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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I can't say 1 degree in the past 200 years concerns me that much. In another one or two thousand years it might be warm enough for me to think about returning the the UK to live.
  2. Odd how climate change only affects places you've never seen. Wonder why that could be? Ps. How accurate do you think temperature measurements using a Mercury thermometer in the 1800s would have been?
  3. Had a cracked tooth age 40, dentist said leave it alone until it hurts. Age 52 it became infected, root canal 5,000bht. Didnt bother with a crown. Age 66 a few chunks have broken off the sides, still good enough. I've always found UK dentists unscrupulous and quick to make money from unnessicary work. Back to op, root canal in Thailand was 4 visits over 3 months.
  4. Free shipping is mostly for people using their Lazada Wallet to pay. Sometimes they have free shipping on other payment methods, but not so often. The item in the OP link gives me free shipping when I get to the 'place order' page. (Chiang Mai CoD)
  5. If I were selling for 2,000-3,000bht/3.5gm I'd give free home delivery.
  6. As Bert can do nothing to change the climate one way or the other, why does his opinion upset you so much?
  7. Until age 63 I was trail running and cycling every day. At 64 I was finished, there comes a time when your body fails you, no matter how fit you were. For most people that time is well before age 40, hardly anyone makes that past 55. A fall for someone over age 70 is dangerous as your bones become weaker. As leader of the free world, Biden shouldn't be allowed to take such risks. Cycling at his age is an indication of impaired judgement IMHO.
  8. I used to smoke with a French guy that had opium oil to stroke into the joint papers. Immediate high, no 15-20 minute wait. Exactly the same effect as Thai stick ........... it convinced me anyway, but up to you what you believe.
  9. Sounds unlikely. My bank apps insist on my fingerprint to open, then a 6 digit code to confirm a transfer.
  10. My solution is to raise the price of oil until everyone moves to electric ......... no wait .........
  11. The younger Thais take drugs, the older Thais drink Lao caw. If you go to any young person place with live music, they are all taking drugs in the toilets, the pretties, serving girls most of all.
  12. Wrong! Female cannabis plants 30bht each outside MaeJo University every morning 8aam-10am. Limited to 5 plants per customer, grown by MaeJo University. Selling 400 plants a day since the 9th.
  13. Wonder why you guys order 10 quid seeds when there's plenty to choose from between 4-6 pounds? Advanced search, low to high, then scroll down.
  14. Doubt they're coming ....... mine arrived within 2 days, then they ran out of stock. Hope you ordered COD.
  15. They force female plants (chemically) to reproduce with no male plant involved. Result is all female seeds (feminised). You can also take cuttings from female plants (cloning). All the cuttings are female.
  16. No effects at all when I wake up, apart from no knuckle pain.
  17. 40bht.
  18. I always felt the government should provide basic low cost housing to any British citizen that asks for it. Same for education. health care and food. A government that expects private organisations and people to take up the slack shouldn't be in power IMHO.
  19. It's the restrictions in planning permission causing the housing shortages. If you could build anywhere, there would be plenty of housing and prices would fall.
  20. Everyone I knew in council houses paid no rent. It was all paid by housing benefit, especially after they retired. And when I'm dead, I don't care if I have any assets. Also if I'd rented, my wife wouldn't have been given my house when she divorced me. And I'd have been rehoused at the councils expense.
  21. But if everyone is really out to get me ....... is it still paranoia?
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