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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. If it didn't happen to you, why are you living here in Thailand? There are essentially 2 types of men in Thailand. 1. Guys abandoned/divorced/betrayed by their wife in their home countries. 2. Guys whom no woman ever wanted in their home countries. From your posts, I'm guessing you're in the type 2 category. Obviously there's a few corporate odd bods on full expat packages here with their western wives. Most of them seem to get divorced pretty quickly once seeing what's locally available. Back in our home countries ........... The divorce rate is 50%, divorces mostly initiated by the women. Then there's the other guys still married and living a life of misery and despair (with no sex).
  2. I would say exactly the opposite, and that all women are essentially the same. They will all lie, cheat, steal, betray and asset strip you (given the opportunity). Thai, Filipino, British ....... it makes no real difference.
  3. My pal and I were having a 'who can bed the smallest woman' contest. I was winning with 38Kg, then he found a 36Kg so was winning. Then we both spotted a lady weighing 34Kg but neither of us were prepared to go that far. I conceded the game to him. As for size my 38Kg 'Angel' (30yo) had her feet level with my knees when we were lying down together watching a movie. Lovely woman, spoke great English.
  4. I plug all the mc4 connectors in series, then use 2.5mm insulated twin to connect through a double 500V DC breaker to the inverter. OK, so I should put the exterior twin insulated in an electrical conduit to protect the insulation from uv degradation, but I'm betting it's good for 5 years as is.
  5. Unless your home has a history of lightning strikes, why would you need that protection? IMHO it's nothing but a little extra money in the solar scammers pockets. (like the 'special' wires they want you to use). Q: How many people have you encountered who had lightning strikes on their solar equipment? A: None, same as me.
  6. Ok Lithium batteries .............. can use 80-90% I didn't look to see what batteries he was putting in that particular pack. It appears he's mostly using NMC at the moment.
  7. Similar accident, they said a broken jaw was cosmetic and refused to pay. Waste of money IMHO.
  8. When I split with a woman, I don't tell her I'm leaving, block all communications (after the goodbye SMShas been sent) and leave no forwarding address. Unlike the murdered guy, I know what to expect from newly single Thai ladies. All my exs tended to be a bit stabby when angered/embarrassed.
  9. IMHO modern hybrids hardly smell at all in any part of their life cycle. The only stinker I've grown recently is White Widow which is an older strain. Amnesia, Red Diesel, Lemon Kush, Critical orange Punch hardly any smell. All seeds from the UK.
  10. You don't need them. I've been running for 2+ years now without problems or surge protection.
  11. I suspect you're more likely to provoke that sort off behaviour in those around you than me. I generally don't interact with neighbours in any country I've lived. Ignore and be ignored is always the best policy.
  12. I sent you a link for a LINE seller I and many others on this forum have used. I've made many purchases off Line and Facebook, not one scam. Scams are hard to do when you have their name and bank account number. The Thai police take online scams very seriously. So you're scared you might lose 200bht? On my ignore list, time waster.
  13. No speculation required, she murdered him, she needs to go to jail forever.
  14. I'd like to hear his side of the story ........... (as the manginas all like to write) No wait, she murdered him, dead men tell no tales!
  15. Tried searching her name in Thai to find the 'dance' video. All I found was pages of porn videos with her playing the starring role.
  16. Had loads of both, Thai ladies are better at convincing me they really like me. Filipino ladies are better company for an evening out. Lots of very small Filipino girls, I had to set a lower weight limit (38Kg), never encountered that problem in Thailand.
  17. Doesn't mean anything to me, battery storage is measured in kWhr. Here is a 48V 8kWhr battery, 35kbht. https://www.lazada.co.th//products/i2393934477-s8157207174.html 80-90% of Lifepo4 batteries are usable, nobody buys lead acid batteries any more.
  18. Top and bottomless in this case ........ surprisingly hairy for that type of girl.
  19. Their priority was to make 5,000bht. Same as usual.
  20. "Should teachers hit students?" Nobody should hit anybody else for any reason ....... end of!
  21. Not true. Modern standard panels are divided into 3 vertical strips (24 cells per strip), if any part of a strip is in shadow, a bypass diode switches it out. If all 3 strips are in shadow the complete panel is electrically bypassed. This diagram only shows panels with 1 bypass diode, but anything made in the last 10 years will have 3.
  22. Never understood this line of thinking. If somebody beat me up, I'd report them to the police and never see them again. Lots of posters on this forum appear to hate other men.
  23. All tastes like wood smoke to me. I also have to add sugar to wine else it tastes like vinegar.
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