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Samui Coconut

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Posts posted by Samui Coconut

  1. Neneh Cherry was here in the late 90's. Friend of mine met her at Secret Garden on the Sunday jam session.

    Mick Jagger stayed a couple of times in Ban Talign Nam Resort (Now InterContinental).

    I've seen a picture of him in Bophut. Also Lenny Kravitz has been seen on the island.

    Mick came the first after the BKK concert was cancelled as sound system was stranded in India....he stayed at Ban Taling Ngam then correct, very approachable guy, remember him arriving at the old airport going straight for the loo......leaving all the 'flower girls' (who had no idea anyway who he was) standing.....

    Thanks for the info. But The Stones cancelled as it had just been announced that SARS was going mad over here. So The Stones cancelled their BKK concert . . . n Jagger did a U-turn to Samui!



    I guess there are many reasons/excuses.....

  2. Neneh Cherry was here in the late 90's. Friend of mine met her at Secret Garden on the Sunday jam session.

    Mick Jagger stayed a couple of times in Ban Talign Nam Resort (Now InterContinental).

    I've seen a picture of him in Bophut. Also Lenny Kravitz has been seen on the island.

    Mick came the first after the BKK concert was cancelled as sound system was stranded in India....he stayed at Ban Taling Ngam then correct, very approachable guy, remember him arriving at the old airport going straight for the loo......leaving all the 'flower girls' (who had no idea anyway who he was) standing.....


    I'm already reeling under the weight of the sooooperstars - many of what I dunno even I dunno. But will Guggle them.

    (The Library in Chaweng has all sorts of Thai Toppers, but although they might be baht millionaires, 'famous' is a NEBULOUS term . . . (just wait till the ASEAN thing gets here . . . I reckon that most of the teeny-synchronised-Thai-TV-karaoke-star-wigglers will suddenly realise they are pond newts in a great big outside world full of real pop-stars with huge teeth . . .)

    Lots of thanks to all - a LIKE to the ones that were everso useful

    (and Killroy never made it out of the Songserm *** pissoirs*** in Donsak.)

    Keep em banging . . .


    *** USA PC = "Resting Suites".

    (How, when you want a piss, do you have a 'rest'? When I want a piss the last thing I'm thinking about is resting. I can't recline. No way can I sleep. There is nothing at all restful about a piss. If I need a rest I'll go drink a coffee and watch TV for a bit. Then I'll go for a piss because the coffee has made me restless. A piss - not another 'rest'. I'll go to a toilet because I am rested and now i want to empty my bladder, now being rested enough already to be able to let go. So how on the face of God's earth could anybody ever possibly call toilets 'rest rooms'? Anyone ever seen anyone actually having a rest in a 'rest room'? Answers on a piece of *'Restroom Comfort Fabric'* to . . . )

    (* bog paper)

    Michael Schumacher, Owen Wilson, Rowan Atkinson....

  4. The law was changed a while back that ALL Thai hospitals had to treat emergency victims.

    What they do after the initial treatment though...........

    On Samui, they are shipped off to Nathon as soon as they can be moved.

    The government picks up the er bill.

    Falling off your bike and having multiple cases of the Samui tattoo does not count! Emergency victims only.

    The law was changed a while back that ALL Thai hospitals had to treat emergency victims.

    What they do after the initial treatment though...........

    On Samui, they are shipped off to Nathon as soon as they can be moved.

    The government picks up the er bill.

    Falling off your bike and having multiple cases of the Samui tattoo does not count! Emergency victims only.

    Well, good to know (if it is followed through)

  5. Dogs are encouraged to chase, by their 'pray' running. Best thing to do is retrain the dogs. Next time in your car when you pass, come to a complete stop if the dogs chase the car. Don't drive off until they calm down and stop barking. If most people do this, the chasing of cars will soon stop. They will get used to this, and you can then try it on the bike. First time best to do with 2 or more bike riders together. Dogs chase and bark? You stop. Then ignore the dogs completely. Only drive off when the dogs are calm. Warning; 4 dogs or more can show pack behavior, then do not try this on a bike unless you outnumber them. Do not shout or threaten the dogs. Just ignore them and claim your ground. Good luck.

    .....or call Ceasar Millan laugh.png

  6. Thought this PR would have a date of April 1, 2013. wink.png

    I use Blackberry for more than 10 years, various models, so does my wife, my daughter etc. Just tried to buy a new BB on Samui coz old one got wet (can and will be fixed though). Tried Tesco, Big C etc.....only dummies available, Tesco had a 9220 in white only.....asked Telewiz and they said they will no longer carry BB, asked for Z10 and they said they don't know when.....asked for Porsche design and they never heard of it.......finally bought a Nokia for Baht 600.- and wait until old Bold is fixed. Would have bought a Z10 straight away, may be even a Porsche 9981, now reading this article in Nation and have to unfortunately agree with previous posts, press release on 1.April would have been better. Some like Apple, some like Banana, I still like Blackberry......

  7. That's low , and they still plan on building more hotel rooms ?

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    I would not have thought that 68% for the whole year was low. Every bed in every registered hotel booked for 68% of the time? Taking into account low season? I could be happy with that.

    However, the comment about more hotel rooms is very valid. The increase of % occupancy was put down to bigger planes coming to the island. More hotel rooms - lower % of hotel occupancy. (They cannot land bigger planes on the island now.) 68% might be the peak unless we get more flights.

    It's a free market, so companies are free to build more hotels. It would be stupid to stop building them, because more hotels means more competition, which should mean better service and better quality hotels. Failing hotels can be converted to some other use. I've no idea what the hotels there are like, but if I was in the hotel industry and thought I could do better than the existing hotels, then I would go ahead and build. Occupancy rate alone is no reason not to build more hotels.

    Occupancy means nothing without RevPar......68% however is high given that there are 20,000 rooms available, double occupancy makes it 40,000 guests with an averag stay of 5 days.....go figure....

  8. Shit, gotta get rid of my glasses and buy lenses again - but thank you for the 'in his thirties', that's quite flattering.wai2.gif

    On another note, WPs are only required if the loot is valued more than 20'000 Baht and you didn't contribute enough to the police widow's fund.

    you cannot get a work permit to be a robber as you are only alloud to do work that a thai cannot do. U maybe be able to open a company and employ thai staff to burgle houses but dont be shocked if the 51 % share holder steels your share capital as you are dealing with theives.

    The other scynario is to rob the robber and give to the me thank you check bin khrup wai2.gif

    The other scynario is to rob the robber and give to the me thank you check bin khrup wai2.gif

    Now is that a hint or what !whistling.gif

  9. I would suggest looking in Calibri foods - Soi Calibri on the other side of the road to the Centara - and along a bit. Chaweng.

    Maybe TOPS in Chaweng? They had a few different flours in when I was last there. They are part of the Waitrose Group (UK) I think.

    Or try "Schmidt" company in Lamai, if they don't have, they can order for you.....

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