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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. The people that make most money usually work for themselves. No qualifications required, just drive and ambition.
  2. Two I like, Pink Sweats, At My Worst, Shadowminds, The Halo Effect,
  3. Would point out 'vocational schools' in Thailand = 'reform schools' in the UK. Most of the attendees will be criminals, drug dealers and gang members.
  4. I've known plenty of rich people in the UK and a few in Thailand. All had earned their own money (including me), but they were mostly miserable. Happiness appears to me, to be more about what you want. And if you want a lot of things you will never have, you can't be happy.
  5. My Thai daughter graduated earlier this year and her starting wage is 18kbht/month. No loan required, the fees and expenses were easily affordable. Not as much as she wanted, but in these days of COVID, it's not so bad. How many graduates in the UK earn enough to buy a home a year after finishing university?
  6. But the view from my window isn't that bad ......... (and my woman looks better than Bezos new woman).
  7. Former millionaire her (barely), My quality of life is much better here in Thailand with a lot less, than it was in the UK with a lot more. Maybe America is different, but there was nothing better in the UK for me, that I have here. A much younger woman in my bed, and warm weather every day is worth more than anything. Would also point out my 4 former kids in the UK are unhappy and struggling. My 2 kids in Thailand are so much happier.
  8. Yep, my woman said it was what she wanted from me (and money of course). After her white baby was born, one of her pals asked if she could borrow me to have one as well. I didn't, but I should have, the vestiges of my white Christian morality got in the way..
  9. I did that too, house was worth 600,000 pounds. Sadly my wife got it 100% in the divorce, guess I should have remained single.
  10. I don't believe anything a woman says, beyond "your dinner is ready". I don't really know/care about what Thai men want, unless they're dressed as a Thai women, In which case I have a good idea.
  11. I don't believe in climate change but generating about half my electricity with solar panels is probably more than most climate alarmists will ever get around to doing.
  12. I asked my wife, "How do you want your eggs this morning?". She shouted back, "fertilised!"
  13. Obviously, your woman is different. Never previously sold it, and is only with you for your youthful good looks and amazing personality. Doesn't work for guys like me that are ugly, old and boring. I'm OK with taking what I can get.
  14. To be fair, none of the guys I ever met back in the UK had wives I wanted to have sex with. So the topic never came up. Went to a wife swapping party once, asked how it worked ...... "You put your car keys in the bowl, then everyone takes out keys without looking, and you drive their wife and car home". I said, "I ain't letting anyone here drive my car!" and we left.
  15. Sex is a bit of lighthearted entertainment with the chance to earn some cash. Asian women understand this, white guys mostly don't. As for the Thai bargirl I moved in, a lot less damaged than the 'educated Christian Brit virgin' I previously married.
  16. Me, I tried Amazon Alexa which just didn't work, then I purchased Google nest which is almost perfect. So 2 nests (living room and bedroom) pretty much covers my whole house for voice control. Not really needed if you don't want voice control (or use your phone for voice control). The switching is all done with TuYa devices. Most of the house is covered, total cost under 5,000bht. Single light switches were a bit expensive (280bht), triple were a lot better value (370bht), so I did need to pull a few wires around in the loft. A few smart plug adapters for fans, for some reason the smart sockets are wayyyyyy too expensive. And some inline switches just for a bit of variation. Smart plugs 136bht https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i405022447-s786022799.html Google Nest 790bht https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i2398164001-s8185375236.html Inline switches 109bht https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i2285417046-s7680881020.html Light switches 400bht (careful to order the 'No Neutral' cos your existing switches don't have a neutral wire) https://www.lazada.co.th/products/smatrul-wifiappgoogle-homeamazon-alexa-220-2404-i1258482701-s3058970536.html Infra red hub (to control TV and Air con) 214bht https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i402166940-s781112230.html Be aware the light switches are 1/2 deeper than your existing wall boxes, live with it or start knocking deeper holes in your wall. Everything I can now control from the Google nest or my phone using voice control, or my phone app (Google Home/Tuya) by pressing buttons. I don't care about 'big brother' nothing much interesting happening in my home. 'They' can listen all they want!
  17. I spent around 20,000bht on 5 panel and 2 GTIs. My return is around 500bht/month, so 40 months to break even. Been going 2 years with nothing broken so far, another 18 months and I'll be into profit. 134 units generated this month so far, estimate another 10 this year. 144 x 4.2bht = 600bht saved in December.
  18. All soft rice tastes the same to me. Obviously sticky rice is different.
  19. And yet I've been wearing one (the same one) since March 2020 and not caught COVID!
  20. Not being one of the 'good foreign men', The only thing separating me from this experience is 1,500bht.
  21. I'm always amazed that the climate alarmists, whom you would think would be the greatest proponents of nuclear energy, are also it's greatest opponents. You'd think they would embrace the technology that totally reduced carbon emissions of energy production to ZERO. And when we're back to living in our mud huts with no electricity, do they really think we won't be reduced to burning wood to keep us warm?
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