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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I suspect the ones you date are disappointed opportunists.
  2. It's unlikely bacteria would survive on bank notes. Not from before the last person that handed it to you.
  3. That concept ended around 1970-1990 in the western world. And it was ended by women, not men. Some may choose to point the finger at 'no fault divorce' laws as the final nail in it's coffin.
  4. Best grown in coco coir IMHO.
  5. To get one, they need to accept the other.
  6. 'YOUR' obsessive fear of death. I don't appear to have that fear.
  7. And yet you still ended up here with the rest of us 'losers'.
  8. Off topic, I've never viewed the Thai climate as harsh. I's not as if the country is covered in snow and ice for 4 months of the year.
  9. I'd rather be alone, than live with an ugly woman. And I'm not so poor I need to live off one. I also remember you posting about how wonderful your last relationship was. Which didn't end all that well either. But don't worry, a high earning ugly one is sure to be different. Don't get me wrong, I've taken home a few monsters as well. But when I woke up sober in the morning I wished I hadn't.
  10. So learn to read a Thai menu. It isn't that hard, less than 100 words to learn.
  11. Decent smartphone 5,000bht S/H scooter 25Kbht. Mission accomplished!
  12. No, expats are people who retain citizenship of their home countries. Immigrants are people who change their countries. Maybe you should concentrate more on learning English.
  13. I was always looking for a woman weighing less than 50Kg and under 35 years old.
  14. What else is there to do for an old guy (in Issan)? And while I'm thinking about it, are you claiming the locals drink less?
  15. I found a 38Kg lady in the Philippines. We were lying in bed watching a movie, and I noticed her feet were level with my knees.
  16. And you were in your 60s when you had all these beautiful and sexy girlfriends?
  17. I say all women are opportunists. How badly you get treated by them, usually depends on the opportunity you give them to take from you.
  18. Cannabis plant .......... looks like it needs some sun. Water it when the leaves droop. Let's hope it's a girl. (So a friend tells me)
  19. I'll just have to eat what's in the fridge/freezer/larder until the bank computers start working again.
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