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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. Did you happen to notice that Thailand was not the only country affected by Covid? I posted in a very similar recent thread a graph of the manufacturing (which mostly goes to exports) output of Thailand over the past 20 years:
  2. This comes to mind whenever I read about all those conspiracy theories regarding the exchange rate of the Baht to GBP/AUD/USD etc. no matter how much factual explanations are posted. And I can understand that this kind of content is written by posters who miss the old days where their home currency got them plenty of Baht and now they have to tighten their belts. It's not pleasant. Thailands exports and tourism have grown heavily while western countries obviously can't do the same at this rate. Money goes into Thailand, Baht gets bought with foreign currency, Baht strengthens. Simple as that.
  3. Anyone can, sure. But there's several possibilities of who actually will. They could issue shares for existing shareholders and that way account for the imbalance between the two. Or they are doing another public offering to raise money. I'm pointing out there's a lot of basic but important information left out of the article. It raises a lot of questions.
  4. They just need it to give you the appointment. If you waited till January to ask for an appointment they wouldn't accept it.
  5. Who will hold the remaining 40%? And why do both get the same amount of shares alloted when True is worth much more than DTAC?
  6. There have been reports of varying lengths. The most common that I've seen is 30 days (stated on the certificate). Some reported 60 days or no duration printed on it at all. All of the ones I've ever gotten had 30 days. You can renew the license 3 months before expiry so you should be able to find a time frame that works out for your case.
  7. And why would you assume the Thai Baht would be failing big time? Let's look at the actual numbers. Thailand has around $216B in FX Reserves. This is more than for example the UK has. In fact they have the 16th largest FX Reserves in the world. Not far off from the US even. You think the BOT sells off their reserves to prop the Baht? Well please explain why the reserves have actually increased since October last year while the Baht has strengthened significantly during that same time frame? Where did you get that idea from? That's obviously not true. Please show some numbers. Some manufacturing has moved out, some has moved in. So I looked at the Manufacturing Output numbers of Thailand and seems like from a few dips during the financial crisis and Covid it's been steadily going up. More than tripled in the past two decades. I guess the manufacturers didn't get the memo that they should all leave ???? You mean the very recent one the the past days? You wont notice that in the FX rates.
  8. While we are talking about misunderstanding words - he wouldn't have gotten chicken at all if he ordered Khao Man Kai, just cooked rice with egg ????
  9. VAT has nothing to do with loans. You can't mix that with the interest. If they add 7% (per year?!) to the 3% then that's just tricking you. I don't think you'll get a true 3% interest loan for a car. They are usually way way higher 10%+ and not worth it. VAT applies to the sale price of the car if sold by a company no matter if you used your own cash or borrowed from someone. Usually VAT is not charged when buying something from a private individual.
  10. As fdsa said the error can't be 100% the same when trying to load HTTP as there is no secure connection that can fail. Can you post that error? Another thing that could help identify the issue is if any other people who come to your house and use your Wifi have also connection issues. Is it *all* sites not loading or just some?
  11. Again, I'll call out your BS. "Compiled to be compatible" haha sorry you're talking out of your behind. You've probably never compiled an app in your life. The page does *not* load in his Safari as you could see in the screenshot. It throws an error that the TLS connection fails. This is either a network error or certificate issue and has *nothing* to do with browser compatibility. He said even HTTP sites fail so certificates are probably not the real issue and it's something network related. Are you seriously suggesting that major websites fail to let Safari connect? Hilarious. I just tried that very same website in Safari and it works just fine over my Wifi. And why would that change for him if the connection goes over mobile data instead of Wifi? Talking to a kid haha, it's usually the kids that throw around insults if they have no proper argument so who's the kid in the conversation? ????
  12. You'll need a Certificate of Residence. Get the landlord to file a online TM30 and print the result, take that to immigration. Doesn't matter whose name is on the rental contract. That's how it works here in Phuket at least. My friend did it just last week. The sale contract should not expire unless the contract states so. Have never seen that but you never know with private contracts, they can contain anything so just read it. You can ride the bike without limit. It's more of an issue for the seller because until the bike is transfered, fines would still be sent to him.
