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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I doubt many Thais have an understanding of any topic. As for Thai undergrads ...... Almost all female, cos the guys can't be bothered. And I've interacted with many Thai female undergrads, my wife being one of them, and my daughter another.
  2. Have you ever spoken with Thais? They are clearly unable to understand the simplest concepts. As for your white supremacists manipulating the results, I doubt they would have judged Jews as having the highest IQs.
  3. That's the average IQ for white western people. Thais have a lower average, Cambodians are even lower.
  4. They gotta hand out the 10kbht before they even think about cannabis. I suspect no new cannabis laws will ever be passed. Prevaricate and delay until everyone moves on is always the best way to go.
  5. No choice, all my income is taxed at source by the UK government. Tax returns are not required as I only have pensions.
  6. Very safe if your worries are petty crime. Extremely dangerous for RTAs.
  7. Yeah, you're right ....... but only if you're sentenced. If no sentence they pay you the money on release. But still better than a nursing home IMHO.
  8. I didn't say that at all. The police have been looking for me (on and off) for the past 15 years, so I've always hidden my finances from my UK bank account (assuming the police will get a look at it). It's not hard to hide you just use a money moving service between your UK bank and where it's going. Which means the authorities need multiple court orders to track your money movements, and they're just too lazy to bother for anything but major crimes. The trick to dealing with any/all UK authorities, waste as much of their time and resources as you can, never admit anything, always force them to take you to court. They don't have the time, the money, or the interest to take court action against everyone. And in the end, prison isn't that bad a place for a homeless pensioner, it's warm, has a library and the meals are regular ........ not to mention free dental and health care. An finally, UK state pension isn't paid to you while you're in prison, they keep it in a holding account then you get it all in a lump sum when you get out. Better rules than a nursing home, where they sell your house then keep and spend your pension.
  9. You're missing the point! UK banks cancel the accounts of Brits living overseas. There is no information for the DWP to see.
  10. Nothing in my banking details for the police or DWP to see. More importantly, I don't want my UK bank knowing I'm overseas, they would cancel my account.
  11. Let's have link to any case of state pension benefits fraud then. You can't because there are none.
  12. Read the story, they're looking for people with savings in excess of benefit limits. Not to mention, I don't use my UK bank account for foreign payments or transfers.
  13. Q: why do Aussies come so quick? A: so they can rush down the boozer to tell all their mates!
  14. The rats nest was probably built while car sitting in the service centre. They didn't find it 1st time because it wasn't there.
  15. Bash it hard on the top while pulling the door. Electronic lock is gravity based and can be opened easily. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang and it's open. Plenty of how to videos on YouTube.
  16. We're good at fighting and killing hand to hand. That's how we ruled half the planet.
  17. Minor crimes Retirement extension = deportation Divorce Marriage extension = cancelled
  18. Got mine on Lazada for under 200bht. 7 years old and still working perfectly. Matches up with the hospital readings as well 90/65. The hospital always make me go for a walk to get a higher reading.
  19. More about having a few 50kg bags of rice in your bunker IMHO. ....... and enough swords to fight off the zombies.
  20. You're assuming the banking system will survive the fall! If the big one happens, there will be no banks and no paper money.
  21. I don't require my misses to do anything else.
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