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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. 19 minutes ago, khunPer said:

    Another aspect is that Chinese in average are spenders with a daily average of $192.84 (2017 figure); and Europeans are on the lowest budget, daily average $125.47; Americans came in second lowest with $147.32. Tourist from Middle East spent $190.60 as second highest, but they are relative few, and Asians excluding ASEAN spent $175 a day. Average for all nationalities it was $159.32, so from an economical point of view both Americans and Europeans are under average spenders, and might be of less interest compared to Asian and Middle East tourists.



    I've always disputed these figures. Chinese pre-pay their trips and shop in malls on debit/credit cards so the data is easily collated. Europeans tend to pay cash which is harder to monitor.

    Anyhow off-subject, Sorry.


  2. 11 hours ago, bikerlou47 said:

    The Thai government just does not understand the facts!

    What is the point to limit travel to a person who is fully vaccinated and has test tested negative before the flight and after the flight!


    Exactly. I read somewhere that only 0.6% of those inbound tourists have found to have Covid and they've all been quarantined/hospitalised which begs the question, where are these outbreaks coming from ? I can only see one reason - illegal immigrants from the surrounding countries.


    This begs another question, if Thailand cannot control their borders then what's the point of quarantine for those who have been double jabbed?



    • Like 1
  3. 13 hours ago, gearbox said:


    Whoever was desperate to get back is already back with the 15 days ASQ.  There will be no tourists coming, but it will be easier for foreigners living here to go back to their home country and then come back if vaccinated.

    Also what is this "stringent testing" for locals? If I go to the Taksin Hospital in Surat Thani for a day, do I need to do a PCR test when catching the last ferry back?


    I'm one of those who are desperate to get back but can't afford another 10 days quarantine on my return to blighty.

    Would love to see my wife & child...

    Yep, too many unanswered questions.

    • Like 2
  4. On 5/15/2021 at 8:59 AM, madmitch said:



    I am confused by this announcement. Are they talking about a full schedule? As you can see from the link above, plenty of International flights arrive and depart daily.


    My guess is that they are arriving and leaving way below capacity and to keep the slots. Mrs Chelseafan flew back on Qatar last week and she was one of 30 or so people on board. I suspect they also keep the planes running to support cargo operations. If you count the flights between 6am and 3.40pm , there are only 25 flights, way way below the airports normal operating schedule.



  5. 31 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:

    So they plan:


    1\ To open Phuket to international tourists on july 1

    2\ To open the rest of Thailand on october 1



    3\ To resume international flights by november


    ok, it makes perfect sense





    To make it even worse. If you fly into Phuket, do your 7 days on the island then travel to the mainland, you need to do another 14 days self isolation as its in the red zone. That's how I understand it anyhow...


    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
    • Sad 1
  6. 12 hours ago, chilly07 said:

    Reduce profits by paying a living wage, provide adequate housing, pay cost of quarantine and then more Thais would get jobs, infection rates would reduce and the consumer would pay the correct price for the product be it pineapples or fish. Whilst your about it reduce the prison population density by building more prisons and reducing the profit from enormously overcrowded prisons. IE make the top 1pc of Thai Society meet the true cost of their greed.


    It doesn't work like that. Profits in food manufacuring tend to be razor thin thanks (in part) to retailers squeezing them for better cost prices, this then leads producers to cut costs in any way they can.

    Now if consumers were willing to pay a fair price for a product then it may go some way to help manufacturers raise standards.


  7. 28 minutes ago, Phillip9 said:

    Most places will let you avoid local quarantine if you leave 14 quarantine and travel directly to your final destination.  


    If her local official still insists on another quarantine, I would have her attempt to contact someone higher up at the province level and see if there is a province wide policy for her situation.


    I'll ask the missus to contact them, not expecting much though..


  8. Mrs Chelseafan is now in Bangkok after spending some time with me in London. She is currently in quarantine for 14 days.

    She is due to finish on 23rd May and travel to her home in Nakorn Ratchisima. Her local Amphur has told her that as Bangkok is in the red zone, she needs to stay in her home for another 14 days when she finishes her current jail time. Surely this can't be right ?


    p.s. Ironically her father is travelling from Nakorn to Bangkok to pick her up but he doesn't have to do the quarantine....



  9. 1 hour ago, Twin Peaks said:

    I am in the same boat minus the 10 days on return. The U.S. only requires a negative covid test prior to entry.


    I have not seen my wife, daughter, pets, house, etc... in 16 months. How hard can this be? Vaccinated, test before departure, test on arrival, heck even test 2 - 3 days later. Certainly enough testing to show that my vaccinated a** is not importing covid. I'd even play the insurance game. She could easily come to the U.S. but we have decided neither one of us is making one another do quarantine. No way would I expect my wife and daughter go through 15 miserable nights locked in a hotel room upon return to Thailand, and vice versa.


    If the Phuket thing does happen, I wonder what the rules will be? Can she come to the island or will Thais be blocked out? I am hoping it happens so I can at least avoid ASQ jail and move on after 7 days. I am willing to play their games just to see my family but lengthy 14 day ASQ quarantine will keep me away. What's the point in being vaccinated if I can't put it to use?


    I live in Florida and the tourism business is booming here as people are fleeing lockdown states with endless restrictions to come enjoy some freedom after 14 months of lockdown garbage. The state has a population of 21.6 million plus who knows how many tourists, the covid cases yesterday were 3,456 with 49 deaths - enough to make the Thai gov't lose their mind. Yet everything is back to normal, mask restrictions are all but eliminated, vaccination sites on every corner, and businesses thriving. Vaccination is the key and yet Thailand is dragging their feet. Get a damn vaccine program for the entire country in place and move on with life.


    Know how you feel, thankfully I have spent the last 6 months with Mrs & Miss Chelsefan as they have been in the UK however I've had to ship them back to Thailand last saturday as their visas expire. They are now having to endure jailtime with parole after 14 days in Bangkok and I'm not sure when I will see them again.


    I'm crossing my fingers that Phuket does happen, not that I have ever wanted to go there mind you but at least its an option to gain entry. It's frustrating as I'm vaccinated but like you I'll do whatever it takes within reason but I'm not paying over 60,000k to be locked up in a room, I can do that for free here!!!


    All I'm hearing from TAT/Government is different levels of noise, I wish they would speak from one voice and tell us if 1st July is happening or not, stop dithering. It's already bad enough that we have to jump through hurdles to get there.

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