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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. Yes you can pay for tax and compulsory insurance at 7/11. You get the tax sticker by post. That's actually the best point so far. Should be visible in the green book.
  2. Go to 7-11 and try to pay for the tax again?
  3. If they were able to fix the rate then the rest of the market would be at the same rate as arbitrage would close any gap. Instead the Bank of Thailand has a few methods to influence the strength of the Baht like interest rates and buying/selling using their foreign reserves.
  4. The A53 5G was unfortunately a downgrade compared to the A52s 5G. GSMArena has a good review that goes into the comparison. I bought the older one at the end of the last for my mom and she's pretty happy with it. The A53 will get one more OS update but for her it wasn't a big concern. It's one of the last few Samsung phones with an audio jack. Storage can be easily expanded via MicroSD (I recommend a Sandisk or Samsung one with V30 class rating). I think at this midrange price level of up to 15k THB is the sweetspot for phones currently. You get a good OLED 90-120 Hz screen, more than fast enough SOC, cameras that don't suck, enough RAM (6 or 8GB) and at least 128GB built in storage that can be expanded.
  5. You have to fill in a lot of information and then it tells you that they don't cover Thailand. In the background it shows a $900 - $3000 quote. I don't think this is of any use to people here.
  6. A website can't do that. That would be an insane privacy issue.
  7. How can you protect "your" hemisphere and at the same time ignore wars within that hemisphere? You do realize that USA, Europe, China, Russia etc are all within the same hemisphere, right?
  8. It doesn't feel right because he doesn't. It's Russian propaganda.
  9. I've seen Forzas on BigWing Phukets FB page and I have seen some Forzas coming there (service? not sure) a few days ago. The owner of BigWing Phuket also owns a small Honda bike dealership anyways.
  10. TM30 is required by the land lord to report that a foreigner is staying at their property. Hotels will do that for example for everyone that checks in. Since you are the owner of the condo it means you need to report yoruself via the TM30. This tells the immigration system "this guy is staying at this address". A TM47 aka 90 day report on the other hand is your responsibility if you are staying more than 90 days in the country. You tell immigration that way "I'm still at this place". Both can be done online after the first time and you are registered in the system.
  11. The address notification refers to the TM30 form. They staple the receipt of that into the passport and wanted a copy of that. The OP should not have any issues. I've gotten more than a dozen certificates of residence in Phuket over the years on various kinds of visa. Not once was any 90 day report in play.
  12. Nobody in that thread said a 90 day report was required. The TM30 address report and 90 day reports are two different things. 90 day reports require that the address has been registered in the immigration system which is done via TM30 the first time. Since the OP is the house master of the place he stays at, he is in charge of filing a TM30 to register himself as staying at that place. Once he is in the system with that address he can apply for the certificate of residence. Both these things can be done on the same day in Phuket.
  13. Not sure what's flippant. They actually ask for 300 Baht in Phuket. Has been like that for the past 10 years that I can remember. The OP asked about Phuket and he got answers specific to Phuket. What they do in BKK is another matter.
  14. You will need to get your address registered with immigration. The blue book will help. Normally you also need a form filled by the land lord and copy of ID but since you are the land lord it'll be easier. Go there with you passport, blue book and two photos and talk to the volunteer helpers. They guide you and give you all the forms that will be needed. It should not be a problem to get a certificate of residence on a tourist visa. I've done it multiple times in the past. 300 Baht "tip" is the usual rate yes.
  15. Sounds like they wanted to take over your account, you gave them the 2 factor auth code to reset the password. Good that you quickly went and changed it again and didn't give them the email. That was a close call.
  16. Yes, unless you have your own proper insurance.
  17. Insurance companies sell other coverage than just compulsory one at the DLT here.
  18. Hm so article says no ferries are running and flights booked out till end of year. But comments here suggest ferries are running and a quick flight search shows there are many flights available both from as well to the island. Just around Christmas flights are a little bit harder to come by but that's mostly TO and not FROM Koh Samui.
  19. You might think of it as a fact but I still doubt it. The compulsory insurance scheme just covers health issues of people. It doesn't cover damage to property, now that is a fact. They either had some other insurance or you misunderstood something.
  20. No he said he is riding pillion on bikes ridden by people who have no license and the question was does insurance still pay in that case. CMI probably does but any other kind of insurance probably wont and CMI has extremely limited cover. Thai Compulsary Motor Insurance does not cover damage to vehicles so I must doubt your story. It does have coverage if the driver is at fault and I guess the CMI was introduced to provide mainly coverage for other people or rather the population at large and they knew full well that many don't have a license or are drunk so silently accept that. Since they force everyone to pay a few hundred baht per year and the coverage is extremely low it's easy to just pay out with no checks.
  21. As a general rule insurance companies will of course not pay for any damages resulting from illegal usage which includes riding without a license. Refusing to get a license when it's so easy and cheap is... how to put it nicely... not very smart. Now if they have just the compulsory insurance with minimal cover the question becomes if they will actually check for the license. The one time I saw someone submitting a claim they did, but that was not upcountry.
  22. A driver license is not a requirement for registering a vehicle in your name. He does not have to be there but you need the right paperwork which probably includes copy of his ID card and some filled out forms. Better enquire at your local DLT as to what they will want to see.
  23. I'm obviously talking about the funds that wer syphoned to another account and not freezing funds in the origin account that are not there... It wouldn't be her bank freezing the funds, it would be the receiving bank.
  24. This is not true. Banks will under certain circumstances freeze funds upon request by law enforcement.
  25. The risk is bad ratings and being delisted from the marketplaces. But Lazada makes it too easy for these sellers. They don't promote reliable sellers enough and don't punish bad behavior enough. There are thousands of crappy sellers with randomly generated names that all offer a million products which they don't have in stock. On the rare chance that they get booted off the platform they have a dozen new accounts complete with fake 5 star reviews in a heartbeat.
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