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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. It was a trivial offense, why wish harm on others?
  2. Call 3BB, when their guy appears slip him 100bht.
  3. An yet, back in the UK anything that isn't nailed down is either vandalised or stolen. I prefer Thailand's 'moral absence' to the UKs.
  4. My local 7-11 had no problems scanning and selling me booze out of hours. But they kept the receipt.
  5. Just what us old folk in our 60s and 70s need ........... maybe a gun would be more effective? I've always found it easier/safer to not interact with Thais.
  6. He hardly did any damage, 500bht should cover it. Threw 2 trays of sweets on the ground, that was about it. Seemed to have mental problems, I would suggest hospital rather than jail.
  7. Or maybe they don't really care if it happens or not? I'd prefer 2 years of sun, sea and sex to 20 years of living alone in a cold, damp UK bedsit.
  8. Facebook 'reels' is full of obviously underage Thai girls prancing around barely dressed.
  9. Toxin testing doesn't tell you if the produce was organic or inorganically grown. It only tells you if their were toxins in the produce. Growing your plants in heavy metal rich organic soil, will test positive for toxins. In fact, the science still can't tell us if organically grown produce has any benefits over and above intensively fertilised produce. As far as I can tell the only advantage in organic produce is to the grower that can demand a premium price from the overly foolish shoppers.
  10. There is no scientific test that can discriminate between organic and fertilised foods. Everything you have written is complete and utter BS. In Europe and the states there are organisations that certify organic produce, but it's done by inspecting the farms and their soils, not their produce.
  11. What percentage of the 50% that aren't divorced do you think are happy? I'd guess 50% divorce, 30% living in mutual hate, 20% happy. Nearly all LTRs are a poop show in the end. At least in Thailand we can choose how much of our assets we are prepared to lose. And we can pick from the relatively hot ones weighing under 50Kg. Just look what James Bond got stuck with ............
  12. Some can, some can't. A weak man will never keep any woman. Just look at the guys who have failed relationships, Jeff Bezos, Bill gates, Rod Stewart, Paul McCartney, KIng Charles, Prince Andrew, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp ....... The list is endless, if these guys can't keep a woman happy, what chance do the rest of us have? Happy enough with mine out of the entertainment industry, and she was a real stunner age 33, 6 years and counting.
  13. Cannabis is very good for arthritis, I've had no problems for the past 18 months. Pain gone, swelling gone, strength in fingers returned.
  14. Don't forget to notify your insurance company so they can cancel your cover!
  15. Yep, I'd prefer them to clean up the trash, but the inconvenient truth is there's far more money to be made from carbon trading.
  16. Got 2 dry herb vapes, they just don't do the job for me. Minimal effect compared to smoking.
  17. Me too, but it's a scam by the bar and the girl on the foreigner. Girl and bar usually split the money.
  18. Off topic, I'm growing Blue Dream (seeds from Attitude Seedbank) but it won't be ready for another 6 weeks. Is it any good, I've not grown it before?
  19. Agree and disagree, If you find one in the right mood/hormone state you can bang her once or twice for free. BUT, if you keep her longer than that she's probably doing it in the expectation of a free house and car. Women are biologically programmed to seek genetic diversity. But only for 2-3 days a month between the ages of 13 and 40 (give or take).
  20. Buy a plastic dustbin (150bht), keep it in the toilet full of water. It's what the Thais do!
  21. No VISA required, turn up and stay for 3 years, buying an extension using an agent. Costs about $300/year, after your 1st 3 months they give you a residency card so you can open bank accounts. No need to ever visit immigration. I always used to stay in Barretto, Olongapo beside Baloy Long Beach.
  22. Average humidity in Chiang Mai = 75% Oh no, I'm drowning, but only 75%.
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