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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. You've confused the words 'alpha' with 'weak' Genghis Khan was the greatest alpha male .......
  2. The problem with consensus is whom you ask, If you ask all the Christians if they believe in God, you will get a 100% consensus. If you ask all the Climate scientists if they believe in climate change .............. Cult members always believe their cult leaders.
  3. Not everyone likes dog poop everywhere. If the dog had been on a lead, it wouldn't be dead.
  4. You think in the past 8 years 60,000,000 more Thais are paying income tax? Or did the COVID closures reduce the numbers paying income tax? Which do you think is more likely?
  5. This page suggests only 5% of Thais regularly pay income tax. https://asiafoundation.org/2015/04/15/thailand-and-taxes/ "Many Thais, both rich and poor, are simply outside of the tax system. Just three million Thais out of 67 million regularly pay income taxes."
  6. She was so depressed she strangled herself with her phone charger wire. No need for further investigation .......... suicide!
  7. I wouldn't live anywhere without good internet. It's not for working, it's for entertainment, books, movies, tv shows, music, social media, forums.
  8. Hard to produce evidence of Gods existence or not. Let's face it Climate change is your god. They used to argue about how many angels would fit on a pin. Now they argue about CO2 reduction. Neither matters whether real or imaginary, there's nothing we can do about it.
  9. Happened at a coworking space in Chiang Mai a few years back. Rounded everyone up and down to the police station, not sure how it ended for them.
  10. I'm fairly confident Global warming will have destroyed the world before Thailand gets taxing digital nomads sorted out.
  11. I don't believe I've ever had sex with a 'good person'. Not sure I'd like it if I found one either.
  12. You claim false things in almost every post you make. The world hasn't ended, but you still go on and on.
  13. Sinsot is paid for buying a woman. It's not applicable to men. I'd dump the guy just for asking.
  14. Nothing I can do about it, so why should I care? Nothing you can do about it, so why do you hate us 'deniers' for not caring. Or it it the 'hate' you're really wanting?
  15. And here is a bargirl feeding frenzy ....... poor guy looks frightened. https://www.facebook.com/reel/837067427553031
  16. If you loved your parents, you'd be looking after them yourself in your own home, not trying to stuff them in a nursing home.
  17. Most of those sort of woman don't have sex much and are too busy working and climbing the corporate ladder.
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