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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. 3 bottles of spirits (Gin, Rum, Vodka) and 2 boxes of beer! Paracetamol in case you get headaches.
  2. The first one, I did that. The next two, I just used the AIS phone app to register, very easy.
  3. My family (woman, son, daughter) all speak English, why would I want to learn village Laos? Speaking English is much more useful to them, than speaking Laos is to me.
  4. Pay 'CoD' and use your local phone banking app 'scan' feature to pay the delivery driver. They all accept this payment.
  5. I guess the infected staff weren't 'on the books'. You needed a test to enter the road, was that test only given to customers?
  6. Mine go to the local government school, it was good enough for me, so it's good enough for them. I ain't raising spoiled little princes/princesses. Not to mention the schools are all closed with no signs of opening. You can pay as much as you want, they still ain't going. One finished university last year, got a job right away. One would still be in junior school, if it were open. It's nice they're happy, IMHO that's all that matters. Cost of kids, 20kbht/year until university then 40-50kbht/year (for 4 years). Almost nothing from my pension ........ not so good if you're a rice farmer.
  7. 30l is a lot of water for a shower, 56l tank costs 12kbht.
  8. My two in Thailand didn't cost me much at all. My four back in the UK didn't cost much either, in fact the UK government gave me 10,000 pounds a year for having them.
  9. Had my Thai son when I was 55, it's been great. Divorce is more likely to remove a father than death. And that's something a man has little or no control over. My Thai son has spent 4 years more with a dad (now age 65), than my last two Brit sons. If you don't have a kid with her, your relationship is doomed, and she'll just move on to someone that will.
  10. Yep, my former Brit wife divorced me when she was 50 .......... thank god! I can't imagine having sex with a woman that old, let alone 70. Hurrah for Thai ladies morality!
  11. Why would coming here in your older years make you hate the place? As a 70 year old, I can't see him getting any sex in his home country. Here is the place to be!
  12. How about a storage water heater ........ and use your existing wiring 10Kbht https://mazuma.co.th/en/product/ariston-model-adris-slim-30/
  13. I'd have been overjoyed. But mine chucked me out of the house, so she could bang her new boyfriend in our bed. And I hope he got a lot more sex than I ever did (but I doubt it).
  14. Running 240V AC over any distance is not really a problem. Running DC cables IS a problem. Solar panels (and batteries) should be close to the inverter. My solar panels are 5m max from the GTI, using normal 2.5mm twin insulated. 3 panels, each producing up to 4A (even though the 330W panels are supposed to deliver 9A). So 12A going down the 2.5mm cables (my panels are in parallel, different if you have them in series). Standard 2.5mm cable should be good for 16A/500V, anything higher and you're taking a chance. No reason to have the inverter/battery/panels near the house fuse box.
  15. I agree, there is no expectation of having a great time. But I do have the expectation of staying in the hotel room I booked.
  16. You spend too much time looking at other men. The only thing in a bar I see is the girl sitting with me. But back to the thread topic. If someone pays to go on holiday, they should get that holiday or their money back.
  17. Double pricing on Parks = ripoff. Lady drink (if I get to feel her up) = bargain (or should that be bargirl). 70bht for a small beer surrounded by naked ladies = bargain. Stopped by police and asked for 200bht = ripoff if I'm legal, bargain if no helmet or drunk. Insurance that doesn't pay = ripoff. Not used an agent, so can't really say.
  18. Mojito is made with Mint leaves. Supermarkets often sell the picked leaves/sprigs, which you can root and grow. I found them in Rimping (Chiang Mai), and grew loads. Sadly I let them all die when I lost the taste for Mojitos. You could try seeds, although I've never had much luck with seeds from Lazada. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/200-mint-pepper-i265222444-s412611367.html And some live plants. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/papermints-i785026906-s1562674091.html
  19. 3500W = 14A 2.5mm cable is 16A max. So not unless you want to melt your 2.5mm cables.
  20. Not even 2 generations, my FiL was a village bandit (would have been the same age as me today) and my woman used to ride around in an Ox cart when she was a little girl.
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