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Everything posted by JimHuaHin

  1. Maybe Musk should look in the mirror.
  2. The UN has passed its use-by date. It is not united, nor ever has been.
  3. Agreed, and this case the patient is the USA. Trump and his fan club seem to have a very limited understanding of how much the USA is dependent upon foreign-sourced material for everything, including food, medications, technology, etc; as well as essential materials (elements) required by US industry for local production, but which are either not found or are in very limited supply in the USA. By placing (big) tariffs on its friends and neighbours, the USA may find itself very alone in the world.
  4. I would like to know from which university you received your advanced economics degree.
  5. Short answer "no"; not with the "wacko" psychopaths (about to be) in power.
  6. Is this mission to help Russian sailors have an "extended holiday" in Thailand, or to pick up more Russian canon fodder for the Russian front?
  7. How long before we start seeing large deep sink holes in the Bangkok area?
  8. These young men should be running the country, they are certainly more honest than the current government.
  9. Yes, he has a PhD in criminal justice. But intelligence does not equate with moral and ethical behaviour nor with selflessness.
  10. Why is her name not listed in the world record books?
  11. Potential husband = ATM. Get the money, move onto the next victim. Happens more than is reported in the Thai media. I have heard similar stories from numerous Thai friends (including a couple of cases of female friends of friends who have engaged in this "game") - whose advice to me, "do not think of getting married, even to a well educated professional Thai".
  12. There have been many reports of similar events in many Thai institutions, including mos government organisations, in recent years. This report is just the tip of the iceberg. Thailand is in urgent need of attitude and behavioural adjustment.
  13. Maybe he has accepted a position in the new Trump administration?
  14. I like your last paragraph - well done. Although I have no offspring, I do worry about the climate future of my young Thai friends. I am 69 years young, and if I am very lucky I will still be here in another decade, but current health issues suggest otherwise. I have read several articles on possible climate change in Thailand and parts of numerous reports on the same topic, and Thailand will be looking and significant severe changes in the coming decades, especially coastal provinces. For example, a 20 metre rise in sea level will put large portions of the rail and highway networks connecting Bangkok and southern Thailand under water. I will leave it at that. Well done, again, on your planning; you are certainly doing more than the government.
  15. Thai ultra-nationalists complain about a few rai of land claimed by Cambodia, but say and do nothing when corrupt Thai officials provide land ownership to Chinese "investors".
  16. As a recent case in Bangkok highlighted, they buy, sorry I mean obtain, Thai citizenship.
  17. Pattaya, Thailand's safe family-friendly tourist destination.
  18. Thailand having a Green Economy - same as Thai EVs being being fed by fossil fuels rather than renewable energy.
  19. America is great again? LOL. I do not know how many times during my life-time (almost 70 years) that I have read articles, or listened to news reports, about voting for UN resolutions, where the vast majority of countries support/reject the resolution, a handful of countries abstain, and often only 2 - Israel and the USA - (sometimes a couple more) countries reject/support the resolution. The USA and Israel have for many many decades been our of step with world popular opinion. The USA's "war" against communism and terrorism often with democratic/popular governments across the globe has caused tens, if not hundreds, of millions of deaths, massive torture and human rights abuses across Africa, Asian the Middle East, South/Central America, etc. (In the 1950s and 1960s the Khmer Rouge was a small band of a few dozen to a few hundred supporters, until "Tricky Dicky" and Henry Kissinger decided to bomb Viet Cong supply routes in Cambodia, which gave rise to popular support for the Khmer Rouge who took control on Cambodia on 17 April 1975, and the ethnocide and genocide which resulted in the deaths of about one-third of the Cambodian population.) Let us face it, the USA has brought massive suffering to billions of people across the globe. Supporting genocidal regimes seems to be the USA's norm (just as it continues its discrimination and historical genocide against people of "colour" in the USA. The moral authority of the USA does not exist. The USA is, and has been for so long, a moral abyss. Some progressives hope that Trump will destroy the corrupt, big-business friendly, genocidal USA political system and a new age of equality and peace will follow. But possibly these progressive fail to see that their hope, like the hope of the 1960s USA, has a dangerous dark side. Enjoy your day.
  20. All this negativity!! But, let us consider a few "facts". The current Thai government needs more cash to fulfill its election promises. Foreign cash? The politicians and bureaucrats need more cash to fund their retirements. Foreign cash? Many foreigners overseas want to buy land in Thailand; and recent articles on AN have highlighted that Burmese, Chinese, Indian and Russian buyers have recently been very active in the market. Foreign cash! All positives, right? However, as we have seen with the recent small maritime "dispute" with Cambodia, Thai ultra-nationalists are against any "Thai" lands going into foreign "hands". Thus, no sale, as Thailand is not for sale.
  21. Interesting, as of a few minutes ago Harris had 73.6 million popular votes (226 EC votes) and Trump had 76.3 million votes (and 312 EC votes) (or 50.1% of all votes).
  22. Expats flocking to Thailand? Could the unnamed author provide some data to support their argument? Some other recent articles on global expats have presented data suggesting that Thailand is no longer the flavour of the decade/century and is on the decline. Nevertheless, after the Trump "victory", maybe more Americans will seek to relocate to a safer country, though I doubt Thailand would be high on many Americans list.
  23. Please define "a successful business man" and provide some examples of same. Why only business man and not business woman?
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