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Everything posted by natway09

  1. Do they have anyone who knows how to run one ? They are very depressing places to work in !!
  2. Go ahead babe, make me famous !!!! 555
  3. Certainly hope discounted by 80% which represents the fossil fuels being used to generate the energy
  4. Any bar/nightclub operating without Co or partnership registration along with the 2 required licences should just be closed forever, & yes Iowned & operated bars here for 26 years. The problem being how is plod going to pay his hire purchase??
  5. At the very least give the sailors some hand grenades for the boats that come close
  6. I bet you tomorrow we will find they had a great insurance policy in place. My Father used to call it "Jewish Lightning"
  7. Would trust the guys at Bank of Thailand before any politician & anything under 3% is low for a developing country
  8. Only in the cities do they have a crusher. Up here they get the bones still intact in a white bag, in fact in one instance that I know of they got sent back as still not well done". The crematorium here is very basic & fire is started by wood & kept going by alcohol being poured over the body until the body fat takes over. Obviously the older the body the better it burns. Went to a friends in Patong where he had been kept for 5 months due to dispute over cause of death (another story for another day)) they lit it up, whoosh, no more smoke after about 3 minutes. They are not ashes anywhere in the world, they are ground up very small bone fragments, only called ashes for the tender western world
  9. I really can not understand anyone using a debit/credit card for any kind of payment under 400 Bht. Stick some cash in ur pocket
  10. How do you measure an EV's emissions in Thailand where 80% of their energy is produced by fossil fuels ?
  11. Did anyone hear about this a month ago when it happened ? Was this reported to the police ? Surprised no commnt made
  12. For the last 6 months they have been trying to get me to drink more, even extended my drinking time by 2 hours, today they sound concerned about my drinking. Funny Government.
  13. You are going to have a sore, flat bum when you get back to Bangkok
  14. China or Russia must have supplied fresh ordnance as they were bombing this morning
  15. If you want to find out who the robbers are, try changing Thai Bht to AUD in Oz. You will need to send by swift through a bank if over 5mil Bht in one hit & some proof of how you have the Baht. Ensure they remit AUD or the Auzzie bank will kill you with the rate they give as above. For some reason Australian banks just discourage any dealings in Baht. Same in NZ, When I sent from NZ I ensured send in NZD. KTB gave me a pretty good rate for a TT. The above comments we are talking about over 20% difference in some cases
  16. Sorry, but the reason is that they are putting our wires underground as the farang believe that the wires on the poles do not look nice. Should be back on tomorrow
  17. Waiting on a comment from the Minister of Customs ?
  18. Not quite sure what his contingency plan is ? What in hecks name does he think sitting in his ivory tower he can do about it ? If they pirate a ship, they pirate a ship. The Thai Minister of Commerce can do what ? Thailand took years to even help the Malaysian & Singapore navy in the Malacca Straits & these guys are so much smarter.
  19. Taiwan will not be able to choose, nor will they be able to protect themselves or stop the "takeover". It will happen, & any token outside military action will be short & then come to an "arrangement" or loose millions of military & maybe make their own country bankrupt. The similarity happening in Europe now where not only the US but the European nearby countries have "just about had enough of spending their billions" supporting a war not of their making. I see that Poland & Finland who are neighbouring countries of Russia are playing their violin behind the scenes. Belarus ? well enough said
  20. Should have stuck to the ground up Chinese "natural remedies"
  21. You can pass all the laws you wish but employers will continue as usual. Minimum wage also included in the above
  22. Methinks this lady from TAT just likes the sound of her own voice & enjoys a daily press release"
  23. Bit of "jewish lightning"?
  24. More & more destination countries are not allowing DF booze purchased before boarding in particular long flights
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