  13. Was at the DLT in Phuket recently and inquired about the big bike license. They just said it doesn't exist and it's the same as the regular bike license. So more than 2 years after the law passing nothing has happened. Doesn't seem like anything will happen any time soon either.
  14. @KwasakiI think it's a fair question and I'm sure many other people are wondering the same. I took some time and looked up some points in time that match with your numbers, took snapshots of the exchange rates of USD/THB, GBP/USD and GBP/THB from xe.com. Then I compared the recorded exchange rate and compared it to a calculated rate of GBP/THB via GBP/USD and USD/THB. It actually checks out and just deviates by less a fraction a percent. In the below screenshot the three first lines for each date are the snapshot values and the fourth line with "usd_thb_calc" shows the derived exchange rate. The deviation can be explained by what nigelforbes said (no direct GBP/THB) and other small inefficiencies. Plus I rounded the values to the nearest cent values when taking the snapshots.
  15. Just calling you out on your BS ???? Please do explain how what you posted can cause his iOS Safari to fail to open those pages. Or how it relates to the loading working when tethering through the phone. Maybe I'll be able to learn something new?
  16. As explained earlier in the thread they can't just fix the Baht to any value they want. That's what I ment by arbitrage and nigelforbes wrote one effect it would have. If one place (e.g. BOT) is more expensive then simply no one would buy there. And if it were cheaper then everyone would buy there instead of other banks. This effect would close any gap very quickly as there would be profit to be made simply buying at one place and selling at the other. Buying Baht strengthens it and selling it would weaken it. So the price at the cheap place increases and the price at the expensive place decreases until they meet in the middle. This is one of the most important basic mechanisms to keep markets efficient. Could the BOT still manipulate the market? Yes and actually it's one of the jobs of a central bank - to influence aka "manipulate" the market. The question is in which direction. They are supposed to counter moves in the wrong direction and let the currency wonder too much into extremes. Manipulation in the sense that most common people would think of with the aim to profit from it would be detected as the numbers are visible. On top a very strong Baht hurts Thailand's exporters and Thailand is a big net exporter, they have a big trade surplus and so Thailand doesn't want the Baht to appreciate too much.
  17. Sorry but that's just trolling. I explained why you're wrong and you just flame. I've got no desire to discuss with you on that level. If you have some proper arguments then please come forth. Right now you are just throwing random stuff in this thread. For example scanning for faulty drivers on a windows machine. How does that explain the site not even loading on his iPhones Safari or his temperature sensor not being able to post data? Doesn't make sense. Exactly, the browser thing is just one manifestation of the root problem which seems outside your client machines. I still suspect something DNS related. Maybe try to set as DNS in the router or in your temperature sensor if possible. Chrome might get around potential DNS issues by using DoH (DNS-over-HTTPS). Firefox supports that too btw, there's an option to enable that under "Network Settings".
  18. So she didn't pay in the end? Would make me think why your wife lies to you about such a small thing. Explains the getting angry part when asked.
  19. Could be the DNS of the ISP redirecting the domain to something like a wifi sign-in portal page (3BB likes to do that for example if some payment is due). This would fail because they don't have a valid certificate for those domains and only works without HTTPS encryption. What happen if you try to open http://example.com which does not run under HTTPS?
  20. No it could not be. If you read everything that he said carefully you will realize that. For example when he uses his phones mobile data connection the sites load in those very same browsers.
  21. Post a screenshot of the error that you get. That will avoid all the wild guessing that's been going so far in this thread. Clearly that can't be the case when even BBC doesn't work in Safari.
  22. Taking the 131496:29 parking duration gets us to the start of 2008. Central Chaengwattana was opened later that year and no other BKK malls come close enough to that date. Now someone needs to just drive by there to confirm the picture matches the location and we'll have another AseanNow mystery solved! ????️
  23. It will encrypt the data on your device and it'll be decrypted on the VPN server who can then see your traffic just as your ISP would. Oh and any ISP in between the VPN exit and the destination server can see it too. You replaced a 3rd party (your ISP) with another 3rd party (VPN provider) that you need to trust. A typical, commercial VPN is not end-to-end encryption. But this is getting off topic.
  24. No he hasn't and neither has anyone else commenting on it because it hasn't aired yet. And yes, it's also not a movie.
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