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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Same, Amphur office was 40bht, then our wedding dinner was in the local street cafe, 100bht in total (including a 20bht tip) as they put candles on the meals and turned the lights out. Then the bus to the village in the evening to tell 'mum' what we'd done. Way more romantic than my previous Brit wedding that cost thousands of pounds.
  2. I have s/h CALB 200ah x 16 that only store about 100ah (had to buy 18) And s/h Sinopoly 100ah x 16 that only store about 50ah (had to buy 20) So your experiences are far better than mine. If I were doing it again I'd buy new 3.7v NMS. But in Thailand you never know what you're getting until it arrives. The good news, Even though I have my grow tent LED on from 6am to 10pm the batteries give enough o/p, to power my home from 3:30pm to 9am without taking any grid power, as long as it was a sunny day. Overcast and I'm on the grid from 6pm. I have my cooking/showers/air-con on the grid all the time which costs me 45units/month.
  3. Picked this beast off my plant....
  4. Never had a problem changing Baht or USD. But had a lot of problems changing GBP. Usually I used my Thai debit card to get Dong out of the ATMs.
  5. Why would you expect foreigners to hang out with people outside their social levels? Most of the foreigners I encounter were postmen/builders/tradesmen/etc. Met a cute Japanese girl in Siem Reap, she was a waitress in a bakery shop back home, her English was good. Being educated is not the norm, wherever or whoever you are in the world.
  6. Every CD you ever purchased will fit on ONE USB drive. Or put it all on your phone and play via Bluetooth. Better to move with the times.
  7. Trust No-One!
  8. Went to Israel, the Palestinians were much nicer than the Jews. I was shocked, everything I'd ever seen on TV/media was wrong.
  9. SMs will reduce the yield of any plant, but if the flowering is almost over the plant is already dying. They don't eat THC or flowers, just the juicy green plant. As for smelling bad, IMHO all smoking smells bad. I don't like the taste of beer or wine either. But it's a process you go through to achieve the end result, altered mood/consciousness. My last grow had spider mites in the final 2-3 weeks, I didn't do anything. Still got some left and it's fine. This year it's been too wet/humid, and spider mites like it dry, so I have none so far.
  10. As far as I know a bit of soap doesn't do any harm. Sounds like the lady scammed the hotel for a free holiday.
  11. Don't understand why you'd want to throw your harvest away. Spider mites don't do that much harm. Spider mites eat living plants, when you cut and dry, the mites will leave in search of new living plants.
  12. You gotta rent it, else someone will claim it using 'squatters rights' laws.
  13. Obviously the more Muslims you let in a country, the more people will be anti-Jewish. Probably more true about UK/Europe than the USA.
  14. The only 'real people' the ruling classes ever come in contact with are their servants. Hardly surprising they can't relate to the real world, or what will happen in it.
  15. The Taliban government is as legal as the Thai government.
  16. None of those women look old enough to be doctors!
  17. And I would say the chances of two closely related people having the same reaction to a drug are quite high. It's in their genes. In fact back in the UK both of a pals daughters were severely disabled by whooping cough vaccine, which is widely considered as completely safe.
  18. They still need to heat their homes and the air fares are very expensive. I can't see any saving to be made by a western foreigner coming here for two weeks unless they were homeless in the west.
  19. There are no financial requirements for the foreign wife of a Thai national to get Visa extensions. There is a financial requirement of 15kbht/month joint income for her to get Thai citizenship.
  20. It's my woman growing too. I merely consume the product for medicinal reasons. I did suggest she sells western hybrid clones in the local market, as there is no license required to sell MJ plants that are not in flower.
  21. She should have applied for Thai citizenship as soon as she gave birth to the first child. Too late now the guy has cleared off, but would have been very easy at the time. Only requirement is a joint income of 15kbht/month.
  22. Me neither! But I support a woman's right to get one.
  23. Same happened to me in Cambodia after using Booking.com. Complained and got 3kbht discount towards my hotel. Just a bit inconvenient.
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