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Everything posted by sambum

  1. A friend of mine in the UK intervened when a bloke was beating his girlfriend up outside a pub. In the "scuffle" that followed the guy hit his head on the kerb, and my friend went to jail for manslaughter, despite the mitigating circumstances. Makes sense of the old saying that you shouldn't get involved in an argument between a man and his woman!
  2. This is becoming rather reminiscent of the automatic visa extensions due to Covid! Or the extension to the ban on the sale of alcohol in bars for the same reason!
  3. "Travelling alone without girlfriend indicates issues." Absolute bullpoo!!! There are a myriad of reasons why he could be travelling alone, but you have to assume that "there are issues" implying that he has problems with his private life? Well done Sherlock!
  4. Probably depends on the size of the brown envelope!
  5. Absolutely ridiculous! The same as not being allowed to purchase alcohol between 2pm and 5pm at Tesco or Macro, but anywhere else seems to be OK? This in a resort that is trying to resurrect the tourist trade!!! "Please come to even more amazing Thailand for your holidays!!!" (But by the way, between 2pm and 5 pm don't try to buy a few beers to take "home") However, you can go to a number of local establishments and get stoned "out of your brain"? No plomplem because Mr Anutin has cleared the way, and found another way to increase his already considerable fortune! Maybe well on his way to the Forbes list as well as being a contender for PM?
  6. "They decided to go to a room in the Huai Khwang area to rest due to severe intoxication." But still managed a bit of hanky panky!
  7. ".........the rope from his pants.........." So, basically a shoestring?
  8. Hence the "automatic" assumption of suicide?
  9. "On April 23, 2023, Pol. Gen. Damrongsak Kittiprapas ordered an urgent investigation into a video clip showing tourist police in Thailand assisting tourists with their luggage,......." Along with the latest blitz on overstayers, the RTP certainly know their priorities! Not a bad guy in sight!
  10. "The team tested 81 Chinese people, 28 Hong Kong people, 27 Koreans, 3 Taiwanese, 2 Laotians, and 41 employees. Fortunately, no illicit substances were discovered, and nobody was found to be overstaying their visas or entering the country unlawfully." I don't BELEEEEVE it!!! "The successful outcome of this operation underscores the importance of such collaborations in maintaining the safety and security of both citizens and tourists in Thailand." Or THAT!
  11. Just possible that the meeting was prearranged by a third party (ies)?
  12. Happens all the time in Pattaya, Bangkok, Phuket etc etc! That's a long term relationship!
  13. Another one who "cherry picks" what he reads:- "One of the men befriended the victim and, on April 17th, persuaded her into his room and detained her."
  14. Don't panic - election coming - can't have anything disrupting that!
  15. "Studies has shown that Thais were getting drunk all day during Songkran." REALLY? ???? Who would have guessed? And how long have these studies taken - and at what cost? (P.S. It should read "Studies HAVE shown that .......)
  16. "Thais told to mask up at Songkran if PM2.5 levels high" So, farangs/tourists don't need to? (OK - it is ratified more clearly in the post itself when "Thais" is replaced by "people")
  17. Whenever a tourist gets into "bother", the nationality is usually mentioned in the headline - not usually so with Thais who have gone on the rampage - unless it's a cop!
  18. "Borrowed" watches belonging to dead friends?
  19. I was in hospital in Koh Samui recently, and treatment was expected to cost app 20,000 baht. I had to pay 30,000 baht up front AND leave my passport with them as deposit in case the treatment was more, and I did a runner. I thought that it was illegal for anyone to ask someone to leave their passport as collateral for anything, and they already had 30,000 baht cash, but all they would say was that it was "hospital policy", and they made it quite clear that I would not get treatment unless I complied.
  20. Thai "Auntie (Anti) Logic" - same as putting prices up in the bars when they have no customers!
  21. "Would they be making as much of the "evil" if it had been a Thai gang?" Probably - absolutely horrendous crime regardless of what the nationality is of the perpetrators!
  22. Yes indeed - as I used to be told when I was a kid, "where there's a will there's a way" Unfortunately, in this case there is obviously no "will", except possibly those made out by some of the poor souls who have succumbed to the toxic fumes!.
  23. " ...... relevant parts of the private sector will now step in to provide help to the residents of the three villages within three months. And why don't the Government step in to provide help? Maybe a few backhanders being made in order to secure lucrative contracts? And why not NOW? In three months time there will probably be a few more deaths due to this pollution. It beggars belief that this happens year after year, yet is allowed to carry on unabated - possibly because wealthy landowners are greasing a few palms, or as it is put over here - handing over a few brown envelopes/tea money?
  24. Right on the button as usual Mike! "2. Perhaps the immigration clowns could be focusing on serious criminals, rather than senior citizens who are over staying their visas, and hassling legitimate couples over marriage visas" Sometimes I wonder if these I.O.'s bosses know the inane antics of their front line operatives? A friend of mine told me that when he applied for a marriage visa/extension he took photos of the house and fulfilled all the requirements as requested - taken inside the house and out, clearly showing him and his wife and the house number etc etc etc. Not happy with the fact that the request had been complied with "to the T", the I.O. said she wanted a photograph of the roof of the house!!! Apparently my friend's wife told her that they could not supply a photograph of the roof of the house because "there was a bloody big tree in the way"!!! So the I.O. moved on and said that the photos in the house were not acceptable because they looked too "similar". Talk about having to jump through hoops!!!
  25. Erm? Because it IS news! Not another tale of some poor pensioner being arrested for overstay because some citizen concerned for the safety of the country had "ratted " him out!
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