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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Why can't you stand it on the ground? https://www.eco-solaris.com/solar-water-heating-thailand
  2. As far as I know, if you want to go 'smart meter' it needs to be installed by a PEA approved installer with PEA approved equipment right from the start. So your initial expense is going to be maxed out right from the start. I'd use one of these and just use it to power all my low power devices. (lighting & sockets) Leaving the individually fused devices on the grid. (air-con & showers) In Thailand it would be more practical to heat the shower water from a solar tank. https://aseannow.com/topic/1194666-solar-water-heater/
  3. Why does it need to be on the PEA list? I didn't think you wanted to feed back into the grid. With all the extra expense of PEA approval and approved fitters. If you are using batteries there's no point in exporting at 2bht and buying back at 4bht.
  4. This is about the best deal I can find on Hybrid inverters at the moment, sold under several labels (Y&H). Not too expensive at 16Kbht. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i2226480952-s9185383861.html
  5. Special high price, high voltage packs. Best to avoid anything non-standard, 'cos they'll bleed you dry.
  6. 75Kbht for 10Kwhr on Lazada. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/must-10kwh-ess-tesla-powerwall-48v-200ah-lifepo4-battery-hybrid-grid-home-solar-energy-storage-system-i2777108044-s10101632895.html 30Kbht for a 5Kwhr ......... https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i2646833087-s9512437008.html
  7. Drink a medium amount of alcohol, then some medicinal cannabis, and you'll sleep all night.
  8. It's always ...... 1. girl problem. 2. no money problem. 3. legal problem. 4. Health problem Sometimes all four! But as his twitter posts seem a bit angry, I'm thinking 1. girl problem.
  9. Slightly off topic, Have you got your Thai passport and ID yet? Easier to do while your mom is still living in the UK/Ireland.
  10. Off topic, I haven't voted since Arthur Scargill's Socialist Labour Party disappeared.
  11. Lots of pensioners died from COVID. The UK government is quids in, for pensions they no longer have to pay. If I were the UK government I'd be shipping COVID patients out of hospitals and distributing them among the nursing homes ....... but wait, that's exactly what they did!
  12. Assuming batteries last forever and nothing breaks. A new Tesla battery costs $22,000 (700,000bht) and will need replacing every 10 years (or less). I've seen a Tesla car battery that only lasted 8 years. And a Tesla powerwall completely dead in under 10 years. @Crossy has had at least 2 GTI failures in less than a year.
  13. I prefer to view it as ........... Why do you think the fat guy should get health care and the anti-vaxxer not. If people didn't over eat and under exercise we probably wouldn't need COVID vaccines in the first place. For countries that provide public health care, if they don't want to treat you because of your personal choices, you shouldn't have to pay the taxes to support that public healthcare. And what about the countries that don't provide public health care? If people didn't get sick the hospitals wouldn't be profitable.
  14. You must drive a lot (5000bht = 1600Km in a car or 6,000km on a scooter). Did you include the write off for the car battery (over 10 years) in your savings? Doubt I spend 200bht/month on petrol/diesel. What was the cost of your total solar install? One thing I do notice about solar 'experts' They usually overestimate their savings and underestimate their costs. I can't see how an EV is viable at the moment, at the end of 10 years the cost of battery replacement will probably exceed the second hand value of the vehicle. If you buy a 1,000,000bht EV, you'd really need to write off 100,000bht every year in costs. So that would be an extra 8,500bht/month on the costs side. Your 5,000bht/month savings probably turns out to be an extra 3,500bht/month in expense.
  15. Already had 4 sons ...... I'd like a few more daughters ..........
  16. I've always looked for a fertile woman who can give me babies.
  17. Not me, women ain't my friends. They still want stuff from you.
  18. UK has banned all sales of new ICE from 2030. With no plans to provide electric recharging stations. Conspiracy theory is they only want rich people to drive their own, clearing the riff raff off the roads.
  19. BritManToo

    Understanding Isaan

    I was once trying to talk with a girl in Central Thai. She turned to me and said, "I'm Akha, I only speak English and Akha" Apparently there are 40 different languages used in Thailand. My Mil speaks a Thai Laos village variant, it's so different that when she comes to stay only 2-3 old folk in our village can chat with her (out of 250 households).
  20. BritManToo

    Understanding Isaan

    Agree, Lots of foreigners living in Thailand that have no idea how many different languages are being spoken.
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