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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Russians, Japanese and Koreans have their own bars. Indians, plenty of them around in bars. Laos 'tourists' are found working in the bars. Plenty of Americans in bars.
  2. My first Thai gf, (bar manager) accidentally ran over her American husband (bar owner). Broke many bones in his body, then had immigration deport him for overstay (on crutches). My first live in Thai gf (business management graduate), tired of her Swiss husband (same ages) and had him killed by a Taxi driver in a 'hit and run' accident. The only unusual twist to the OP story, is that he survived, and they didn't rule it an accident. From my experience with Thai women, it's entirely normal for them to 'dispose of' unwanted lovers/husbands.
  3. My mother died before I thought to ask (she lived off my father). Don't have any sisters. My daughters are lesbians (not much use for anything). Back to the OP, Not sure why guys are so desperate to divorce. 1. If you're already married, another one can't put the squeeze on you. 2. You still have the chance of marriage extensions. IMHO just stay married, hurts her more than it hurts you.
  4. Can you explain to me what else are women good for?
  5. Nothing to do with me .... all based on her 'apparent wage' of 25k/month. Obviously I'm the one paying for everything.
  6. Best not to loan money for 'business deals' ..... they never work out. Just pay for sex, per go, but never more than a month up front. Makes 'relationships' much easier.
  7. I'm willing to pay 10kbht/month .................. + free housing
  8. I started at 7:30 this morning ....... no abuse though.
  9. Most of the places have closed due to COVID.
  10. Complete nonsense. I don't care about their past and as long as I'm happy banging them I'll pay a reasonable wage. I also don't care what they're doing when they're out of my sight.
  11. Living expenses are a lot less of your wage here than in the UK. So they can lend more of your wage.
  12. Seems expensive, my mortgage was 1.5M on a 1.8M house and the repayments are 9k/month over 27 years.
  13. My woman's friend said her m/c would be repossessed if she didn't make a payment this month. I gave her 3kbht, felt sorry for her. Unusual for me to hand out money, but everyone's hurting these days.
  14. Touching Thais, apart from your woman in private is frowned upon. PS. You sound a little nutty to me.
  15. My Mil is an evil selfish old B$%#$ Sold her daughter when she was 18 for 20kbht. Would have sold her granddaughter if I hadn't stepped in and stopped it. My Brit MiL was nearly as bad. IMHO Les was right, you just got lucky Rooster.
  16. Is it along the lines once a woman has traded sex for money after a while she still gets the money without providing the sex? Seems to me her previous husband has more sense than her current husband.
  17. I don't believe I've met any couple in any country where the guy didn't bring all the assets to the table. Sure the white women pretended to work/contribute for a while, but usually found a reason to stop, or just spent all the money they earned on themselves..
  18. As long as jail sentences are proportional to the amount of free time the offenders have I'd be OK with that.
  19. University fees have doubled in the past 5 years. Wages are much the same, so less teens can attend university. When my kid started in 2017, fees were 8k/year. When she finished in 2021, fees were 14k/year (including COVID discount).
  20. Ordered yesterday morning ........ arrived this aft (502bht inc).
  21. Once they are adults it doesn't really matter what mom and dad want them to be, 'cos they ain't listening.
  22. Just bought 2 x300 bags from Siamburi on the link above. 500bht delivered.
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