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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. 25kBht/month in Chiang mai. https://www.facebook.com/baannlalisa
  2. Tomato's are always expensive this time of year. It's a season type of thing.
  3. Looks like a wooden vinyl shell on that house ....... I prefer my concrete. (and it's 5x the price of my home) Wonder why it was sold for $92k in March this year? Repossessed?
  4. Imagine the bang when the bearings seize! Or any other catastrophic failure.
  5. I think they were just talking about the Thai women available to us old white foreign guys.
  6. I do almost everything myself wherever I am. Just automated the house, dug up and fixed the gate lights, improved the rabbit proof chain-link, hung a new bathroom door Xmas day, replaced all my bathroom lighting. I'm retired and have plenty of time to do it all. Don't like oily hands though, the guy down the road can fix my car and m/cs.
  7. It's an odd situation. In the west if they dare raise interest rates, half the home owners will default on their mortgages. I remember paying 15%+ interest on my UK mortgage back in the 1980s. Just imagine someone going from 2% to 15% (repayments x7). This is a broken system, wonder how they'll get out of it?
  8. Oddly enough chips are cheaper in Makro than at most times in the past. 2Kg/89bht ......... filled my freezer with them. Broccoli is nasty, I wouldn't eat it if it were free.
  9. If they can't pay them, they shouldn't have sold them. ZERO sympathy, they should go out of business.
  10. I reject the data, vales and morality espoused by a failing civilisation. A place where children put their parents into care homes then forget about them. A place where women reject their husbands and asset strip them, then poison their children against their father. It's a world and a lifestyle I don't want me or my children to live in. But if you like it, you live in it.
  11. Nice list of things that aren't that important. Better they have a home to sleep in, food on the table and a loving family around them than everything on your list.
  12. Seeing as how the sea level is predicted to rise 6ft by 2100, why would you even take the risk? Or are you a climate change denier?
  13. Most people would still need an income to live in that house. Generally, in the west, low housing costs = no employment and high crime rates. If I didn't need to work I'd move to Thailand and buy that same house for $40,000. A saving of $160,000, which I could then use to hire a young and attractive wife to warm my bed at night. (Which is essentially what I did)
  14. Both the rabbit breeders I use speak almost perfect English, yet they're living by selling rabbits at 300bht a go. They also seem to be happy.
  15. My 'technical degree' wasn't worthwhile at all, except as an interesting hobby. Once I learned the real money was to be earned in media/stockmarket/banking, science couldn't afford to hire me.
  16. Love of a woman for a man doesn't really exist IMHO, it's just a male fantasy. Sure, a really good looking guy, drug dealer, murderer can get a few free ones. But she will only stay with a guy that can pay her what she wants (and even then she'll cheat on him).
  17. So pork prices have risen 20bht at the farm, but 40bht in the shops. Seems the problem is mostly caused by shops profiteering.
  18. I love discussing the details of peoples 'imaginary friends'.
  19. My Thai children appear to have a better life in Thailand, than my English children have in England. Education is one of the false gods of the western world, beyond the ability to read and write not much point in further education for 90% of the population.
  20. That's a false premise, as drugs, violence and criminality are generally attractive male traits to women. No woman desires a nice hardworking guy.
  21. Not seen much inflation in Thailand since I've been here (Jan 2009). A few items have gone up, more have gone down, much has stayed the same. My living expenses seem to go down every year, especially with COVID limiting my spending options.
  22. Why would I want to mix with Thai people? I didn't mix much with English people when I was in England. I much prefer the company of rabbits.
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