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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. You forget you are only talking about foreign men. It's way easier for a foreign woman married to a Thai man. As for being elderly and alone in Thailand, Again only a problem for you as you married a Thai woman too old to have children with you.
  2. You can't beat chain link fencing. At night my 3 girls live here, during the day they're out and about in the garden. Rabbits die very easily, expect 50% death, and the survivors live forever.
  3. This is me, not spoken with my 4 former Brit kids in nearly 15 years. I created another family, they can't create another dad. Their loss!
  4. Some progress this morning, His insurance phoned my wife and agreed to pay all bike repairs and any medical costs over and above my government minimum. Following due police process.
  5. Same for me, my last 2 elderly pals died in April and September this year, my last relative is in the middle stages of dementia.
  6. They traced the guy that ran me down using traffic lights video. Apparently it's all my fault for bumping his car with my bag at the previous lights. No explanation why he didn't stop after knocking me off, or report the accident to the police until over a week later. No idea what will happen now.
  7. Happy with the one I've got, she's 47 now but I still find her attractive after nearly 15 years together. Does she love me? Haven't a clue, I'm completely unable to predict a woman's true feelings, but I certainly love her.
  8. As well as can be expected, thanks. Pain destroys concentration, so I've not got much interest in doing anything. Can't read a book, hard to use computer as only 1 hand, been watching old westerns where I know them so well I don't need to concentrate. Yesterday was Ulzana's Raid, this aft was Big County.
  9. I'm actually using an Avery modular helmet, not expensive around 700bht but best of both worlds. Can use it with the front lifted so it's like a half helmet, or use it with the front fully locked down like a full face helmet. Wasn't sure about it at first as I thought a hard smash might rip the full face module off. As it worked out, completely effective for a seriously hard smash in the jaw and chin. Very comfortable to wear, plenty of airflow, no need to take your glasses off to put it on. Not a mark/bruise/cut on my head,
  10. They cut me off Thursday, every little move I make, every little breath I take hurts like b%$#@&y.
  11. Normal single lane road, little traffic, plenty of room to overtake but traffic light in front.
  12. No alcohol at all but 4 shots of morphine and all the Tramadol I can eat.
  13. I faced Death last Friday morning, and laughed as he failed to get me.
  14. Thanks, but I have no interest in punishing anyone for this in any way. The m/c was worth 40k, no big loss if it's a write off, police have already offered 10k as is. My government minimum insurance have already given the hospital permission to spend up to 30kbht, no further notification required. 6kbht spent so far ...... a few more visits booked. I'm paying for bandage changes at a local clinic @200bht a go, too lazy to queue for the free changes at the hospital. Extremely happy to come away from such a serious accident with just a small financial loss, and a few weeks pain and limited mobility. Considering all the other holiday horror news stories on here, resulting in massive bills and permanent disabilities. It could have been me, but it wasn't.
  15. Big difference between accepting death when he calls, and wanting to be dead.
  16. Nah, she's best pals with them, they're all on first name terms with her.
  17. They would if they knew who he was. today my misses is off to the police with a Honda dealer to value the bike and get the repair costs. Then she'll decide whether to repair and sell, or to accept a police bid on the wreck.
  18. I remember slowing for the red light way ahead then a big 'crunch'. Nothing between then and being helped into the ambulance. Police a in a 'feeding frenzy' to buy the wreck from me (3 phone calls in the last hour). They're getting a Honda dealer to evaluate the repair cost (if they catch the guy, he'll be paying). Told my wife it's her bike and she can sell to whomever she likes and keep the money. It's a bit too big and heavy for me now, much more comfortable on the Click 160i.
  19. Refused online 90 day 3x in the past 10 days because I have no extension expiry date while 'under consideration'.
  20. Good news just in, wife just got back from a round of Police and hospital form filling visits. Insurance say fully covered for first 30k of hospital bills, treatment done, and any ongoing visits. Hospital handed her back the 6k I paid yesterday then and there. (They're keeping 300bht for the lung exerciser) Well done, Thai police, insurance and hospital. Amazing service all round!
  21. Haven't seen the bike, apparently it's pretty bad, wife went to police this morning, they want to keep it for a while. It was 49k s/h 3 years back, policeman says he'll buy it for 20k as is, my misses will haggle a bit then probably let him have it. I won't drive it again, an don't really want to see it.
  22. Driving Honda Cb300R back from CM immigration 90 day report Friday morning, open road slowing down for red traffic lights, car rams me from behind. Next thing I know, police man wheeling my m/c away, says he's taking it back to the police stn, ambulance man helping me into ambulance. Bleeding all over. 5 broken ribs, broken collarbone, collapsing lung, too many cuts, bruises, road rash to list. Without a full face helmet I would be dead. San Sai government hospital were great, treated immediately, no waiting, latest equipment, doctors really efficient. Police were great, Ambulance was great, services as fast (if not faster) and efficient as anything I've ever encountered in the UK. Many X-rays as they're watching for blood and fluids in my body cavities. Never seen a portable X-Ray machine before, latest gear at my bed in the ward. Couldn't sleep in hospital and asked to go home, after 2 nights they let me come home yesterday. All strapped up, one leg working, 1 hand sort of working (poor motor control) other hand uninjured but strapped up to stop me pulling my collarbone out of line. Pills to reduce muscle swelling, bone swelling, 3 types of pain killers,and a little 'suck toy' to keep my lung inflated. Police, hospital, Government insurance, wife all liaising to recover hospital expenses (6,350bht). I paid when I left, but will likely get it back, not a big concern for me. Really surprised I'm not dead!
  23. I like it there, and if I didn't already have a Thai wife, kids and house I would probably move there. Reasons, 1. Immigration don't bother you. 2. Everyone appears to like foreigners. 3. Almost everyone speaks English. 4. Wide range of English/Oz/Mex/German restaurants. 5. Alcohol is extremely cheap. 6. Plenty of women available. 7. Really nice beaches and sea.
  24. Doubt the waitress owns the place, so she doesn't care if there are any customers. Easier day for her if the place is empty. Did you give her a tip?
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