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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I've never thought that, I wouldn't with about 80% of 'bar girls', and about 95% of 'everyday' women. Seems to me the the best selection of 9s and 10s are available for rent.
  2. I don't see why? Looks to me like all the western countries are producing nothing. Printing money, power distribution & economies failing and living on credit. The Euro countries seem to be in the worst state of all, propping up the PIGS. I'm just hoping to be dead before TSHTF and TEOTWAWKI happens.
  3. I would change that to .... reduction in freedom in the west due to our western governments obsession with control.
  4. Weakening against the US$ ..... So in the past year 'they' allegedly used 16.5Billion dollars in foreign reserves to support the Thai Baht causing it to rise against the UKP.
  5. I expect the poor will just pay the 100-200bht fine for not having a car seat like everyone else.
  6. "PM is running out of time and confidence as opposition plots heave against him in June or July" Unless the opposition have guns and tanks, he won't be worried.
  7. Would disagree, 'us' was 30% of the world population in 1980, 'us' is only 12% of the world population today. It isn't 'us' that's been over breeding, in fact if 'our' women don't start reproducing with 'us' a little more, we'll be totally gone in another 100 years.
  8. 7 years back Thailand was a great place to move, then suddenly it wasn't. I can't predict what will happen after another 7 years.
  9. 1/2 don't care. 3. The media is now totally controlled by the governments. 4. The world is now a lot worse for white men, in the west only women count.
  10. Euros yes, Americans no. As a young Brit, I used to mix with tobacco, then I started mixing with Americans and just smoke pure. The absolute best way is to smoke cannabis with opium rubbed into the papers (I was introduced to this by a French guy).
  11. I've never had a problem, no rooting compounds required either.
  12. I used to shop at Rimping util Lazada started selling everything I wanted cheaper and delivered to my door. Shopping malls are a thing of the past, along with high street stores, the internet killed them.
  13. My gated residence views ........... 1.8Mbht for a 3bed, 3 shower ...... not expensive either.
  14. My woman tested positive last month, I was sleeping with her the whole time and still didn't catch it. No mask, condom or anything else between us. Guess I'm just lucky!
  15. Ask for a cutting from someone that gets them, really easy to grow cannabis cuttings. But I'd only be interested if the free plants were producing 20% THC buds, waste of time growing anything less.
  16. To avoid COVID at a buffet, you'd need every person to wear fresh rubber gloves each time they served themselves. Complete nonsense to insist on masks at such a venue IMHO. And I seriously doubt anyone in the kitchen is masked. If you're concerned about COVID, attending a buffet would be completely out of the question. Stay at home alone.
  17. Only way I could finance a house with a mortgage, and avoid the problem of my wife plotting to earn a 'commission' for herself (by conspiring with the seller).
  18. Drive through food banks .......... Can't afford food for their kids but can afford a car.
  19. I live in a Thai gated community ....... out of 250 homes, there's me and an Italian. No crime in the 8 years I've lived here.
  20. I can speak the language and confidently state Thais (rural or townies) have nothing to offer me .... beyond their daughters. Not to mention the Thai university educated Thais appear to me to be no different from the ones that left school age 12.
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