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Everything posted by Wuvu2

  1. ...Known as Bibi amongst his fellow activists 😉
  2. Ought to see if any of those Hamas or Ali Queda fellas are free for lunch 😉
  3. Give that man a free visa, and a 90-day extension! 😉
  4. Why was a big bike going so slow that it wasn't keeping up with traffic?
  5. I'm disappointed. From the title I was expecting a story about politicians groping each other ????
  6. Crack Down - the prefeed sleeping position for those unlucky enough to find themselves in a Thai jail. Posting for a friend of course ????
  7. Uhh yeah, pretty stupid. Under "Price Display" choose "Total price per night" instead of "Base price per night". Problem solved without all the whining and paranoia ????
  8. Exactly. As a beach repair project it has been an ongoing disappointment, but as an economic stimulus program it's been an overwhelming success ????
  9. To be fair, it barely ever rains in Thailand, so it's a bit unfair to expect the government to plan for every little unexpected mishap ????
  10. Free BBQ day would be a foolproof way to win the hearts of the Thai people. Somebody shouda mentioned it to the fools ????
  11. Bla bla bla. The toothpaste everywhere and it's not going back into the tube ????
  12. I've saved heroine addiction as an old age adventure. It will help with all the pains, and keep me in a warm dreamy world all of my own. It's a relief to have made it to the age where screwing up the rest of my life as a junkie doesn't sound all that bad ????
  13. Oh for gosh sakes. It's a reminder that everything is computerized at 7-11 and the staff have no capacity to override the programing. Do you really think the computer knows you are a foreigner? ????
  14. I have a collection of battery operated machines which drive my girlfriend absolutely silly ????
  15. Ahhh, you must live at the Unicorn ????
  16. Good luck finding a well run condo ????
  17. Which billionaires on the planet would fly in on their private jet to spend time in prison? None. The surprising thing is that anyone is surprised ????
  18. I just flew in with a vintage strat a couple of months ago, and have flown in with guitars many times over the years without any issue. EVA Airlines is great about carry on instruments (free) and lets you board first so the flight staff has plenty of time to find a closet for it. I checked FedEx about my other instruments and decided flying them in as a personal possession was the only way to go.
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