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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. If you believe the Thai shopkeeper. Obviously no Thai would ever lie to try and keep out of jail. 5~10 years in jail for each member of the gang would seem appropriate IMHO.
  2. I've not had any appetite for the past 6 months. I have to force myself to eat, else I start fading away. I have to eat plenty of junk food and drink loads of beer to try to keep above my minimum weight (76Kg). Currently struggling to keep above 75Kg.
  3. Odd that, pension increased on 5th April, paid in arrears. I won't see my pension increase until 19th April, and then it will only be 2/4 weeks with the increase. My first full 4 week pension increase won't happen until the end of May.
  4. I don't associate with fat people. If they can't respect their own bodies they sure won't respect me. All my pals were trail runners and cyclists ........... nearly all died in their 50s. I'm still cycling 25km, 2x a week at age 67, though I'm finding it hard going in the smog.
  5. I had spaghetti with chicken in tomato sauce today, 40bht from 7-11.
  6. All of them woke lefty! Used to work for BBC TV news, all the stories were lefty nonsense. And censored by the Brit security forces (he sat at my desk). But my press card was good for getting off speeding stops.
  7. All the issues are Asian on Asian, I'm not Asian so I don't worry. Don't think there are any triads targeting retired poor male Brit scientists.
  8. How much petrol could you have purchased by getting a Suzuki ICE car for 318000bht, instead of your EV costing 900,000bht. I'm thinking that 500,000bht difference would have paid for a lifetimes worth of petrol. How much do you spend on coffee and snacks while waiting for your EV to charge?
  9. Farangs are white western people with Christian backgrounds. Foreigners come in many skin colours, and from many different cultures/religions.
  10. I've a degree and postgrad in education, was an engineer/scientist/schoolteacher before I came here. How about you?
  11. Yes that is what happens, but it's the lefties that were in control of all the media until Musk. And they've been voting in the wokes, but now you're all crying because Musk doesn't care who posts what. Which is why censorship by one side is wrong. But allow everyone to post their nonsense and it all equals out.
  12. BritManToo

    Isaan Woman

    Sound unlikely, My woman said a friend had told her she needed to do it 3x a day to ensure pregnancy. Took us 6 months, and she was insistent, I almost died.
  13. BritManToo

    Isaan Woman

    No sex (with a woman in the room) is the usual answer.
  14. Then he and she would have made an assault complaint to the police saying you attacked them. And you would have been charged, jailed, deported and blacklisted. Better to mind your own business IMHO.
  15. Would say the opposite, Climate fanatics want to destroy our civilisation. Tree huggers want to clear up pollution an save trees an forests from being cut own. I'd like to see pollution cleaned up, plastic waste removed from the land, rivers and sea..
  16. I stay at home during storms (once I've secured my rabbits). More about not getting wet than fear of lightning.
  17. It depends on the trustworthiness of the bank. A bank offering 10% but about to go bust, won't get many customers. I have my money in a UK bank earning 0.5% But I could have placed in a Viet or Cambodian bank earning 10% Just like your leaders preaching top fossil fuels while flying around in private jets. These people can't be trusted.
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