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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. And as @simon43 found, such tests may invalidate your health insurance.
  2. As it was a police safety stop ................. Now explain why they stopped a taxi full of tourists, and bothered anyone other than the taxi driver.
  3. Back to the OP, My current woman used to work a little Thai on Thai 'bar scam' when she was younger. If she needed any money she'd walk into a nicer bar/hotel, and get the barman to put a 500bht bottle of whiskey on her table with the intention of getting a refund from the bar man (50/50 split). She's wait until one of the bar staff came over and said 'that guy wants to sit with you', and she'd reply 'can he pay for my drinks?'. The guy would come over to her, the bottle would go back behind the bar, and she'd enjoy dinner, drinks and a refund on the bottle from the bar staff when she left (with or without the guy). 250bht in those days was 2 days work (early 2000s), with a free dinner and drinks thrown in. Never had to wait long as she was really pretty when she was younger.
  4. So 'daughter speaks English' completely irrelevant to the thread.
  5. You're gonna be in trouble with the 'respect and worship all women' brigade for that one.
  6. Walk over and offer to pay for their drinks is the easiest way. Why worry about their occupation? I was in a crowded bar in Seam Reap with a couple of pals. 3 local ladies walked in and sat down, I called the waitress over and said 'give those girls each a beer' (big spender as beer was 50c/glass). 30 seconds later the girls were sitting on our laps. I walked into an empty bar in Seam Reap with a pal, he went to the toilet, I ordered the beers. Girl was sitting alone on another table with a beer, I smiled, she smiled, and I asked if I could pay for her drinks. She's sitting with me by the time my pal comes out of the toilet. He says 'How'd you manage to find a girl in an empty bar that fast" ............. You just gotta take the chance when you see a girl you like, if they're not interested they'll just say no. It's not like the west where they call you names and then complain to the bar manager. Asian girls are very friendly and approachable.
  7. Can only comment on Chiang Mai earlier this week. Loads of real tourists around, a couple asked me why so many business (of all sorts) are locked and shuttered. Went to the bars in Loi Kroh, again half are closed, and the open ones mostly empty. There were a couple of busy bars, but most were more girls than customers.
  8. I used to work evenings/nights, 3hr total commute, 12hr shift, often 13 shifts in 14 days. Didn't ever consider it unusual, did what I had to support my wife and kids.
  9. I'm a medical user, so smoke one every evening (about 0.5gm) before bed. I'm completely free of joint pain in my fingers now (mild arthritis), and can even open twist top bottles again.
  10. Yes, we'll definitely have to do swaps later. Low on fresh harvest now, I've only cut and dried 3 fairly small plants so far this season (from seed). Most of my grow are clones from those first 3 seeds, which are still flowering at the moment. I've had swapped some with the local noodle shop, typical unnamed leafy Thai sativa, one bag was good, the rest not so.
  11. Obviously a swap with other growers will be on the cards in the future. This was just to try and get me an idea of the relative quality the commercial growers are selling in Thailand.
  12. Typhoo 1 cup 100 =149bht + postage https://www.lazada.co.th/products/typhoo-one-cup-tea-bags-100s-i2324482735.html Tetley 1 cup 72 = 149bht + postage https://www.lazada.co.th/products/tetley-one-cup-72s-i2476368567-s8710830641.html Last year the Typhoo tea bags were 90bht/100, I've got 3 years supply in my cupboard bought at that price.
  13. The NHS stopped doing regular yearly health checks. Apparently too many 'false' negative results (especially for cancer) that led to unnecessary surgery. (They still offer 5 year health checks)
  14. Condition 1 covered that. I'm too mean to buy the expensive 500bht/gm from the shops so I was looking for an opinion from those who have. So far the Tropical Punch is the strongest cannabis I've ever tried in my life. (Without opium being added to the joint) I was wondering if anyone else agreed, or just wishful thinking on my part. Hopefully this will give me 4 other opinions.
  15. My daughter wants a job with Thai Customs. She says the wages are rubbish but the tips from the customers are amazing.
  16. Maybe she didn't mention it because the police didn't mention it was a problem at the time. If I traveled on holiday to a country where cannabis is legal, I'd never imagine a vape would be illegal.
  17. Will be posted to Whereyougo, BertGotKinky, ThaiChina, MAF666 tomorrow morning (missed the post today). 2gm of Tropical Punch (extra strong) 20%+ 2gm of CheeseLicious (strong) 15%+ 2gm of BubbleGummer (strong) 15%+ 3gm of Red Diesel (a bit old) 7% THC content is only an estimate.
  18. As everyone is dissing my grow, I'm giving some small amounts away. I've no idea if mine is any better or worse than the commercial grows. But it does the job for me .............. I'll include High THC and low THC samples. Conditions, 1. You must have previously bought at 200bht/gm or more cannabis from a shop (online or in person). 2. You must be prepared to smoke and review what I send you in this thread (better or worse than your purchase) within the next 7 days. 3. You must not be on my ignore list, and have at least 200 posts on AN forums. 4. Post "I want it" on this thread and PM me your address, + hit the 'Thankyou' button on this post. 5. First four members only. 6. Offer only open to foreigners currently staying in Thailand. Don't think this breaks any forum rules or Thai laws, but the mods can delete if they feel it's out of order.
  19. Well this thread is about the cheapest cannabis, so I've decided to share some free. I'll even pay the postage. Which has got to be the cheapest you'll get. There will be a few conditions attached ........... Here
  20. I'd assume anything containing the numbers '420' was a joke/cannabis reference.
  21. That's not what the law says. As far as I can see any photo ID from almost any official source (inside or outside the country) would fulfil the requirements. Thailand didn't make my passport ..............
  22. The only legal requirement is to carry photo ID produced by an official source. DL from any country fulfils that requirement. As for walking around outside, I don't carry anything but my phone (Strava recording). Gated village and the police are only allowed inside for security checks 3x/day, as my woman is the one employing them, I doubt I'd ever have a problem.
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