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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. So explain the woolly mammoths found flash frozen with greens still in their stomachs? https://creation.com/the-extinction-of-the-woolly-mammoth-was-it-a-quick-freeze
  2. Sideline girl, Student working as hooker part time. Sometimes office girl/nurse/etc.
  3. At age 67, Stinging nettle root tablet every morning to help me wee. 0.5gm cannabis smoked every night to stop my joints aching. That's the lot.
  4. Disagree, Extreme events same as always, but more phone cameras to record the event, which is then widely reported.
  5. I've loved 5, and they all exploited me too. It's what women do, as long as I can bang them a lot, I'm OK with being exploited! Your part of the deal is to make sure you always have something they still want. Always wonder about the guys looking for a young Christian virgin from a good family. Are they also young Christian virgins? I had one of them, prudish, opinionated and reluctant to bang ............ complete waste of my time and money.
  6. My woman still has a few plants growing. Bahia Blackhead Flowering are KC Brains, Bahia Blackhead, Choice and Escape and Blue Dream. Vegging are Tropical Punch, Bubblegummer, Blue Dream.
  7. I can work up ill-feeling towards every climate alarmist poster that doesn't have solar panels already installed. So many want others to follow their beliefs without following them themselves.
  8. Social Marxists please. I'm a Marxist and we're way more extreme re women's rights (property has no rights) and other sexes (hanging)! Karl Marx (the great man) married a Baroness, lived off her income and impregnated both her and her maid (yes, Karl had servants). We're more interested in property redistribution and decent wages for the workers. (first to be redistributed would be the ruling elites beachfront mansions) Neither of which the Social Marxists would agree to!
  9. Restricting personal movement to a 15 min drive. No football matches, opera, Theatre, pop concerts, theme parks, holiday resorts, National Parks, Museums, Zoos, international sports, golf. Not to mention the end of air and sea travel, foreign holidays, ferries. Probably not worth buying a car, so the end of the motor industry as well. And that's just for a start. That's a lot of business closures!
  10. I tell them if they weigh more than 50Kg I'll walk away.
  11. I prefer to meet them at a ST hotel, then if I liked it we can have a date another day.
  12. I like Penang Curry, but I have to drive into CM to eat it. Not sold anywhere in MaeJo/Sansai that I can find.
  13. You haven't tried the Auf der Au breakfast buffet (220bht). Then a curry at RajDarBar in LK for dinner. No Thai food for me.
  14. Visa for China 25GBP in ChiangMai, 125GBP in London.
  15. Only if Greta, Al Gore and all the other self important people are subject to the same law!
  16. Saw a car accident while out cycling at 11am this morning. Open straight flat road, no other traffic besides me and my pal cycling along. Oncoming pickup swerved off the road into a ditch and hit a concrete post, car didn't quite flip. Concrete post in middle of engine ....... car a write off. How'd he do that we wondered as we cycled past!
  17. Lots of liars on this forum IMHO or maybe suffering from 'elderly memory'. They ain't getting pension increases and just write anything to try and scare other posters. I've been pretending to be in the UK since 2009, and nobody has ever checked. They don't really care where you live, they just want boxes ticked. Even the UK police couldn't find me, kept calling round to my last used address for 5 years, I was never in.
  18. They never wrote to my address. I lose a couple of points on my credit rating for not being on the electoral role.
  19. That doesn't rhyme ........... may I suggest, "there are no chicks with dicks, only men with mams"
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