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Everything posted by superal

  1. The delivery companies are supposed to give you adequate notice of a couple of hours , not en route as is the case most of the time . Sometimes they phone when outside of our house . Sometimes when we are just a couple of miles away shopping and they cannot wait . They suit their contacting you to suit themselves as they are not employed directly by Lazada . COD is also my preference to ensure that I get the item I have ordered and hopefully avoid the reclaiming saga . However when the COD item is passed to the customer it will be boxed or wrapped and you do not have a chance to inspect the goods for damage or that the correct item has been delivered because the delivery guy , having got your cash , is leaving . Having had a couple of damaged items delivered I now video the opening of every parcel . My experience with Lazada has been fairly good and I use them regularly . I just wish they could improve their search engine that sometimes shows items that are nothing like that I have searched for .
  2. Have they made a difference ? only when there is a wind I guess . Did you get a price for the solar type ?
  3. Strangely enough , I have been able to connect with W/H for the last 2 days . Just wondering if my complaint to them has made them Thanks for some good info which I have never heard of before
  4. Paddy Power I can connect . Strangely though I got on to the WH site yesterday and placed one bet ( it won ) but when trying to place a second bet it said " you are using a Data centre " so I closed it . What gets me is when you Google search for a VPN that can open WH , they all say they can but that is BS . Are you all getting a good speed test when connected to your VPN ? Mine takes a dive from 350 Mbps when not using my VPN , down to 20-45 Mbps on Surfshark .
  5. A pity they don't clear the pavement / walkway vendors too
  6. A tongue in cheek gesture on my behalf to email Starmer but not ask , you not get . BTW I have received a standard reply from his office but not holding my breath
  7. A popular belief is that it was done on purpose as a publicity stunt , getting us ready for his revival .
  8. Thanks Farma . Does not look promising . However I can connect to Paddy power but I do not like their web page . So when is a VPN not a VPN . Virtual private network or very public network ?
  9. It is clearly odds on that K. Starmer will be the next PM , after yesterdays by election results . So I have emailed him at the House of Commons and asked him if he will review / unfreeze the UK pension for those living abroad outside of reciprocal agreement countries . What chance of a reply ?
  10. I have posted a similar thread before but this time a little different . I have Surfshark VPN that will not connect to William Hill . Always says " you are using a Data centre " . Does anyone connect to W H without problems ? If so what VPN do you use ? Also my d/load speed test is poor when using SS , only 45 Mbps , not connected 350 Mbps . Have tried changing DNS , protocol and uninstalled / reinstalled , change location but still the same .I understand if you do not want to go public but p/m me if you prefer . All the big VPN companies say they can connect to WH on Google search but they want you to subscribe without a free trial . Maybe B/S ?
  11. I would like to hear the question of will he unfreeze the UK pensions , put to Starmer during his election campaign . However at most interviews the questions are often previewed and selected for preference as on BBC Question Time .
  12. Just looked on Lazada and could not find it at your low price . ฿23,690.00 ฿49,990.00-53%
  13. I was hoping to read that Buriram airport ( currently undergoing large reconstruction ) will become an international airport . Also most provincial flights seem to go to Bangkok where you have to change planes for your destination . If the carbon footprint mattered in Thailand , it could easily be reduced dramatically by flying direct provincial flights .
  14. Thai folks can be so wasteful with water . E.G. My ladies house has the government water supplied but is unreliable , slow flow to a trickle and so it is never used . We have a well with a decent supply but the MIL is not concerned with the preservation of the water supply . She seems to think it is never ending , she waters the road outside of our house to keep the dust down . Does the laundry with the hose pipe giving non stop water for an hour or so to the twin tub washing machine . Told my lady that the well water has taken many years to get where it is and tell mama not to be wasteful .But no , Thais know best and she carries on regardless . Near Buriram a friend has just had a well bored in his garden because of the poor flow of government water . The local council told his wife that they will not allow any more wells to be bored in their area because the underground water supplies are low .
  15. That was the UK foreign secretary David Cameron meeting with the Thai PM on promoting trade etc . Cameron was asked by the Thai PM if a reciprocal arrangement could be made on visas but DC declined to debate it . The UK makes a significant handout to many countries under the "foreign aid budget " . Pity they don't consider their own people first . They turn a blind eye to their own impoverished pensioners but are happy to house and care for illegal immigrants . So the highly paid UK government and elected MOP are really saying " I'm OK Jack " . Not to mention the House of Lords dinosaurs .
  16. Sure however a change can be made and I would say a new tabled motion to unfreeze the pensions would not be opposed in the Commons or Lords .
  17. 1946 , very few people retired abroad , maybe only the wealthy so it did not concern the middle/ working class UK citizens . Also the wealthy did not rely on the UK State pensions . Move forward 50 to 78 years and retiring abroad is not unpopular as the State pension is enough to live on in some countries . Certainly not sufficient to live on in the UK where benefits have to be claimed to supplement the State pension . Also many people move abroad because the warmer climates are conducive to their well being . Indeed there has been cross party committees set up to unfreeze UK pensions , alas without success . The UK retirees living abroad are no longer a burden on the state which should be seen as a plus for the UK government and should be encouraged as it lessens the load on the N.H.S. , frees up housing and additional benefits do not have to be paid . The C.O.E J. Hunt has done his sums and to unfreeze the pensions would directly amount to extra billions a year but he has not looked at the indirect benefits which would possibly counter the increase of unfreezing . The frozen pension is seen by most people as unjust because where you live is your choice and having paid your contributions you are entitled to the annual pension along with any increases . The 1946 legislation needs updating . The UK State pensions is a right not a benefit .
  18. Agree and I cannot understand how appeals against the current frozen pensions have never been successful . There are so many wrongs that the DWP defence has little chance of winning , or so you would think . Furthermore the demand should not only be to unfreeze but also to pay the back what has been frozen over the last few years as the DWP do if a benefit has been wrongly claimed . Smells a bit like the UK Post Office scandal .
  19. Same me but I am a bit concerned about online security when I turn it off so sometimes I connect the VPN to Thailand and my speed test is not bad .
  20. 3BB and use WIZZ TV
  21. Are you saying that the HM gov will accept a down loaded signed copy of a life cert ? I thought that the signature had to be an original which is signed on the original life cert form .
  22. Same for me , starting at 7 pm onwards . If I wake early , as I did this morning at 02 00 am , I was able to watch the QPRv LEEDS game without buffering . But that is not consistent as the buffering can happen at any time . I am not using my vpn when watching the TV . Speed tests when using my vpn can result in kbps only .
  23. Solar whirly birds ? , did you fit yourself ?
  24. I know it is possible to buy postal addresses in the UK . If in the Philippines that would be interesting . Play the UK government at their own game . They say it has been in place for 70 years , well its about time it was brought up to date . Unfair and unjust but the general UK population are not concerned as they remain in the UK . I would like to see the UK pension minister , Mel Stride , cross examined on live TV by an informed assertive pension expert . Not only is the UK pension one of the lowest in Europe but they don't want to pay it unless you stay in the UK where the weather can have some bad effects on the pensioners health .
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