaccinations they are doing.  Great work by them.




    UK infections drop about 60% amid vaccinations, lockdown



    Most countries can afford the vaccine, they just need to prioritise where government funds go


    The wealthy countries also paid big money to get pharamaceuticals to work on a vaccine. Whether they should be at the front of the queue is open for debate.



  3. 58 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Can anyone please explain to me how the UK variant is spreading in Thailand when all but essential travel out of the UK has been banned for weeks, and Thailand has draconian measures in place for all those arriving in the country anyway, with certificates saying they are safe to fly and quarantine. If this variant or any other version manages to get through despite all that then we are all in deep trouble. I'd have thought that the only risk was from those coming across the border from Myanmar.


    The UK "Kent" variant didn't necessarily come from the UK, it was detected there....


    • Like 2
  4. On 3/31/2021 at 7:38 AM, Big Yuley said:


    So BKK is going to be out until 2022 by the looks of things.

    I can see the Phuket sandbox working as its an island and can be monitored re people leaving.


    However, lets take Pattaya for example.

    I have a thai phone and Aussie number.

    I arrive at BKK, down load required app on my thai phone. 

    Travel to Pattaya and check in to my Patts hotel which i have booked for 14 days.

    After about 10 days, i say to myself, i want to go to BKK for a few days. Leave thai phone in hotel room in Patts.

    Get my taxi driver to driver me to Bkk and check  into hotel for 2 or 3 nights in BKK.

    Plenty of ways out of Chonburi to get to Bangkok. 


    So the Thai authorities think im in Pattaya as my phone is siting in Avani Pattaya but im at Landmark Hotel in BKK and heading to Nana Plaza.


    I see some problems with that,


    They could check your passport for the entry date when booking into Bangkok.


  5. On 4/2/2021 at 10:33 AM, GeorgeCross said:

    if the world follows the UK's lead there won't be any tourists until Thailand is fully vaccinated..


    and if they don't hurry up they'll be needing boosters before they've even got their first doses in!




    Surprisingly, the UK is way ahead of most countries...

  6. 2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    So Samui will be a tourist Beach Paradise Bubble.  Very nice, now what happens when the rest of the Thai population from other areas mixes with these bubble vaccinated tourists and they themselves have not been vaccinated.  Or will there be a separation line with concertina wire separating the tourists from the domestic tourists?


    I suspect those locals arriving in Phuket will be forced encouraged to get a vaccine

    • Confused 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Xonax said:

    There will be a massive oversupply of hotel rooms during the next many years to come, which hopefully will make it hard for them to charge much more than the domestic market value.

    I do not foresee many local entrepeneurs risking to get back in business any time soon, so what will welcome the tourists outside the hotels and resorts, will be empty streets with closed businesses.  We have visited both Koh Samui, Phuket and Khao Lak during the last few months, and all we saw, with very few exceptions, was closed shops, markets, restaurants and bars. We visited Chaweng on a Saturday night earlier this month and every single business on Beach road was closed without a single tourist in sight. It had become a Ghost town.



    If when the tourists come, the bars will be open and the vendors will be back quicker than a tuktuk driver on yaba.


    For me, its a way to avoid quarantine, get a weeks tan before visting Mrs Chelseafans family up north.


  8. 35 minutes ago, Captain_Bob said:

    Another poised-to-fail business idea. Any form of long distance water transport which co-exists with high-speed roads along the same or similar route just isn't financially viable, and on this route insufficient demand to support it. Sure go ahead throw away millions on it, just make sure to invest in a whole bunch of quality life jackets including XL-XS sizes. 


    How is the Pattaya - Hua Hin ferry doing these days ?

    • Haha 2
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