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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I'd base my part of the debate more around finances. I don't have enough money for a nice home in the UK.
  2. Don't think I'd be happy trying to live on a pension in the UK either.
  3. I'm happy most of the time since I've been living in SEA. Obviously it's not a 24/7 emotion, I was unhappy for 30 minutes yesterday after my rabbit bit me. I'm happy now browsing the forums, reading a book, lying on the sofa. Weather is perfect, waiting for a pal to call round and we'll go out on our scooters for coffee. Best not to plan all that much and just enjoy what you have around you.
  4. Plenty of other countries to choose from, why would I go back to the UK?
  5. Black tea is fermented and effectively lasts forever if kept in the dark and sealed.
  6. Well done Bob! What brand are you drinking? I'm always drinking Typhoo, black tea is the best IMHO.
  7. It's an impossible dream for a retired foreign male I'm afraid. You need to be employed in Thailand for 5 years. Much easier if you were a foreign female, which only require them to be married to a local for 2 years.
  8. I remember a period of time when all the trouble was from Australian hells angels. Every nationality gets their moment of infamy.
  9. I thought it was a bit of light hearted fun. Mr. Big clearly wasn't trying to hurt the ladies, and they both had padded head protection while he had none. Most of the action seemed to be them bouncing off his rather large tummy.
  10. A phone is a useful tool, my kid is in CEP (Chinese and English Project), and uses it to help him with Chinese/English/Thai translation.
  11. If my sex drive had gone down sooner, it would have saved me a lot of money.
  12. Happened in Chang Mai a while back ....... they knocked the hotel down in the end. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-pacific-14543759
  13. I love my 160, unbelievable kmplr, averaging 56 kmplr over the past 7kkm. Only a year so far but no faults.
  14. Been to the PI loads, it's a great place for a beach holiday. But the internet isn't great, and the electricity tends to go off a lot. If I didn't already have a house and family here, I might have considered it, or Vietnam or Cambodia. I'm generally a happy person wherever i am, always plenty to do. 'Island of Thieves' by Glen Eric Hamilton is ready to read on my Kindle, not looked at today's movie/tv offerings on the torrent sites, chicken Madras in the freezer, I'll probably have that with spaghetti for lunch. Too much choice of things to watch/read/eat/drink next to ever be bored.
  15. But there's so much to do in a condo! Fast internet and big TV allow you access to unlimited music/movies/tv series/books/social networks. And if your condo has a gym and pool, you can even exercise without ever leaving. Not forgetting food delivery services will bring your Indian/Mexican/Thai meals to you for very little extra cost. Thailand is probably the best place in the world to live as a retired person on a pension. How can anyone not be happy here? Back to the OP, Yep, I've not really travelled anywhere since COVID, been everywhere, seen everything, lost the will to repeat myself. Exercise, went out cycling with a pal this morning, 23Km, stopped at a lake, then 2 different coffee shops on the way back, not so bad for an old guy. I'm enjoying myself as a retiree more than I could ever imagined when I was living and working in the UK.
  16. Can't think of any extension that wasn't priced at 1,900bht. Seems a standardised charge to me. Not sure the government have thought it through though ......... If you don't have a long term VISA, you can't open a Thai bank account, so how would applicants get 500kbht in a Thai bank account? You'd already need a long term VISA to get the DTV, and you'd need 500kbht in a Thai bank to apply, and you could probably only apply from your home country ......... everyone would be running in circles to try and fulfil the application conditions!
  17. Easy to judge, if a number of black men were allowed to remain seated then no crime. If all the black men were removed then criminal. Op claims 8 black men were removed. Looks like the Airline are about to get a well deserved spank!
  18. Some people don't know the difference between 'free' and 'included'.
  19. How could any tourist manage this?
  20. If you've got the money to pay the legal fees, I'd go with this. Destroy the school, take all their money.
  21. Don't think anyone in the UK cares that much about Jews/Palestine/Ukraine/Russia. Can't imagine an election being won or lost on any woke nonsense. Stop wasting time and money of foreigners and countries that contribute nothing to our civilisation. How about a party that promises British citizens a better life, and to hell with everyone else?
  22. Can they also pickpocket your fingerprint and PIN?
  23. It was the waitress fault as she didn't watch the payment complete. Up in CM if you pay with QR, the waitress takes a photo of the payment screen as confirmation. This event was negligence on the waitress part.
  24. What's going on is Nationwide isn't a proper bank and it's been like that forever.
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