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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. Our Aussie First Nation's mob ladies have a way of getting back at their man. They take a close-up of their (rymes with runt) and post. That'll learn him.
  2. I am sure they all could block VPNs if they want by just measuring the PING time, but I can't see why they would want to. This geoblocking is crap. They say it's to protect content, but I think it's to do with adds. If I look at the same overseas site and same program on both 3BB fibre internet connection, and True smartphone connection, at the same time, the program content is the same but the adds are different. So if the host site has lots of different feeds, they have lots of different adds = lots more money. I reckon a way to get around blocking of VPN IPs would be to have a say Microsoft Server set up at your relations place and VPN to that server.
  3. We were married years ago at the Australian embassy. One time a lovely lady said marriage certificate is old, 'well yes' but could be fake, 'well no', go to the embassy and get it authenticated. Cue: exploding wifey.
  4. I get up at 3am, but time for bed about 4pm. Me a night owl hoot hoot. 🙂
  5. Back then I was a Police Volunteer in Pattaya (only worked at the Patts police station, before everyone crucifies me). Twas when Navy anchored at Pattaya Bay. They asked us if we'd like a tour of one of their rapid deployment landing ships. Great men and woman, great tour, impressive ship. Went for a walk with our hosts down Walking Street and came across a standoff with some marines and bouncers. Talked the marines out of it. No win there. That was the good thing being with the police volunteers at the police station, we all had most of the languages and Thai language covered. Was our job in helping people.
  6. Well I tried the UK servers (2) and could not even register for BBC, kept dropping out my password. Maybe BBC doesn't like me. Sorry
  7. I've got express VPN but usually don't use UK servers. I found the help is not very helpful. Just keep plugging on with help requests, that's what I did and eventually prob. was sorted. I think, the VPN server I was using in Aus had it's IP addresses blocked. Anyway all came good when they installed another server. I'll switch to UK servers and try.
  8. Well he thought I gave him a 'stiffy' what ever that is. 🙂
  9. Bad luck...keep drinking, just cut off your foot, less painfull than stopping drinking. 🙂
  10. Well done Rabu for posting what I believe also. So instead of him answering how he knows these facts, how do you know they are not correct?
  11. John was definitely possessed.
  12. I went to our local Global House last week for some daylight bright LED bulbs, placed them in the trolley and a nice young assistant, took them out and put another brand lower wattage set of lights in the trolley, said the origional brand were no good, break quickly, but the new brand good. I don't think he was on commission for the particular light brand, but, from experience, just being helpful.
  13. I've taught in Aus, Indonesia, China and Thailand. Should have a degree and TEFL (or equivalent). Some language schools may just require a TEFL certificate. You mainly should meet the requirements to get a work permit, that's why you need a degree. Teaching anywhere without a work permit leaves you open to jail or abuse. Many Asian countries have a retirement age of 60 years old.
  14. Sorry @DrJack54 , bit thick and old. So I fly in with a completed TM87 and give to Imm at airport? Then go to Kalasin with the Retirement O application, bank book etc. (Your response didn't show up, I had to search for it)
  15. Never heard of VocalNeals, but Leopolds goes forever.
  16. No, but you do. 🙂
  17. Yes good idea. I've not had a problem, well a slight one, with them. I found this supplier who seemed to have a good reputation with e-biked. I ordered 2 folding e-bikes to put in the SUV when we go away. The supplier went over time delivering and aliexpress said time was finished and the transaction was completed. When the bikes did come and I assembled them, there was a couple of minor faults with one and a battery charger light, but because the supplier said they were special order, they wouldn't take them back. Really it was probably my fault as much as the supplier. With large orders (US$ 3000) I have to be a lot more careful and completely understand aliexpress policies.
  18. 'There Off' (said the monkey as the train ran over his nackers.) It's Sunday. 🙂...anyway, We're off for a few months (not sure yet) outside Thailand. My present Retirement Extension is until May 2024 and we may not be back in time to renew it. I have an O retirement visa with the B80000 in the bank version. Can I come back on a Tourist visa and go to my Kalasin Imm. office and redo my Retirement Visa? Would I get a Visa On Arrival, or what's the best to do for an old fella like me? Thank you.
  19. Tried Roiet and Kuchinari and no hab.
  20. All done. Initially because the lamps wifey bought were only about 80B each and all metal with no earth wires I thought I would install an RCBO. It didn't work. Then I found there was going to be 2 sets of 3 lights switched separately, so the electrician had shared the neutrals, so I turned it all off to fix it. We never use those lights but, years later I'm on one of my fix everything broken thinggy before I can't get in there with a ladder.
  21. Ahhhh the brown smell.....guilty. 🙂
  22. That's woke....when woke wasn't around. 🙂
  23. Buy the new 5million hour day/night LED. Can't go wrong....don't quote me. 🙂
  24. Never forget....black, bas****, roo***, our, young, girl, beaut, virgin gone, west. 555555 It's an analogue, Telecom thing.
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