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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. When I was 52, back in the UK, I dated a 60yo woman who was nearer 150Kg. Lovely woman, very nice Sunday/Xmas family dinners, great conversations and glasses of wine by an open fire. She spoiled it when she asked why I never tried to kiss her ............. 'but I thought we were friends"
  2. Nope, if you don't press 'lock' on the key fob, it can be started, no time out, no need for thr fob to be near. She leaves it in the driveway unlocked (fob in her purse), I just get on it and go shopping.
  3. I never drink alcohol after 2am or before 8am. If you get drunk before 8pm, no hangovers.
  4. Nice bike, my kid has one. No key, easy to leave unlocked where anyone could start it. She paid 120,000bht, minimum deposit, maximum time repayments.
  5. Why would you want to talk with women? Do you discuss fashion and makeup tips?
  6. Opposite for me ......... Brit wife did all the cooking and cleaning, refused sex. Thai woman does no cooking or cleaning, agrees to sex. I'm OK doing my own cooking and cleaning, but I prefer a woman with me for sex.
  7. I suspect his mom paid it all, just to make it go away. 12M pounds seems a very small payout for someone whose mom owns half of England & Scotland. Personally, I feel it was a mistake, the woke liberals will never forgive or forget any accusations.
  8. Can you read? I've not written off all western women, just the old and ugly ones. Sadly the young and attractive ones don't want me.
  9. Issan is 60% of the Thai population, so hardly surprising there's so many around.
  10. 1. How many have you married? 2. Why are you here? PS. I'm an elderly '4', I only want young '8+', so yes I do have a problem, I'm not prepared to settle for a female elderly '4' ........... glad you're happy with yours.
  11. I always expected princes to bang anything that moves.
  12. Which raises the question ....... how did we all end up here?
  13. Women are biologically designed to protect and support their bloodline. Her children, siblings, parents, distant relatives ......... you will never be part of that bloodline.
  14. Definition of insanity: Not knowing what's real and what's imaginary.
  15. Why would I care about my hired woman's family? Or the bin mans family, or the local shopkeepers family? Does caring about your servants family benefit you in any way? She wanted a monthly wage, I give it to her, but that makes her my employee. None of them actually love us, we just pay them to live with us and have sex with us.
  16. No, absolutely easy to understand, I don't believe COVID will harm me or my family. I only ever had the original 2 vaccinations for what I was told would give me ease to move around. But they lied, I now have to buy worthless insurance, I have to buy tests, I have to apply for travel permits, I have to have boosters, I have to wear a mask ....... Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
  17. Unless they make it mandatory (or hard to travel), I won't be doing it. They already fooled me into getting vaccinated x2, with the false promise of easy air travel, that's if for me.
  18. Nobody in their right mind co-operates with the police. If they talk to you, they're looking to charge you. As my brief used to say ....... "Don't speak to the police unless I'm with you, and when I arrive, tell them you weren't there" Reason not to speak to the police without your brief present, they might lie and say you confessed. Reason to tell them you weren't there, being there is 50% of the way to proving guilt.
  19. I give grandma 3k/month to not live with me. She had to sign over the family farm for that, she seems quite happy with that deal and claims to be the richest lady in the village. Elderly village folk don't really need much in the way of money, they grow their own food and forage.
  20. The only 'private' money involved was 1,000bht for the private room for a night. Everything else was free for my Thai woman and our Thai child.
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