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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. Any official source? I've seen shops claiming something along those lines but never anything official, the only official communication states the contrary like the one I linked to (Phuket police statement).
  2. If you are talking about electric scooters without license plate / no registration then the simple answer is that they are not allowed on public roads. Phuket police issued a notice regarding that which is pretty clear: https://www.thephuketnews.com/police-ban-electric-scooters-from-all-phuket-roads-83197.php On the other hand if you are talking about vehicles which do have registration, then: Obviously yes Obviously yes Helmet required. Why would it be different just because it's electric instead of combustion? No. Why would it be different just because it's electric instead of combustion?
  3. What's so bad that you want to root it out?
  4. Maybe she's the one with the more logical compute unit. She sees no value in having a newer car which is a very rational thought as she sees the car as a utility to go from A to B. So now that we put equal value on fixing the old car and having a new car we just need to compare the costs for each. 30k to fix the old car or something more than 30k to get a new one. The logical choice under these constraints is to fix the old one as it gets you the same result (machine to take from A to B) with fewer costs. Is she vulcan?
  5. Kerry in general had loads of issues recently. I think some bigger changes are happening to it. Even here in Phuket I am seeing now other delivery companies expanding while Kerry is shrinking and two of my recent Kerry delivieres were heavily delayed.
  6. You write a lot but did you read everything? He did not crash into the back at speed. The truck driver himself said he crashed while on the right side of it. The bike also looks way too good for having crashed at speed. BTW why all those tripe ??? !!! and ...? They are making it harder to read and look like the text was posted under emotional stress but I'm not sure because there are rational arguments made.
  7. Evidently not and it also doesn't match what OP stated (3% deducted). Here a link to the official Stamp Duty Schedule on the website of the Revenue Department of Thailand: https://www.rd.go.th/english/37773.html Under "Hire of Work" it states 1 baht for every 1000 Baht of renumeration. That's 0.1%. Maybe some other duty was applied? I don't know and that's why I asked you for the name or paragraph so I can look it up. But seems like you can't or are unwilling to supply that information.
  8. You can't just generally claim that teachers are contractors. Some are, some are not. Signing an employment contract for example does not make you a contractor, it makes you an employee. But some teachers are just signing limited contracts. What exact rules are you referring to? What duty or tax exactly are you referring to? Please either specify the name or the relevant paragraph in the revenue code so I can read up on it. Thanks.
  9. It's not revenge but of course the EU doesn't want to encourage other nations to quit their end of the deal while keeping all the benefits. The UK unilaterally is planning to scrap rules and regulations that were agreed upon with the EU to ensure trade as is done currently continues. Now the EU is reacting and says it will then itself have to unilateally adjust their trade with the UK. If the UK doesn't want to play by EU standards then that's their right as an sovereign nation. But they can't expect that all the trade goes on as it did before. The only issue for the UK is that the EU is quite important and trade-wise the UK needs the EU more than the EU needs the UK.
  10. If you are employed then there is no witholding tax. You are being paid a salary and have to pay income tax on that. There are also social security payments. A contractor does not get paid a salary. There is a 0.1% (not 1%) stamp duty for hire for work contracts but IIRC only if 1M Baht is exceeded which for a teacher is highly unlikely. Let's not add more confusion.
  11. That is what normally happens. Please read my previous posts in this thread. This is a withholding tax and has nothing to do with his tax ID, his personal circumstances re marriage etc as there are no tax breaks as you suggested in this case no matter what. It has nothing to do with income tax which most people only seem to consider. He is not being taxed as an employee but as a contractor.
  12. Now that the UK isn't part of the EU they are of course free to change any rules and regulations that were in place due to being a member of the EU. But they also need to be prepared that the EU will then scrap cooperating with them on the same level as before and downgrade them to whatever level appropriate depending on the changes implemented. Will the UK be better off at the end? Not sure but I somehow doubt it, so far it seems to me that things got worse rather than better for them. From being a world superpower and colonizing India to having a lower GDP than India and an Indian Prime Minister. Karma is a B*tch ????
  13. It's the payer who withholds the tax and pays it under their tax id. The other party (payee) does not need to have a tax id for that nor do they need to file reports. Similar as with for example VAT. A shop has to add a 7% tax on a sale and they don't need to know your tax id for it.
  14. He already said it's 3% so neither is he being overtaxed nor is there anything fishy about it, it's the withholding tax the payer has to deduct from the payment for professional services.
  15. Yup exactly. The too much money and stupid case is usually with younger folks that buy some sporty looking bike and not a retiree with an adventure bike plus luggage. Anyone who's ridden for a good time and met numerous riders would agree.
  16. We know his nationality, location, age, gender and that he bought a Multistrada with panniers. That is not nothing. Q.E.D.
  17. That's obviously not correct. I can assume just as well that he wasn't poor, reasonably well educated and can speak English decently just based on the fact that he was an American. I can assume that purely due to his nationality because most people sharing the same trait will fit into that bucket. Will I be correct for sure? No. But it's a *reasonable* assumption in contrast to assuming that he was a beginner.
  18. It's an assumption correct but it's not based on nothing. I know plenty of older folks who ride big bikes and all of them have had plenty of prior experience. They also nearly all ride pretty conservatively even if they have quite powerful machines. I've never seen anyone at that age going and buying a Ducati as a beginner. It's possible but just unrealistic.
  19. Who said the bike hit the truck (not tractor) from the rear? The story speaks of the motorcycle being on the right side of the truck and then the guy somehow being crushed under the rear wheel.
  20. Can be safer than going on a scooter depending on the model. Better visibility, better breaks, better tires and better safety systems. Big bike does not mean you have to go 200kph...
  21. Why do people assume he's a beginner or that this Ducati is a super powerful bike? Clearly at that age he's had big bike experience and the bike is Ducati's smaller adventure bike... The bike doesn't even have severe damage and probably was not going all too fast. The truck on the other hand is all the way to the left and there are a lot of marks on the asphalt. The story of the truck driver seems very suspicious as I've never experienced a truck driver honking a horn because of someone approaching from behind. The Thai article speaks of the motorbike rider falling under the truck and being crushed by the right back wheel. But why was the motorbike and the body on the floor right at the truck? If it really happened like the truck driver claimed the truck would be further down the road as he'd have some breaking distance but there is none. Also if the motorcycle was on the right side then why are truck, body and motorcycle all the way to the left on the road?
  22. That seems to be the Withholding Tax then. It has nothing to do with taxing you as an employee. It's a tax they have to withhold for services rendered by a third party. https://thailand.acclime.com/guides/withholding-tax/ Legally they are required to do this. Your illegal working is another matter.
  23. That used to be good advice when aircons were not using inverters. I don't think it's as easy as that anymore. "Oversized" is a fuzzy term because the more BTU the faster it can cool down the room from a hot state. 18k should be able to keep the room cool enough from the description of the OP. 24k will be able to cool it down faster but is not technically needed to keep the room at a reasonable temperature. 26sqm is fairly large for a kitchen so I assume OP also has a table for eating in there. If it was a living room with sun exposure due to lots of glass and where I spent a lot of time or wanted to cool it fast I'd go for the 24k option. Daikin is a decent brand indeed.
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