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Everything posted by superal

  1. Thanks . I have also tried different locations but to no avail . What is annoying is that these vpn sites all brag that they can access all sites and one agent lists Express vpn as number 1 and Surfshark as number 2 . When I try to access W.Hill I get " you are using a data center and we need to know the country you are betting in as some countries do not allow " . Yet I was able to access up to about 3 months ago . I am using the Surfshark extension with Chromebook .
  2. Was your operation an emergency or pre arranged ? I would like to know if say an emergency by way of a traffic accident will the hospital give treatment if the patient has no funds or insurance ? Does the hospital recover the costs from the Thai government ? Posing this question to all readers , not you alone .
  3. Surfshark V.P.N. does not get access to UK betting sites
  4. It is no different than buying in a shop where you hand over cash for an item of your choice that should be in good condition . If the item you select in a shop is not in good condition or is damaged , would you pay for it ? COD provides a sense of security to buyers. They have the opportunity to inspect the product before making the payment, ensuring that they receive exactly what they ordered and in the expected condition. This eliminates the risk of scams or fraudulent transactions, which can be a concern when purchasing online. For instance, imagine ordering a pair of shoes online and receiving a counterfeit product. With COD, you have the power to reject the item and avoid any financial loss. Of course the consumer protection laws vary depending which country you are in .
  5. So you are happy to pay for the wrong item or damaged goods ?
  6. The reasoning behind C.O.D. is to give assurance to the customer that they will receive the item that they ordered in good condition and if not the customer does not pay . So Lazada prefer you to accept and pay for an inferior or damaged item and thereafter go through all the hassle to get a refund ? Then the audacity to withdraw the C.O.D. option . I think I would be telling them to stick their business where the sun don't shine .
  7. Correct but that does not work all the time . I just do a right click and translate
  8. Totally agree with your opinions and others similar to yours . You hit the nail on the head when stating " Buddhist "all life is sacred" mantra, " and for that reason , things will stay the same unless there is Thai government intervention and a new law , to protect people from soi dogs , is invoked . Why do people want to own any aggressive breed of dog ?, to look tough ? and as for the owners who say good owners who train their dogs do not get problems , well they are living in cuckoo land . It is in a dogs D.N.A. to attack / fight , some breeds to a lesser extent . Never the less , what cannot be done is to remove the potential natural ability that the dog can attack and even kill not only strangers but its owner too . As for dog owners who leave their young children with family pet dogs , unsupervised by a responsible adult , they should be reprimanded and banned from keeping dogs . It is bad parenting and neglect . Anyway , what happened to the Thai dog catcher with his pickup cage rammed with mange soi dogs ?
  9. The main problem being , that as soon as it becomes known that the patient is a foreigner , dollar signs light up in the Thai admin's eyes . Emergency treatment is secondary to how much money can be extracted from the suffering foreigner . As always in Thailand " Money Number One " , even in a life or death situation . One could be forgiven if thinking that embassies and Ambassadors had ensured that emergency treatment for their countrymen ,whilst in Thailand , was fundamental and rigorously enforced . But I guess that is not in their brief .
  10. I also use Google Lens App which is easy to use however when it comes down to important document translation from Thai to English the real information or understanding of the content is often misconstrued . Professional translators , who are adept at understanding the Thai content of a message or e.g. a contract award , can then show that in English , are employed . Thus the term often used as " Lost in translation " is avoided . But for a simple day to day jargon translation Lens is good .
  11. It is a hospital guarantee payment insurance and not intended to cover or protect tourists . Thailands reputation for shafting tourists is already known and if not giving hospital treatment to a person in an emergency will only highlight the inhumanity and third world Thai culture . Digressing slightly but many tourists to Thailand foolishly hire motor bikes . There is an assumption that they are covered by their holiday insurance but in reality , within the small print , there is often an exclusion . Indeed , many have never ridden or have a licence to ride a motor cycle and the hirer never asks for one . Motor cycle accidents can be very costly in Thailand .
  12. I do not think that this will be a carte blanche type personal travel insurance . It is being set up to appease all hospitals that might have to give emergency treatment to a tourist . I thought that this was the norm anyway . The New Year period only ? So then to return to uncertainty after . Potential tourists to Thailand should be warned about the dangers of extreme Thai hospital bills, where the tourist will have to pay up to 20 times that which a Thai will pay . Visiting the far east is nothing like a Mediterranean holiday where European standards far exceed those of Asian countries that do excel in corruption at all levels of society . Visiting Thailand should come with a health warning .
  13. Indeed it is immoral and the moderators should suspend the weirdos . Anonymous cowards .
  14. Alternatives include a chipped Prince Albert . Fitted on arrival at swampy .
  15. I have been told that View Dee resort on the dark side of Pattaya is very reasonably priced and has a swimming pool and other amenities plus a few restaurants and bars nearby . Not too far from the main town . Run by Brian Jacks ( UK Olympian judo winner ) .
  16. Coming to Thailand soon . Leg tracker for all tourists and long stayers .
  17. Maybe but not in my case as there was no swimming . What you have to think about is all of the village ponds / lakes that are a domestic water supply , often do not pass through any filtering systems such as U/V or micro filter before being used . BTW making food , often includes the use of water
  18. I sympathize with you . I have been through the same as follows . On returning to the UK from Thailand I developed the runs and up to 10 times a day which stank the house out . I went to the doctors but could only see the nurse . She asked for a poo sample which would be sent to the laboratory for testing . I gave the sample the same day . Nurse said the results may take 4 or 5 days , so in the mean time take ciprofloxin . It cleared up in about 2 days . The following week back to doctor for lab report . Doctor sat looking at his computer and was mystified , saying " I have never seen this before ". Turns out it was a water borne parasite common in Asia . Do you think that all restaurants and street food vendors in Thailand use bottled water ? Not a chance in hell . I certainly never eat street or market food because 15 years ago I ended up in a Thai hospital with food poisoning . There will be those who will say something like " I have eaten Thai street food for more than 10 years and never had a problem " . I guess its a lucky dip but I prefer to shorten the odds in my favour .
  19. I truly believe that the achievement by your step daughter could be made by other Thai children , if given the chance and they had caring parents as you have shown
  20. I was told by an English teacher from the UK that he had to stick to the schools curriculum using an outdated Power Point system and any deviation from the curriculum would end his job . Talented children from poor families have little chance of realizing a good education from a state school . Do you agree ?
  21. Corruption and money number 1 is the accepted way of Thai life . As you point out , 1 mans greed without any concerns for the level of education . I have been told that families with money send their children to schools with good reputations of educational achievements and from there on to university . Children of working class families have little chance of a decent level of education especially when the school is run by crooked directors which will probably be common .
  22. Up here in Issan , the eatery business is very competitive with low profit margins , however it is in our case the old cliche of " sell it cheap and pile them high " that has created her low profit business . Any increase in the price of meals would drive our customers to other restaurants . Her staff are happy with the 300 baht a day and 2 meals . What you have to consider is that up here in the north east , 300 baht a day , although tight , is enough to feed a small family , if living purely in the Thai way . Many have their homes on land that they own , so no rent . Use mostly motor cycles and do not tax or insure them , as is the way up here and they are mostly ignored by highway police . Having said that , our local do-it-all tradesman has put his daily rate up to 500 baht a day from 300 baht . He is always in demand . 300 baht a day , working in Bangkok , would be a struggle .
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