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Everything posted by superal

  1. Thanks for an informed opinion which implies that the lady was not negligent and no blame attached to her . As a layman I cannot understand how any sizeable object , such as a suitcase wheel , could bypass the correctly fitted comb plates and then for a leg to enter into the driving mechanism and thus through a large gap , there must have been a failure/breakdown in the main below platform structure along with poorly fitted comb plates which had no overload safety sensors fitted .
  2. Could it be that the Hitachi maintenance applies to only periodic scheduled services ? Daily safety checks made by the airports maintenance crew , who would have been taught by Hitachi , in the visual inspection . I cannot believe that Hitachi personnel would attend every day .
  3. The young man had disregard for the law and probably had a reason to flea from the police but shooting a gun was not needed . The resultant riots carried out by mostly Muslim immigrants were a prelude to looting and massive damaging of vehicles and buildings . Many global governments are encouraging immigration to improve their economies and business profits without a concern on racial integration . It clearly does not work . Is it a wonder that the indigenous nationals get outraged when they see the government hand outs given to immigrants and the locals are left to their own means ? Choosing my words carefully on this article but many UK nationals are emigrating to countries with fewer problems . Same goes to other European folks . The French / German and other European countries have my sympathies because of the amount of en mass immigration and the behaviour of the latter .
  4. You echo my previous take on this incident ( not accident because accidents are unavoidable ) and your last paragraph would be the opinion of a judge at a compensation claim hearing . In summary the failed mechanics and lack of maintenance were the route of the tragedy , especially the weak looking yellow combs that are there to prevent any foreign object entering the mechanics . This lady needs to get a top lawyer and sue A.O.T. for maximum compensation .
  5. Agree , as seen in hotel balcony heights , broken pavements , scaffolding without enough boarding or handrails , lack of driving skills etc etc etc .
  6. I go along with your view on the size of the pink suitcase , seems rather large . Also concerning the carry on luggage in general at most check ins . Rarely is it weighed and like you I have seen passengers boarding the plane with 2 or more carry on baggage . E.G. large ruck sacks which take up half the overhead locker , compliant sized wheeled luggage that is too heavy to be lifted up to the overhead locker by one person . The pink suitcase could play a part in investigations if it should have been check in luggage but that would also implicate the check in staff . In the western world , most mechanical machines that serve the public , there will be a service / maintenance schedule ( not just a visual inspection ) . There can be a strip down of most parts and non destructive testing on stressed parts that include fasteners and bolts . There will be a service register that records all inspections . I wonder if that applies in this tragedy ? Alas , we know that Thailand is known for lack of maintenance / health & safety laws because it spoils profits . That was the same in the UK until about 30 years ago
  7. I cannot remember where but I have seen emergency stop buttons on both escalators and walkways . Maybe it's dependent on a countries health & safety laws ?
  8. Any details of make/model and discounts ? No logic business as they normally prefer finance as they get commission . Well done for your perseverance
  9. Lending criteria here is without logic and will vary from one retailer to another . Not sure if there is a credit rating in Thailand . As an e.g. in the UK , big brother / credit agencies will have access to your finances and financial history and that info is openly available to lenders . However Thai lenders are keen to lend to government employees and the teaching profession , without doing a means test . My ladies sister is a teacher and her husband is a head teacher . They are mortgaged and c.c. debts to the hilt . They do not think about tomorrow . I suggest you approach another dealership because you appear to be financially secure and a safe lending risk .
  10. Unprofessional for sure and maybe a clue here to why Tesco pulled out of Thailand ?
  11. Tops can be a pain for online shopping . I.E. Checked online for availability of groceries because I am outside of their delivery area . Drove the 30 minutes to the store and none of the 6 Waitrose items were available - out of stock . Stock control is not a new invention . All done via the bar code , fed through the till and automatically to the supply depot . Hence no pain restocking . I do not think that happens in Thailand
  12. Me too . My last Acer Chromebook lasted 12 years , still works but has passed its Chrome A.U.E. ( automatic update expiry ) which means no more updates or virus protection etc . Many people are not aware of the Chromebook update system that can last up to 8 years or maybe only 1 year , depending on the laptop model launch date . I only use my laptop for basic surfing and have just bought a new HP Chromebook with an A.U.E. till 2028 . It runs well and for only just under 8000 baht . Chromebook have a high security level and are not easily hacked .
