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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. The robotic prostrate cancer operation I posted about before, they didn't remove his prostrate, but just cut the cancer out of his prostrate. He was a very happy man. Dr said for tricky precise, minimal damage operations the De Vinchi robot is the best way to go. Don't know about Thailand, but in Aus. It's expensive because not on the government claimable items.
  2. Not sure if this is available in Thailand. I had a kidney tumor removed in Australia and the guy I was staying with in the hospital accommodation had prostrate cancer surgery. Same Dr as me used a robot that cut the cancer out of the prostrate, but left the prostrate and he was all good to go back to New Zealand after 2 weeks. I also had the robotic kidney surgery and recovered very quickly even though Dr said a major operation. So a good surgeon and using the robot for any operation may be good to investigate.
  3. A sharp knife is always good to have. I have a couple of solid 'cutters' (what they call them over here). Stanly knives with a few blade packs. Gotta keep the blades in protective oiled packs as they tend to rust quickly in humid places. I think those side-cutters in the picture are good to have, but may need a smaller pair for finer work. Really you can use anything, it's just what you get used to using.
  4. Yes ....bloody good fun. ????
  5. Anything you do will help. Speaking to someone via app would be good, but I've never done it. Conversational Thai can happen at your local 2 hr oil massage ... until your happy ending dulls all sensors, but there is time for one on one conservation before. ????
  6. I've never seen anyone smoking in TQ.
  7. To the OP, I am sorry I hijacked your thread and my New Year's Resolution is to change my ways. ????
  8. Thank you. As I have said, it did happen here. Why not just isolate the pool from active, neutral and earth? So 12 v pool lights are supplied from a double insulated fused robus pool transformer and RCBO connected pool pump and chlorinator are more than 2 meters from PVC pipe water inlets. The concrete and dual rebar pool shell is completely interlocked and acts as a Faraday's Cage. How is that ever going to become live? If I introduce an earth tied to the mains earth then it could become live. Anyway I am not an electrician but these are just my ignorant thoughts. ????
  9. Noticed Doggz Xenon not working on Kodi this morning. Any updates? Merry Christmas
  10. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the thing I see against bonding the pool to the main earth is that if you get an open circuit supply neutral (which we have had, created by PEA), current returning to the PEA transformer is via earth returns which could make the pool live.
  11. Come on. Which Western leader do you know that tells the truth? In the West eventually the truth comes out ...then no one takes responsibility. I wouldn't say that admitting to not having enough life vests is 'face saving'.
  12. My dad had that and his remedy was to make the arch of the toenail weaker so it wouldn't dig into the skin. He used to file the center of the convex shape with a file to make it weaker or thinner. Also file the toenail square.
  13. Maybe some for show. Who knows how much is redonated to the union. Twas talking to my mate in Bali about it and he suggested it should be like Papua New Guinea where they just give pigs. ????
  14. Freeze you ba@@@ freeze.
  15. There's only one girl from Isaan I recognise. Better research needed.
  16. I think a picture would help visualize the setup. I don't think you would normally tie a metal pool fence to the mains earth. If the metal hand rail goes into the pool that could be different, and how close power outlets are to the pool.
  17. When it gets cold we just get a drink and lite the fire. (After a hard days work). ???? 20221221_144003.mp4
  18. I recently had my yearly checkup and all parameters are within tolorence. Forgot to ask about the toe as it doesn't really bother me, just want the infection gone. There must be someone on here who has cleared up a similar infection.
  19. 2 Points on this topic. 1. I recently went to Thai wedding where both are working, one as a large truck driver and one as a secretary. Mum was given Baht and gold, about 1 Million Baht altogether. 2. My 80 year old Thai BIL just hooked up with a 75 year old girl. Paid her B100000. So it's not just the Farangs that have to pay.
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