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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I suspect the legs weigh a lot more more than the wings. So if you got 10 legs for 500gm, and 20 wings for 500gm, that would explain the difference.
  2. Me too ...... my misses signed up for True (without my permission), after a couple of months she stopped paying. Every year they sent a letter from a solicitor asking for money, I just chucked them in the bin. 4 years later they made her a new offer, 399bht/month 1000/200 + router + Tv box + free call internet sim. Same house, same name, seems they forgot about the money she didn't pay. I'm still sticking with 3BB.
  3. Nah, they thought the white candidate was the way to go. No other consideration entered their minds for a second.
  4. All the fried chicken shops around me charge 15bht for wings, leg is 20bht. They don't seem to sell breasts. Back on topic, When I was living in the UK (2009) all the pensioners (mostly widows living alone in big houses) had to choose between heating or eating every winter. Would have thought the obvious answer would to have been renting out their spare rooms. Never saw any professionals short of food.
  5. I put it own to the low average IQ of Thais, 11% less than average western folk, 30% less than me.
  6. Travelling from CM airport to China (I was the only non-Chinese on the flight), the Air hostess said "rows 1-10 please" and they all charged the gate, I stood aside, the 4 air hostess at the gate just ran away and let them fight it out. It was actually very funny if you weren't standing in front of them.
  7. Stop and stand your ground usually works. They won't walk into you.
  8. Lipoma ...... Fairly common, usually near the shoulder/neck area, not harmful. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/lipoma/symptoms-causes/syc-20374470#:~:text=A lipoma is a fatty,readily with slight finger pressure.
  9. I like the flirting/squeezing/romance from the bar girls that the woman in my bed no longer provides.
  10. My first Thai gf was a bar owner/manager in CM (lovely girl). The serving girls had to pay her 100bht/night to work in her bar.
  11. Good guess (actually 14 years), but I no longer go to town much. My pal who arrived in September when he retired has been stopped on the moat in CM 3x in 3 months. Usually at the regular stop and shakedown opposite Hom Coffee on Moon Muang.
  12. I always prefer personal observations from members. Hard statistics are easily manipulated and not really meaningful (especially the ones published by TaT).
  13. Wouldn't it be easier to smile and say 'no thanks' to the guy?
  14. I prohibit displays of anger between my family members. They either comply or find somewhere else to live. MiL was the only one who refused to understand, after shouting insanely at my step-daughter a second time, she was driven to the bus station later that day (don't come back).
  15. Wondering how much money April will lose from this thread Vs the money they would have gained from new customers? 6,200 views so far, can't imagine anyone who read this thread buying April insurance in the future.
  16. If you were paying for everything, I'd like owning 'our own' space as well. (especially if 'our own' space was solely in my name) Just wondering how much cash she your partner contributed to the purchases?
  17. If the extension was from an OA VISA you need medical insurance. If the extension was from an O VISA you don't need medical insurance. As far as I know!
  18. Difficult to say as I was 100% legit at all the police stops. The one time I forced them into doing it at the police station the ticket had, 'other offense' written in Thai.
  19. That's because the teachers are as bad at their jobs as the cops. Ever wonder why Google translate doesn't work for Thai, but is great for Spanish/French/Chinese? That's because Google hires locals to help write the translations.
  20. Lucky you, I've been shaken own 3x All for something m/c related at a police stop even though I was 100% legit. Obviously only for small amounts as I had a Thai DL and didn't look rich.
  21. More likely welfare than jobs. When a country has no welfare, there are many available women.
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