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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. 40% of Thai milk comes from NZ, another 11% from OZ. Don't believe any milk comes from Malasia.
  2. That still doesn't make much sense. 40% of milk in Thailand come from NZ, another 11% from OZ where it's winter, and in Thailand it's summer. Both regions cows won't be drying off at the same time. So why no milk?
  3. I would never eat something given to me by strangers ........ you don't know what they might have added.
  4. the bull sees all other bulls as rivals for his cows and will attack on sight. cows all stick together. Back to the OP, Nothing really bothers me, I'm quite happy here.
  5. Not a problem for me as I have an IQ of 140+. Effectively nearly everyone, male or female, is a 5 year old to me.
  6. More likely the world will be back in the stone age after the zombie apocalypse, and the survivors will be white Europeans/Americans.
  7. Had a delivery from Lazada earlier this week.
  8. No advice for your wife, but you might like to stop using Thai racial slurs. The first time you said 'farang' in my presence would be the last time I spoke with you.
  9. My misses says other countries are refusing to sell milk to Thailand until they sort out the election, Prayut and his cronies. Doesn't sound likely to me but apparently it's on the Thai news.
  10. Yep, nothing in MaeJo either.
  11. Think it's only MFP suggesting a change to the royalty.
  12. The coalition has no support from Thais, it was formed after the voting ended. You would need another vote to see who, if anyone, supports the coalition.
  13. I once took a Filipino girl back to my room as 'friends' to watch a movie on cable. By the time I had closed the door she was naked on the bed. I was totally shocked. Then she asked me if I had a condom, and I said 'sorry I'm a Catholic'. Her reply, 'me too, and the baby will definitely be yours' as she climbed on top.
  14. I used these ............ they will take 3 x400W panels, 3600bht https://www.lazada.co.th/products/grid-tie-inverter-suoer-gti-d1000b-1000va600va-monitor-pure-sine-i544296990-s15559834127.html The uncooled ones like the PSI tend to burn out.
  15. 5x 400w panels = 20kbht 2x 1000w plug in GTI = 10kbht So overpriced by 25kbht.
  16. Sounds more like a blood clotting disease. I'd go to a hospital and get a blood test. https://www.healthline.com/health/bruises-easily#:~:text=Hemophilia B.,to form under your skin.
  17. My ex-gf had prepared all the marriage documents for us. 3 weeks later I married another Thai lady, using the documents the ex had procured. 2 weeks after the marriage I applied for a marriage extension. My exs brother was the immigration officer that visited the house, he said I'll make sure this is refused. Extension granted, he managed to delay the process by losing the application, so it took 8 weeks for the confirmation stamp.
  18. Anyway, if you've got an 'under consideration' stamp, it's a done deal. Nobody has ever reported a rejection after that stamp in the history of ThaiVISA (aka Aseannow).
  19. Note the: maintain up to 80% for 2,500 cycles. In plain English that means that none exceeded 80% but many were less. Unless they publish the percentage the worst they tested achieved, it's meaningless.
  20. Dude, they're not over zealous, they're looking for a bribe to smooth the application.
  21. My diesel pickup was 15 years old when I bought it for 150kbht, after owning it for 12 years I was offered 60kbht for it, not that bad a loss IMHO. Still driving it.
  22. Nobody is ever turned down, they either accept your application, and a month or 2 later it's confirmed. or they refuse your application, in which case your paperwork is returned with no record kept. I jumped between 1 year non-os and marriage extensions depending on how long the queues were at CM immigration for the past 14 years.
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