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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Let me assure you, YOU will be blamed for the failure, and the rest of your marriage will be miserable.
  2. I would like to point out that a woman that has done without sex for 20 years, and mainly lived alone for that time, will probably be happy to do without sex for the next 20 years, and so is unlikely to prove satisfactory as a wife.
  3. I'll admit I can't see any rise in sea levels over the past 60 years (I lived by the sea until I was 20). So I have no reason to believe it will happen in the next 60 years. Why is it all the alarmists predictions are always for 10-20 years in the future? 42 'top scientists' wrote to Nixon saying he had to do something about global COOLING!
  4. Bezos and Obamas new beachfront property purchases in Hawaii ($80M) have been well reported. If you look at the photos, a 10cm sea level rise would probably sink them. (Let alone the 6' rise predicted by 2100, that would sink all of Florida) I've also decided to put you on ignore. I have little time for the climate/COVID nutters and tend to treat them with the same contempt as people knocking at my door asking if I've been saved, or others asking me if I understand the beauty of the Koran. You are welcome to live in your preferred fantasy world, but don't try to drag me in there with you.
  5. My evidence is that the people that own/run the world keep buying beachfront properties. Combined with financial institutions still giving 30 year loans on them, and insurance companies still insuring them.
  6. Homepro delivered my new bathroom door Xmas day, and I fitted it that afternoon, Had to visit the local builders merchant to get a 1" wood chisel to cut in the hinges. Then on the 28th Homepro delivered new lights for my three bathrooms, which I fitted in about 90 minutes. As a retired person, every day is my weekend. Homepro are a strange company, I go to the store to select what I want, then I go home and order the items on the internet for a 10% discount and free delivery.
  7. 1. I have enough money for the both of us. 2. Education, same. 3. wisdom, good luck finding a woman with that. 4. Humour, not sure that works well across languages unless you're Mr. Bean. I'm basing my marriage preferences on fertility and willingness to have sex (with me).
  8. I never found the jacket or raincoat worked that well in the UK, but in Thailand I don't need either.
  9. And yet, I have a science degree, and you don't! PS. I did add a link to the banana DNA, estimates vary from 17% to 60% according to the scientific methods uses for comparison. I also note humans share 70% DNA with slugs, and I've met a few guys with more than their fair share of slug DNA in my life.
  10. Don't worry my superior alien genetics have managed to father 5 (so far as I know).
  11. A banana shares 50% DNA with humans. Are you suggesting we are all evolved from bananas? https://lab.dessimoz.org/blog/2020/12/08/human-banana-orthologs
  12. Tell me again why any man would want to marry a 40 year old woman? Considering Thailand has so many available 30 year old women.
  13. While some people choose to believe they have evolved from apes. I believe I have devolved from super intelligent aliens who crash landed on the planet. There's just as much evidence for my theory as there is for their theory (i.e. NONE). But I can feel so much superior about my imaginary ancestors than all the 'ape people'.
  14. I'm not part of your 'we', I haven't cut down any forests or abused the planet. Sad to hear your admission of guilt though, maybe you should stop doing those things?
  15. I'm on the planet where masks and vaccines don't stop COVID ......... And the sea levels haven't risen ......... But many foolish people still BELIEVE they will.
  16. Hardly a major expense. I've been using the same one since COVID started.
  17. Modern unfounded beliefs, COVID, climate change ...... False science has replaced false gods IMHO.
  18. Shop opposite Maharaj/SuanDoc Hospital has loads in the window.
  19. Let's hope he doesn't die suddenly from COVID, or trip down the police station steps, and makes it back home to tell his tale.
  20. I've not ever seen 500gm packs (265bht) anywhere but Makro. Are you sure you aren't looking at the more commonly available 250gm packages @235/215bht?
  21. I've purchased a few 'mystery boxes' from ladies with tattoos. And was never disappointed.
  22. Sort of odd that he's been totally silent. Also wondering if he has COVID, how come he's staying at a police station? Also wondering if he has COVID how will they fly him home? Lots of questions, no answers.
  23. Science, In the USA it's reported up to 20% of fetus are aborted. And untold more were never conceived due to contraception.
  24. All the staff are probably infected wherever you go. A few infected foreigners are hardly going to increase your risk. At least the 'holding hospital' is free, I'd prefer that to a 200,000bht bill.
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