  13. Thanks for the link which basically puts you at the mercy of the insurance company and their interpretation of whether alcohol played a part in the event of the claim . E.G. say if sat in a restaurant having a meal and wine , over the drink / drive limit , when say your chair breaks causing injuries / hospital treatment .Your intoxication delays medical treatment and bigger bills are the result . Will the insurance wriggle ? Having alcohol in your system does not void the policy but you are giving the edge to the insurance company . Some western ins; companies will use agents in Asia / Thailand . As happened to me , they wanted me to go to Bangkok in their private ambulance , 400 km , report to a top hospital and stay in a 5 star hotel whilst I was being checked over . I explained that my food poisoning symptoms had all but disappeared after my local gov; hospital care but they kept pushing for me to go . I spoke to the UK ins; who paid me out in full for my local treatment and thanked me for my honesty . So beware of dodgy agents who are in collusion with hospitals/ hotels etc
  14. Agree and also holes in the tiled walkways plus steep kerbs and then navigating the vendors wares that occupy most of the pavement . Thailand should take a leaf out of some European promenades that are spacious and well maintained .
  15. You have the same approach as me . I take what I can afford to lose , then that is that but I do not back others only my lady and mil . Also get to eat in the buffet for free or complimentary but sure paid for it on the gambling losses . I used the casinos as entertainment and a few times have walked away with 4 or 5 thousand baht win but mostly lose . The mil took the jackpot a few years ago , 400,000 baht but she must have given it back by now . I would think that the only farangs that use the casinos now , have probably visited Cambodia and coming back to Thailand . I will not pay the 1500 baht that the Thai I.O. want . Before covid it was 800 baht . Talk about shooting yourself in the foot .
  16. Me too , when it comes to beer o'clock but the peskie little xxxxxxs can penetrate clothes unless you wear loose baggy attire . Also the high pitched sound as they circle your ears . The collar up stems from the 60s / 70s or maybe earlier . Shows your age
  17. Have you tried " Velveting " ? A method used by Chinese chefs to tenderise cheaper cuts of meat
  18. A couple of days ago I had reason to get up early in the morning . I switched on the TV to BBC channel 4 . To my delight a documentary was just about to start . It is called " Thailand: Earth's Tropical Paradise . You can view it on BBC I Player . The first episode features Khao Yai National Park and its range of animals and the protection given . Then to Bangkok and surrounding districts , showing some of the Thai cultures etc . The filming is of high quality ( especially in Khao Yai ) . Next week features the north of Thailand . The programme is well worth a view .
  19. "The one up the hill" is what I said and you get there in a free pickup mini bus . Sure is a hill or or incline . Been there many times pre covid but now the Thai immigration want 1500 baht to allow you to go to the casinos and not stamp your passport . Before covid it was 500 baht to Thai immigration and 300 to Cambodian . Cannot see many takers for that , unless you know otherwise ? Talk about greed and shoot yourself in the foot . BTW did you ever win ?
  20. Both my sister and mother had terminal cancer and were treated with increased doses of morphine and as you say they were in a coma state and not suffering pain which is a concern for the poster . Also to take care of bodily functions of your mother must be a difficult task for both involved . A local nurse to " live in " may be the answer . My sympathies to Seajae
  21. You are not totally correct , as follows . In my ladies restaurant I have sen Thai guys going out to the car park and trees etc to urinate , come back and carry on eating . All this despite the fact that we have a western standard customer toilet that is cleaned every day ( no cobwebs or filthy basins / toilet , plenty of tissues & kitchen roll to dry your hands ) , outside is another sink / basin for hand washing because some Thais are concerned about washing their hands inside the toilet and then having to touch the door handle to leave the toilet . So in summary some Thais have good hygiene habits and some do not
  22. Salads are a favourite of mine but in Thailand you are taking a chance that there is good hygiene practised in the restaurant kitchen . At best the veg are cleaned with tap water which could be compounding the problem . Thai folk definitely have a stronger constitution than westerners and suffer a lot less .
  23. Thanks Brit Tim . I was wondering if any of our readers still use the casinos at O-smach ? Also I think a levy is imposed by the Cambodian immigration if you do not stay in Cambodia for at least 1 day .
  24. I used to take ice with my beer to keep it cool until I got a parasite infection that I still had on returning to the UK where the doctor took a stool sample . Back from the laboratory it showed a water borne parasite which survives in ice . I was using the toilet 12 times a day and stinking the house out . Finally after 1 month it was over after taking anti bio tics . I visited an ice factory in Thailand to pick up some ice but the ice chute was blocked . The worker took a piece of dirty , rusty metal rod and cleared it . Low hygiene and no unannounced health/hygiene inspections . Needless to say I no longer have ice in Thailand . However I used a hotel in Udon Thani where the ice was made in house . It was as clear as glass . Apparently the water is boiled twice to remove impurities before freezing . I would assume that ice to be safe . Also I do not drink beer from a glass , only straight from the bottle . Unclean glasses are another hazard .
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