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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Science, logical progression of thoughts, something primitive peoples whom believe in a god/s can't do. Science didn't exist in the world before 1700.
  2. Why? iHerb price is $6.50/100 bottle, $10 postage, 15% discount today. Arrives in less than a month.
  3. BBC iplayer works perfectly using free VeePN as a chrome browser addon. No need to pay extra for that.
  4. Completely wrong. Unless you want to claim such things as basic tool using is 'science'. The Romans, Phoenicians, Mongol hordes et al, managed decent empires without anything like science.
  5. No need to book anything in advance, Thailand hotels are 90% empty everywhere.
  6. Disagree, most single men arrive here for the cheap sex. Anything else they find to like about the place is a bonus. PS. I also disliked Bangkok, but Pattaya, Hua Hin and Chiang Mai were great.
  7. I would suggest there are no 'quality tourists' visiting Thailand. And I can't imagine a future where any would want to holiday here.
  8. Would point out it's much harder to kill lots of people if you only have swords and knives. Science makes mass killing a lot easier. I'm thinking there would be a lot less American 'peace keeping' activities if all the drone pilots and missile men were issued with spears and clubs.
  9. I'd let her stay in her hotel room. Most civilised countries just ask infected people that can still breath (almost everyone infected) to stay home.
  10. Tell you what, pay me the 190kbht and I'll supply and fit a similar 12 panel system for you. 12 x 440w split panels, a 5k inverter (single phase), and I'll throw in a backup generator. PS. I'll be making 100kbht out of the 190kbht for my work.
  11. The 12 panels are worth 4k5 each = 54kbht The inverter 75kbht, but there's a wide choice available for under 30kbht, do you really need '3 phase' So 130k for the equipment, 60k for a few bits and pieces seems a little excessive.
  12. Good luck trying for a baby at 40+.
  13. More important, I'd be asking if she were such a good catch how come, at 40, she's single? And the answer is usually one or more of, 1. drowning in debt, 2. a nightmare to live with, 3. mentally ill, 4. frigid, 5. unlucky in love. I've not yet encountered a 5., but there must be a few.
  14. I had one when I was young. Mainly because I could drive it on a m/c license. Wonder how well it would do when one of them big lorries has a 'brake failure'?
  15. I answered the question that was asked, not the question you just imagined. If a different question had been asked, I would have either given a different answer on none at all.
  16. It didn't stop him getting COVID, and dying from it. Then there's the Dutch tourisst family in Thai COVID prison, all double vaxxed. And the Israeli guy on the run, he would have been at least triple vaxxed in Israel.
  17. Someone asked, and I answered. If the vaccines work, and you've had them, no need for you to fear anyone else. I'm trying to inject a bit of truth into others 'liberal new world order woke multicultural' agenda.
  18. I think he's probably right, maybe a bit high.
  19. Got mine on Lazada, 80bht delivered. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/lcd-noks042-i2300679626-s7753392642.html
  20. Well there was that story about the 'Hero doctor' double vaxxed and dead from COVID. It was running on AN a couple of weeks back, but was also in all the UK MSM.
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