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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Not much of a pool party ...... where are all the naked women? For a 5,000bht entrance fee, I'd expect lots of them. But everyone appears fully dressed.
  2. I just had a 16m2 (x2 floors =32m2) extension on my house in Chiang Mai. Tiled floors, hand rails around the upper floor, no roof or walls for 150,000Bht. Was quoted 12,000bht extra for a simple roof.
  3. He could refuse to interact with the US court. Nobody is going to hand him over the the US authorities. There have been wars fought over less. He could use his 'Diplomatic Passport' Americans can run down British citizens and get away with it by using those.
  4. That's expensive, the care home in Chiang Mai (Ban Lalisa) has prices starting from 25Kbht/month (shared room). That's around 6,000 pounds/year. https://www.facebook.com/baannlalisa/photos/pcb.1106118193476666/1106113656810453 Really nice place, swimming pool, nice gardens
  5. What if you wanted to stay in the hotel you had already paid for?
  6. Best to make sure you have some serious symptoms if you want the insurance paying. I'd suggest a lot of coughing and some gasping for breath + serious headaches and complaints of aching joints.
  7. Andrew isn't self entitled .......... His mom is Queen, he is a Prince. That's how titles work.
  8. You don't need to have everything wired through the inverter. Leave all the 'high draw' items on the regular grid power. It's just silly to try and put everything through it. My future plan was to leave the Air-con and showers on the existing fuse box. And put all the lighting and sockets through the solar fuse box. And if you want to protect your 8KW inverter from overload, just put a 32A fuse on the output. (or 25A if you want to leave yourself a safety margin)
  9. Would point out Mechanical Engineer is a profession taught at university. Not a trade.
  10. Overpriced ........ They want 9,800bht for the HLG240 lamp I linked at 5,500bht on Lazada. https://www.growshopthailand.com/en/product/71/led-grow-light-utmost-ไฟปลูกพืชเร่งการเจริญเติบโตเน้นสีแดงและอินฟาเรด-100x80-260watt
  11. Tech college in Thailand is more like reform school in the UK. I don't think they teach them much, they all make zip guns in the workshop. More about keeping them from fighting in the streets.
  12. They only have a say when the building is new and the condos are first sold. After that it's up to the land office.
  13. Hlg 240 works a treat. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/led-grow-light-hlg-samsung-lm301h-v3-120240320480600-watt-meanwell-driver-indoor-grow-light-i1541044230-s4105410167.html So a friend tells me, covers a 2' x 4' growing area.
  14. It would depend on what equipment you want to work, that doesn't work now.
  15. Yeah, I give my MiL 3Kbht/month not to live with us and watch the family farm. She's the wealthiest woman in the village.
  16. Up to the land office not the condo company or management or agent. You have to go to the land office and ask, they keep the records. If there's spaces it's first come gets it at the land office.
  17. I thought the 'touching contaminates surfaces' had been debunked. Allegedly less than 1 in 10,000 chance of catching by touching a surface. 99.99% spread by the infected breathing out.
  18. Because women are intrinsically untrustworthy. And I'm not allowed to marry a trustworthy man in Thailand.
  19. Yep, I added a link for welding rods, 300bht+ for a box of 300 x2mm. And the auto dimming mask is a worthwhile extra, although there's a cheap mask included with the welder which is OK. The gloves that came with the welder are fine. I was mainly welding 2x1 box steel. All cut with this 4" grinder, https://www.lazada.co.th/products/masaki-4-750w-i220463375-s336037455.html and these cutting wheels ...... mind your fingers ......... https://www.lazada.co.th/products/mailtank-4-12-mm-25-i219056598-s332928234.html
  20. I bought this one, been using it since mid 2019. Works perfectly ....... and 200bht less than when I bought it. I've made frames for solar panels, rabbit cages, fence repairs, can't fault it in any way. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/inntech-inverter-igbt-450a-3-supreme-edition-i274609952-s436457675.html The rods were surprisingly expensive at 380bht (2mm) https://www.lazada.co.th/products/yawata-ft51-20-mm-x300-mm-25-kg-i125132841-s131198053.html The welder comes with gloves and a mask, but you might want to spend another 200bht on an auto dimming mask which I find really helps. Thicker welding rods are a lot cheaper (2.6mm @ 150bht/box) but it's harder to weld box steel with thicker rods.
  21. I think you're missing the pro-vax agenda a little. If you weren't vaccinated, caught COVID and survived with no worse than a cold, you narrowly escaped death (or didn't have COVID in the first place). If you were vaccinated, caught COVID and survived with no worse than a cold, the vaccine saved you from death. The frightened sheep will never accept COVID is relatively harmless for most people. They will also never accept that the vaccine is ineffective, you just need more boosters.
  22. You buy a new SIM and keep the old one in your second SIM socket. That way people can still call your old number.
  23. I still enjoy living in Thailand. I didn't mix much with the locals when I was in England. Essentially, I just want to be left alone to do my own thing. And in Thailand that's pretty much what I get to do. Nice house, woman, kids, pets, fast internet and big TV. What more does any man need?
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