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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I'll just have to eat what's in the fridge/freezer/larder until the bank computers start working again.
  2. Disagree, OZ and NZ showed themselves to still be prisons with a firm control over their inmates.
  3. Complete BS. Nothing is stopping the spread. Calling it 'breakthrough' infections just sounds better than admitting the vaccines didn't work.
  4. You keep saying the same thing. But the vaccinations don't stop anyone from catching or spreading it. So why the need to vaccinate children? They'll still spread it vaccinated or not. As they don't get serious symptoms, they don't need the vaccinations. There's no logic to your PoV.
  5. You're assuming schools will open again at some time in the future. I'm not so sure anything will ever get back to normal, as we knew it.
  6. I found so much action in Chiang Mai, I never needed to go to Pattaya.
  7. Were they wrong? I can't imagine the action in S&G was much different.
  8. My woman learned to speak English very quickly (as her 5th language). My kids all speak English as their first language. More useful to them to learn English than me to learn some rural Thai language that nobody outside the village speaks. PS. Agree your pal is a fool, he should have learned by now never to let other foreigners know where you live, never allow other foreign men to meet your woman. Extremely rude of you to speak to his wife in a language he doesn't understand.
  9. Nope, can't see how that would work. I'd use a shorted plug, plug it into the socket of the circuit you want to find. Back to the fuse box, put one end of a Ohm meter on the live, then run the other end along the neutrals until you find the neutral with ZERO resistance. Remember to pull out the shorted plug. Don't put the breakers on until every wire is connected.
  10. The only parts I have missing is the ends of my two eye teeth. Apart from that I'm completely intact.
  11. I did set up an account just for rental income and disbursements, so I could easily track the tax I needed to pay. But then the renters stopped paying the rent, so there was no money left in the account to pay the utils. Sorry ...............
  12. Are you claiming ...... You don't have a low opinion of women?
  13. Probably a thief pretending to be a prostitute, wait until the drunk guy is asleep, then rob him. One of the reasons you should never take a girl you don't know back to your place.
  14. It will never be 'done with'. No government has ever willingly given up control that it has seized.
  15. My misses says, "kill them and hide the body in the jungle".
  16. You chose the wrong hospital. I paid 250bht for 8 stitches in my leg (trail running accident). Then another time 2,000bht for 10 stitches in my face (cycling accident) and 3,500bht to have my broken jaw fixed and 2 teeth rebuilt (6 visits to the dental hospital).
  17. Living with one now, she gets 10Kbht/month wages and a nice house to live in. She might manage to scrounge another 2-3Kbht in the month. No problem with her cheating or lying, it's what women do!
  18. You gotta laugh at the white knights wanting to defend hookers sensibilities.
  19. Good luck charging your car from 'the sun' if you live in England.
  20. Here's one of me on the beach with the wife in Pattaya ............ I'm a bit older in this one.
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