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Everything posted by sambum

  1. Serious question - Is there no statute of limitations on his "crimes"? "Boss" seems to have got away with most of his sentences due to the statute of limitations - why not Thaksin?
  2. Yes, I think he's got more important things to to worry about just now - like his job!!!
  3. To "Confused" - read the post above and THINK about it!
  4. And don't forget the "Pointing Finger" without which no story of lawbreakers/overstayers is complete! ????
  5. Statisticians justifying their existence!
  6. Unfortunately, there are some situations in Thailand where criticism is not allowed - and I'm not just talking about "Lese Majeste"!!!
  7. Yes, I suspect that that is the only "misdemeanour" that we know about, and that is because he was foolish enough to flaunt it in full view of the cameras - no doubt there are other "hidden assets" that we don't know about.
  8. One of the most blatant miscarriages of justice must be must be Fatty Prawit and his watches scandal - I don't know ANYONE who has borrowed a watch (es!) from a friend, and to say that that friend is now dead, so you can't return it (them!) has got to be one of the lamest excuses ever! And to put the icing on the cake, to then say that you had forgotten about them anyway!
  9. Probably find a lot of "borrowed from a friend who is now dead" items!
  10. ".......bought the house from the Legal Execution Department about a year ago." Tragic event, but very appropriate name under the circumstances!
  11. Headline: "Australian Man Faces Several Legal Charges After Road Rage Incident in Phuket." Post: An Australian driver is facing two legal charges after a road rage incident in which he destroyed a minivan’s side mirror in Wichit, Mueang Phuket." Proof reader on holiday?
  12. "reviled"? Obvious typo, but I had to smile! ????
  13. "Chiang Mai abbot’s shocking crash leaves trail of carnage" car·nage noun : the killing of a large number of people. As far as I can make out from the post not on person was even injured!!!
  14. And what repercussions will there be for these rip off merchants - absolutely none, apart from a few disgruntled customers complaining on the Internet. Do the police do anything about it? Do they even care? Maybe they even turn a blind eye to it because "there's nowt in it for 'em!" (Unless, of course they have already received their "gratuities"!)
  15. "....the proliferations of supposedly "rich" foreigners into Thailand." Yes, I agree - it's been like this for decades. On one of my first visits here (about 20 years ago - when I got 73 baht for my British pound) I asked a bar girl why they (bar girls) all thought that all foreigners were rich. She replied "Well, you could afford to get a flight here on an aeroplane, so you must be rich!" ???? Regarding the taxis, years ago on my tourist island, the "meter taxi" drivers were told that unless they used their meters they "could" lose their licences. Decades on, they are still not using their meters. "Meter not work!" Well, if "Meter not work!" you shouldn't be working either, but I have yet to hear of ONE meter taxi driver that has lost his licence due to not using his meter. It's all just words by the people "in charge"!
  16. Headlines :- "Foreign buyers fuel 200% surge in Thai luxury property sales" Main text of article:- "89% were purchased by Thai buyers and 11% by foreigners from 2022 to early 2023, said Artitaya." Very misleading!
  17. I am no expert either, but:- " Among the projects CBRE represents, 89% were purchased by Thai buyers and 11% by foreigners from 2022 to early 2023, said Artitaya."
  18. "Perhaps they'll leave." And then TAT will spend millions of baht trying to entice them back! ????
  19. Well said! From a report more than 18 months ago:- "Thailand Plans to Cut Import Duty on Wine and Spirits by 50% (September 21, 2021)
  20. "As evidence of alleged interference, the protesters brought up US Ambassador Robert Godec’s “call” for the Thai government to promptly release the election results,..." Whereas, what he ACTUALLY said was :- "As a longstanding friend and ally of Thailand, the United States looks forward to the final results.” Bit of a translation problem?
  21. "As evidence of alleged interference, the protesters brought up US Ambassador Robert Godec’s “call” for the Thai government to promptly release the election results, which he wrote on the day after the election." So what is wrong with asking for the election results to be issued promptly? That's not "interfering" - the result is not going to be altered in any way. (Unless "the protestors" are trying to get some of the results invalidated, in which case, that is interference!!!)
  22. Technically, you are quite correct, and as an example, you will see on the label of Tiger Beer, "lager beer". But for simplicities sake, in order to differentiate between the different types, you would not ask for a bottle of "Tiger lager beer", you would simply ask for "a bottle of Tiger". Similarly, you would not ask for a pint of Guinness stout beer, you would just ask for a "pint of Guinness", or when drinking Theakston's bitter beer, you would ask for a pint of Theakston's". The point that I was making is that for the most part, the "beers" sold in Thailand are of the lager variety e.g. Tiger, Leo, Singha, Chang, San Miguel etc. The odd exceptions (Guinness etc) are usually much more expensive due to heavy taxation and import duties, so people are "forced" into drinking the more common "lager beers".
  23. "I think the word larger (lager?) comes from the German language" Yes, you are right, I have just Googled it and "lager" is from German - meaning "storehouse. Funny thing is, "lagerbier" is German for "beer brewed for keeping". I thought you were meant to drink it? ????
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