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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. Doubt that because german number plates don't have leading zeros ????
  2. How long has it been untaxed? If more than 3 years then you got unlucky (despite the number :)) because the plate will not be valid anymore.
  3. Correct, you can only transfer bike to bike (or car to car) as there are different types of plates. And you can only transfer to another vehicle to be registered in the same province as the plate of course does not change and it states the province on it. Some DLTs also require the transfer to be between vehicles owned by the same owner. There are no plates for normal plebs that dont have number+letter+province on it. If you see one then it's usually a fake plate that is not used on public roads. E.g. on a car exhibition.
  4. If it's a motorcycle plate from BKK with number 1 then it's worth probably around 20k-40k depending on the letters. Some rare ones are worth more. There are plenty of numbers which are actually worth more than "1", something like 9999 for example. Plates outside of BKK might be worth more or less depending on demand. The real money goes only for car plates.
  5. I have just received 5 (five) approval emails. I am not sure how many submissions I originally made that resulted in errors but I have had 1 (one) successful submissions screen and 1 (one) email that I successfully registered. That means that the submissions with an error might have anyways ended up in the system and been processed. Of course the user has no way to know that. I also got approved even though I presented EU vaccination certificates which have no passport number on them which others were rejected for. ????‍♂️
  6. If arriving at Phuket Airport yes. Link: https://www.thailandpsas.com/
  7. Can't speak as to the quality of the service as I only every used the Lat Phrao one once in BKK and it was fine but I can tell you that all Bigwings throughout the country have the exact same Honda dictated prices for parts and service. I've used Bigwings in various provinces and always was satisfied. When I need something I just check where the nearest one is and go there.
  8. So they are not processing applications in order of submission. I applied around 10am UTC+1 Nov 1st, that's when I also got the registration confirmation email. Nothing since.
  9. The COE system did that. For that reason you had to choose the consulate from a dropdown. The Thailand Pass system does not let you choose that and I doubt they parse the address information in all its myriad of formats to try to determine the nearest consulate. This leads me to believe that it does not work in the same way. Maybe they do it on a country basis but impossible to tell from the website.
  10. If you got an error then yes. But if you got a success message then it's hard to say how their backend system will handle this. You could err on the side of caution and try one more time. Sometimes emails take time to get delivered so if you got a success message but no email yet, I'd say wait maybe an hour or so. Also depends on how urgently you need the pass.
  11. If you were pre-approved then you can still finish your COE application until the 7th November and use the COE to enter under the new rules. I suggest going that route. I am doing the same.
  12. Solution to that particular issue (passport number already in use) was mentioned numerous times in this thead. Add a space to it and try again. Don't forget to upload insurance file again though because it forgets it.
  13. I have not tried it myself but I would just submit the same certificate for 1st and 2nd shot. It's a limitation in the web app and if the people approving the submissions know what they are doing then they will let it pass.
  14. For Firefox you could try this addon to get around the CORS issue: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/cors-everywhere/
  15. Each time it fails to send an email it will still have saved the information in the DB but returns an error from the API. It wont let you retry with the exact same passport number. So to try and submit again one has to make up a unique passport number. That means for every retry you need to add one more space until you are lucky and the system does not run into its hourly email quota limit. That is assuming the CORS policy issue is resolved in your browser already. I didn't install any extension but launched chrome with an addition "--disable-web-security" commandline parameter which does the same. For people who are not technical: The process of processing your submission consists of multiple steps. Here a rough sketch of how it likely works. A -> B -> C -> D A is accepting and validating the data. B is saving it into the database. C is sending the signup confirmation email D is showing the result to the browser The two most commong problems are at step A and C. A is where the CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) issue lies that prevents the browser from submitting the data tot he backend server because that one was set up on a different domain than the site itself. Modern browsers will block it as unsecure. The developers failed to set up their webserver/backend correctly. C is where it fails to send that confirmation email due to their email server being set up incorrectly and having some hourly quotas. And here comes the kicker: When your submission fails at step C, it will still have passed B (data is in the DB). Now on the next try step B will fail because it already has the data. But if you can't try B again then you can't try the failed step C because B happens before C. Adding a space will let you pass B again. Now you have another chance at step C. It might work and you are done. Or it might fail again and you have to add another space to get pass B once more. All this is showing some fundamentally pretty badly designed and tested web app. The app should at step B allow submission even if the data is already there. It should track the exact status of the application and not just assume a trivial A -> B -> C -> D chain. It should automatically submit emails into a queue to be sent out whenever the email server can. It should not try to do so at the time the browser submits the data. The COE system was done much better in this respect and it is unfortunate that this new much worse system replaces it. If anyone from the relevant agencies is reading this: I'd volunteer consulting and/or training, free of charge, for this or any similar system that helps people get services from the government. I have a work permit and relevant experience.
  16. There is no requirement of booking things as a package. Just book hotel and PCR test separately. There is no need to prove it for Thailand Pass as far as I could see. The Hotel when giving me my Shaba ID (which I had to ask them for by email btw) mentioned the taxi to the hotel does not need to be booked. They said it will cost 400 THB even though the hotel is right next to the airport...
  17. When you get the API error message once it will be unlikely that re-trying will make it work because subsequent tries will result in "passport already used" errors (still only showing as API error) and the system wont allow the same passport number twice. Another reason could be that the browser is blocking the request like my Brave did and again it wont work no matter how many times you try. Not sure if Chrome is as strict as well. Firefox is not.
  18. Ok so looking a bit into what "421 4.4.5 Too many messages from this host last hour" relates to, I found that it is an error message used by SMTP (email) servers. So the Thailand Pass system is trying to send an email which fails because it is sending too many emails already. They didn't configure their email server correctly. Then when you try again the system gives you the "passport already used" error so you can't try again. Insane.
  19. I added a space and now I get "421 4.4.5 Too many messages from this host last hour". Haha it never ends. Will try in an hour again... Oh btw in Firefox it doesn't show many any specific errors, always the generic API error. In Brave it does show the actual error but I had to launch the browser with some parameter that disables some security stuff because the API request was blocked due to CORS policy as it goes to a different domain than the main page and they didn't set up the servers correctly. What an amateurish <deleted>show...
  20. I am now getting the message passport number already used instead of the generic Error from API server. There was no email confirmation.
  21. I am getting the exact same. I tried to fill out the form a dozen times. Every time some dropdown wouldn't list any values or whatever and then after a refresh you have to start it all again. Extremely infuriating system. At the end then I got that error. When I look at the actual HTTP response from the API server it said "passport number has already been used". So now I can't submit it anymore to try again. No email either. GREAT! This page is worse than the COE one. No PDF files supported and only 2mb.
  22. I only wanted to point out that it is not the WP that exempts one from the requirement of insurance. It is coverage under the social security scheme which does. Even today, I as a WP holder am not exempt according to these new rules.
  23. Interesting, this was not mentioned anywhere on the COE site. But my point still stands because not everyone is covered under social security. A WP does not remove the requirement. I am not so I still had to prove insurance. Most people with a WP will be covered under social security so that's great news for them.
  24. That is not true. I have a WP and was required to prove insurance of at least 90 days (no return flight). Not everyone with a WP is covered under the social security scheme either.
  25. This isn't true anymore. Phuket from Nov 1st also only requires 1 night SHA+ for eligible travelers according to the new scheme. I applied accordingly. The 7 nights Phuket Sandbox is still available after the 1st for travelers who are not eligible. The test at Phuket Airport costs 2400 THB through the official website and only one is required.
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