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Everything posted by atpeace

  1. You don't see how a frolicking drunk lady might be treated differently than a sober lady falling into a canal? Do you know how drunk she was? Sad regardless but ignoring reality is silly IMO.
  2. I enjoy drunks and rarely fear them. I rarely get out late at night these days living in the sticks but do miss foolish drunks and the city fun. For me, part of fulfilling life is taking risks but I can respect getting your kicks while not risking potential dangerous situations. In the end - just be happy.
  3. I think you may be correct. I hear to many stories like this all around the world. I can't imagine not jumping in but I'm a good swimmer and have been in a few bad situations that would have made this issue seem not too dangerous. Scan the canal for dangers, look around for something that floats or a rope and jump in. If the water is moving fast then it is much more complicated. Just read the whole article on TG and she she was drinking while swimming in the canal then somehow ended up on the opposite side of the canal hanging onto a branch. A drunk person swimming in a canal then begging for help is a little different than a person falling into the canal. Doesn't deserve to die but there are levels...
  4. Poster should only be allowed to use the word "troll" or that matter "deflection" twice a month. it is sign of intellectual weakness. As for your fighting abilities, good for you. better to be able to defend yourself than not. Also great activity to stay fit.
  5. In a prefect world you could have turned the other cheek and walked away as gracefully as possible. In this world acting( literally ) brave and deal with the consequences seems to be the best option. Most the time it ends with the aggressor backing down for numerous reasons. You do have to pick your battles though and avoid being beat down hard. At MC D's s I would have made my stand for better or worse because of video cameras and other people around.
  6. That stinks! What happens in a few years? I returned to the USA in 2002 and made the best of it until my return to Thailand in 2008. I got lucky and made enough money to retire here at 41 and haven't regretted the move other than possibly working a few more years. I don't need much money in the USA and even less here which simplifies things.
  7. Why 4 kids? I sensed at 25 that kids would be a huge impediment for my life style. I assume you made the leap before you matured mentally. If had 4 kids , can't imagine living in Thailand now. Congrats on figuring out how to move on assuming you are happy now.
  8. I enjoy your threads. Keep them coming. What happened to you partner in crime Bignok? The complainers seem to quick to bash and that tells more about them than you. Back on topic. My bridges were never burned but their weight capacity has been drastically reduced. Not sure if it would be wise to cross them anymore.
  9. Really? That is a new spin. What are the numbers? Before the popular response was low spending Chinese tourists. Thai tourism has been out of control since 2002 (minus Covid era) and where it ends is scary. 60 million?
  10. Agreed, but the landlord is replaced with neighbors which are much more complicated to deal with because you can't just move. Also had a beautiful view at my condo I owned but a developer paid off someone important and an illegal 30 story building ( 7 floors were the max allowed) was build that blocked much of the view. I gave the condo to my ex in the divorce at the purchase price 🙂
  11. You might be right. I feel their desire to be healthy and the pain it must cause for some. I don't agree with their choices. I think that is empathy and like yourself, I'm not being snarky. Is that empathy?
  12. I can empathize but at the same time realize they eat too much or have a terrible diet. There are exceptions but they are extremely rare. A drastically slower metabolism for example is rare but even if true is not an excuse to be fat. You simply eat less than the next person. Fat is a choice. It may even bring greater joy than being fit for some. My only issue is I have to pay for unhealthy peoples' lifestyles which is a bummer every time I pay my health insurance. Also flying long haul economy next to a person that is using a third of my seat is no fun.
  13. There have been research showing high cholesterol foods are not an issue and others that it is. It makes one dizzy trying to keep up with all the opinions. As for me( off the charts low triglyceride of 44), I eat low cholesterol, mostly highly processes foods that are high in protein generally. My friends that eat similar to me(healthy) are also healthy and the ones with a high cholesterol diet are unhealthy. Sometimes things are much more simple than the the diet experts make them out to be.
  14. Thailand arguably is the easiest country in the world to get general health checkups. Can walk into even rural hospitals and with a google translate put together what you want done during the checkup. The process is empowering but person getting the checkup needs to invest a little time in knowing how the numbers apply to themselves. For example, don't test liver functionality during an intense training block, the numbers would be almost meaningless because of the cellular damage caused by training. I'm of average intelligence but other than the first few checkups over a decade ago in Thailand, I have been much better at evaluating the checkup numbers than the doctors who in many cases have provided bad info and rarely take the time to explain why certain numbers might be high or low. Nothing against doctors and without them I would be not here today but as far as checkups, the person getting the checkup in most situations should be able to better evaluate the numbers than the doctor. If the numbers are terrible a doctor might be your only hope.
  15. What do you prefer in life's experiences authentic or fake. A good fake is not all bad but sincerity is a completely different level.
  16. Yes and is almost meaningless unless the three variable that make up the total number are evaluated individually.
  17. Brave to post a pic and shows your confidence. Strike me as the type that is comfortable in their own skin which most are not. I think there are a few people that hate me on this forum so I can't post a pic. Just have to take my word for it that I'm hansom and doubt you care anyhow. Cheers
  18. I watched a youtube vid recently where the youtuber showed the blood work process at Bangkok Pattaya. Either the doctor was clueless or simply didn't care to explain the cholesterol data. Is was hilarious and the youtuber thought he received value for his money. As I have stated numerous times here, know your numbers and what they mean to you. The numbers tell so much but if people don't learn a little about their implications they can be useless. BTW, my last test total cholesterol was 220 which states high as in unhealthy on the report. In reality Triclyceride (44), HDL (113) and LDL (99) are so good they are almost unbelievable. I've had blood work done 20-30 times the last 15 years and rarely(possibly never) did the doctor add any value and on many occasions provided bad information. Doctors have saved my life twice but in most non- life threatening situations I have found that I'm better at evaluating my health.
  19. Yes, on the extremes, it is usually quite obvious that they have prematurely emptied the tank. I stay away from the hard stuff because the risks are not worth the benefit.
  20. He must be around 70! How many 65 yo Thailand xpats are as healthy looking? 5-10 years ago he had less wrinkles but he seems to have lost 5 kilos and hence the wrinkles. Elastic skin is illusive as we age and dropping weight causes the dreaded sag. Looks like drugs, if they don't kill you, have less impact than expected for many.
  21. Swoonworthy is hard for me to judge. When young and even more now at 56, I have intentions of being beautiful. We seek Beauty in its many forms throughout life and it has always been an endeavor of mine to find beauty in myself. Some might call this vanity but I disagree. Self beauty is earned through making difficult choices consistently throughout life. The vast majority choose to let their beauty deteriorate at different speeds and some even become spiteful of those that have retained their beauty. My partner is a few years older than me and I was first attracted to her because of her stunning beauty. She was walking through a market and it seemed like she was floating and everybody was in awe. We have been together now for nearly 4 years and she is still beautiful and constantly works on her beauty. She has freakish genetics but even those that weren't born with her level of beauty, like myself, can endeavor to retain their beauty even if it redefined. To answer the OP's original question. Some women swooned over me in my younger days when beaty was easy but now at 56, I truly feel as beautiful as I was at 25. Different type of beauty but the same internal sense of pleasure.
  22. I think his point is that it is delusional ( he was quoting me). I Made the statement and still feel the same. I have got some laughs and find this thread more interesting than most. The posters as a whole do seem to be delusional. You must see the Farangs XXX(size) pats but everyone on this thread is fit and handsome.
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