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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. The only shop on Lazada with stock now wants 2,000bht each.
  2. You do understand it's only the HS models that do energy monitoring? And the cheapest one costs 1,500bht. Is there some reason you want to spend 250bht on TP-Link? When the Tuya sockets do exactly the same for 150bht. Just seems a bit odd to me!
  3. Married 30 years and never an issue either ....... then there was, and here I am.
  4. I hope you have better luck than me. The Shopee seller I just bought panels from was selling stock he didn't have. Had to fight with Shopee for a refund.
  5. Same, Mine shouts, "I know you still want her" at me sometimes. My return shot is, "If I were going to be unfaithful, it would be with someone a lot younger than her" Which really gets her going, as she is the same age as my ex.
  6. I'm watching the 'Odyssey 5' TV series again from 2002. Grown up Sci-Fi with naked women and violence. Shame they only made one season.
  7. You call that a tattoo? This is a tattoo ..........................
  8. I think you're being a bit unfair to foreign guys. Do you really expect a Brit plumber/brickie not to swear? Do you think the Thai guys and gals don't swear every other word? I hardly see any Thais not wearing flip-flops. Bit of double standards from you IMHO.
  9. Do you think they changed after they got married? Most guys I know never pretended to be more than they were. I mean, the best thing I can say about me, is I don't beat her unconscious (or at all) like all her Thai guys did, and I don't follow her around watching her (which she claims are my best two points).
  10. Longest I managed was 3 nights. Couldn't even buy a bag of cheese and onion crisps at the local shops. (Lomsak, so not Issan)
  11. She's too big for me (looks over 50Kg). And I never try to kiss that sort of lady, I know where her lips have been.
  12. She's too big for me (looks well over 50Kg). And I never kiss that sort of girl, I know where her lips have been!
  13. I have plenty of 'personality' but sadly it's nearly all bad. No sure about 'failure', all relationships fail at some point, unless you're lucky enough for one of you to die before it fails. Even Bezos and Gates managed to fail in the recent past, along with Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt .......... imagine them not being good enough to satisfy their 'lower class' women with all they had to offer?
  14. Very hard to judge the correct water for cannabis plants. Most growers say water when they droop. My friend prefers to grow in coco as it's impossible to over-water, the excess just runs through.
  15. I've got the same one, it's for my phone.
  16. You could leave the generator running in the boot and charge while you drive. DIY hybrid! ......... and no 'difficult' emission tests to pass.
  17. In this instance 'quirky' and 'abnormal' have the same meaning. Sheep rarely leave their flock, even when the flock are running towards the cliff.
  18. Postulating only the abnormal leave isn't the same as claiming they ALL left.
  19. Maybe you're right, I'm far too intelligent to have much in common with most people (male or female). Sometimes I think I'd be happier if I were as stupid as everyone else.
  20. Probably because they're the only people who move out of their home countries.
  21. 10 seconds work to pick out the 'rat poop' before you cook the rice.
  22. We've interacted for a while, So I know you aren't attractive, don't have a great personality, are well past your 'sell by' date, and financially limited. Same as most of the rest of us forum posters (especially me). You must have something she wants, but it's beyond me what it could be.
  23. You used the word 'our', which was inappropriate. You don't speak for me .......... which is the only context here ........ so within forum rules. Feel free to report my post and get a moderators decision on this matter.
  24. Why would you need to have an HIV test? Just wondering. I've been to an assortment of Thai hospitals, and not one of them ever suggested I needed an HIV test.
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