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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. For me, cannabis does nothing for muscle pain. It's really good for joint pain though. Poop ...... some idiot revived an old thread!
  2. Disagree with all your comments .......... 1. The only declining in my life is due to getting old, and it's still way better than anyone I know in the UK. 2. Don't care about the Thai government, and don't think it's any worse than our western governments. (Do you really think Trump was better than Prayut?) 3. My wine coolers have gone up from 25bht/bottle to 26bht/bottle, no big deal. 4. I don't mix much, so I don't care if they hate me, I can endure immigration 2x a year. 5. My kids have a great future in Thailand, and at an affordable price (for them). 6. Isn't there a thread saying the UK has the worst economy? 7. My daughter had a great education in government schools, and has a decent job. 8. Isn't this what globalism is all about, conformity and sanitisation? 9. Bit of a choker in CM, but it's been like this since I arrived in 2009, can't really blame Prayut. 10. China is the only country left still making stuff, everyone is equally dependent on China. Lay back an enjoy your life, stop obsessing over things you can't change. As for the lack of customers in Foodland, I'll take a wild guess that it's because they are a little more expensive than everywhere else and most people, at this moment in time, are trying to be a little more careful with their spending.
  3. Plenty of elderly in the UK would like to retire age 60, but our civilised country wants us to wait until 67. Is Thailand really that bad?
  4. Sadly, no pretty girls in 'Beyond Paradise'. But I watched that for the Cornwall scenery (mainly Looe).
  5. Started watching 'death in paradise' BBC TV police series set in the Caribbean. Lots of bikinis and attractive beach sets. It passes the time.
  6. Me too ...... no problem using wife ID instead of her birth certificate.
  7. Hardly surprising as Songkran marks the start and Loy Kratong marks the end of monsoon.
  8. Maybe he runs a hotel with 'videos on demand'.
  9. It's gang colours. 3 colours = 3 different criminal producers.
  10. After the zombie apocalypse we that store will still have entertainment.
  11. I don't understand the 15min city concept. Hasn't the Brit government closed every high street shop and moved all the supermarkets out of town in the past 30 years? Fairly poor pickings from the remaining Estate agents and charity shops that are the only shops left in most UK towns.
  12. I think the club already paid her for the performance. Topless table dancers don't do it for free!
  13. Was cycling through the jungle the other day, jungle on fire (HuayJo lake), park rangers on fire watch nearby (1Km). They were sitting around doing nothing while the fires raged.
  14. Property manager of a minors property is only recorded with the consent of both parents. No mother and father present = no deal at the land office.
  15. Yes you can be the adult in charge of your daughters property, but sadly it is only with the consent of both parents. No loans are allowed on the property of a minor.
  16. The ownership levels are recorded by the Land Office. The condo management play no part, and have no input in the process.
  17. I live in Chiang Mai, the unbreathable air is caused by low IQ Thais burning the forests so they can gather mushrooms easily in monsoon, nothing to do with climate.
  18. Nah, I've never had any faith in religious personages. Frauds, hypocrites and perverts most of them.
  19. Why would I care how I'm portrayed? We all came here for cheap Thai women, that's not a good portrayal! I'm a medical user before bedtime, asleep 5 mins after smoking. Social isolation while asleep, true for everyone. If you have no need of it, then don't take it. How easy is that?
  20. I think you could ask this lady ............ https://www.foxnews.com/us/mississippi-woman-charged-having-sex-dog-says-forced-report
  21. BritManToo

    Isaan Woman

    Yeah, but at least in the big city you aren't surrounded by her relatives that all want to kill you. ............. and plenty of bars with sympathetic ladies to talk to.
  22. 12yo power supply won't fit modern MB or graphics card. Doubt there's anything worth keeping in a 12yo PC. Even the HDs are likely to be small capacity drives. Best to start again all new.
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