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Everything posted by kwonitoy

  1. And somehow you can twist a horrible tragedy into a but what about BLM
  2. Hard to feel sorry for him, he spent 13 years in Canada living mostly in Whistler B.C. before be deported back to Thailand No hardship in living in Whistler In October 2009, he was deported to Thailand after fighting the longest extradition battle in Canadian history, which lasted 13 years
  3. Nordic walking machine, kind of a cyclic back and forth with your legs and arms. Good for low impact, never liked them myself, hard to get my heart rate up
  4. Not too surprising to see a fervent trump supporter also being a Putin supporter. Any other losing tips for the folks? Slava Ukraine
  5. They are padding the bill. My house in Udon Thani, hot season in April. 2 refrigerators, 3 TV's, multiple phone chargers. 2 computers, 25,000BTU air con running downstairs during the day. 3X 18,000 BTU air cons in the bedrooms running all night. The highest electrical bill I received was a little over 6,000 baht
  6. “Since the big floods of 2011, we have got the National Water Resources Act, the Office of the National Water Resources, the National River Basin Committee and many more such bodies,” Kasetsart University lecturer Sitang Pilailar told Thai PBS World. And all of these offices and committees will reduce the water by absolutely zero. I believe the Dutch offered there services after 2011 but were turned down. You need infrastructure, not endless talk and meetings
  7. Beat me to it. Had one for years, easy to open
  8. Well, 1 day into the straw poll and it's a dead heat 50/50 split. I would have thought that the majority of people had gotten covid. Just for interest I checked the small population country of Iceland. I thought they would have good data due to the small population. They come in at 59% Iceland Coronavirus Cases: 204,717 Iceland Population (LIVE) 346,123
  9. https://www.racechip.de/ I used a chip from these guys on my old Toyota 3.0L. Made a very noticeable difference in power with no change in fuel consumption easy to install.
  10. I'll start. 3 vaccinations, 2 Pfizer in Thailand and 1 Moderna in Canada Hospital tested for airline travel Oct of 21, negative Self tested twice at home with negative results
  11. https://thai-rest.com/luggage-storage-at-bangkok-airport-prices-and-rules/ You can store luggage with this bunch, I've done it myself. As @scubascuba3 says you have to clear customs, pick up your luggage and drop it off yourself, they can't pick it up for you
  12. Congratulations, long overdue. I've read your post previously over the years and you defiantly won't quit Well done to you and your daughter. Lots of happy years ahead I hope
  13. Tell her to go to the registration shop, get the transfer of ownership paper and send it to you. You can sign this and send it back along with a signed copy of your passport. Does she have the blue book in her possession? If not mail it to her She can also ask at the registration place what she needs. They do this every day That should get the ball rolling
  14. Tell her she gets a free car if she can figure out how to transfer it. She'll get if done in record time. I gave my 9 year old truck to my housekeeper/nanny as a bonus when I left last year. When I told her she would get the truck we were at the registration shop in about 2 minutes
  15. Generally on the 7th renewal they do a brake test, check if lights are working and honk the horn, and smog test on your vehicle. Where ever you get your annual sticker done will know when it's due. It's no big deal and adds about 10 minutes to the process
  16. The success of the HIMARS system in Ukraine is the best advertising for these weapons. Looks like they want to upgrade to the long range version.
  17. What custom's will charge is one area of concern. Check into the cost of shipping the booth before deciding. I was going to move to Canada in 2020, I wanted to keep my homemade custom desk. Cost of shipping about 300$ by ocean freight. Bangkok to Vancouver. Covid happens, travel on hold October 2021, arrange to ship desk to Canada 0.5 cubic meter, 68,000 baht all in Udon Thani to Bangkok to Edmonton. Got a call from Vancouver broker, they need 500 CDN dollars to unship the box, Thai broker nowhere to be found. Vancouver broker needs 350 CDN to clear customs, Thai broker nowhere to be found. All in it cost me 90,000 baht and took about six months. I sent invoices to the Thai broker, who did not reply, big surprise there I wanted to keep it because I dug the root stump up on land my wife owned and had it custom cut in a single piece, weight about 250kg.
  18. https://www.se-ed.com/product-search/flashcards.aspx?keyword=flashcards&search=default Maybe too late for you, se-ed has stores just about everywhere, I know Udon Thani mall has one
  19. That's why you hire a supposed legal expert, aka a lawyer. All I was told that yes you can fight, and you can win. I didn't know about the last release being signed by her. But there was always another piece of paper and more information, each piece of paper has to be produced, go to the lawyer who presents it to the court who then set a date maybe six months hence, where they ask for another document and back and forth for years. The court system isn't corrupt from my dealing but is just glacier slow After winning every court case, the lawyer took the last piece of paper to be signed by her, nobody had ever heard of anyone refusing. She refused. She could be out of prison if her sister signed a letter of stewardship I got her to refuse. True love indeed.
  20. Like the others say, forget it and move on. If the sisters are that nasty leave them to fight with each other. Get your revenge by setting up the good BIL on a model farm Having been involved in the Thai court system, you can be completely correct and legal and a quick court case might take 3 years of showing up. If there are disputes then a legal case can drag on for many years I "won" my court case to reclaim a Toyota Vigo pickup truck and Kubota tractor that was confiscated when my ex-wife was arrested and convicted. Truck and tractor were in her name, proceeds of crime say the police and bye-bye truck and tractor. Hired a lawyer and spent 5 years going back and forth to court, Because I was in the "right". Each time I "won" my case but where's the truck? where's the tractor? In a impound yard in Khon Kaen. I needed one final paper signed by her to release it because she was the legal owner. She refused and the truck and tractor are still sitting in the police lot since 2013. It would have cheaper to buy a new truck, which I finally did.
  21. Ah yes, the old , but he took no salary so he's a saint, all the while golfing hundreds of times and bilking the taxpapers out of millions of dollars but overcharging the secret service for services. Where will we erect the statue of Donny "two scoops"? https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/politics/trump-secret-service-spending/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/newly-obtained-documents-show-157000-in-additional-payments-by-the-secret-service-to-trump-properties/2020/03/05/7da2a610-5cbd-11ea-b014-4fafa866bb81_story.html https://www.forbes.com/sites/danielcassady/2020/09/17/trump-organization-reportedly-charged-us-government-over-11-million-for-luxury-hotel-stays/?sh=ee9038d55411
  22. As far as I can tell you can do it at the registration place, I was gone by the time my housekeeper did the paperwork
  23. Go to one of the vehicle inspection places that issue the annual registration stickers. The places with the gear as a symbol They have the paperwork necessary to transfer vehicle ownership. The one I went to by my old house in Udon helped us fill out the forms correctly. Saves a trip to the DLT When I was about to leave Thailand permanently we went to one and signed the forms, I left a signed copy of my passport and my housekeeper got my pickup truck transferred after I left.
  24. You're really a ruzzian apologist. PooTin started the special operation, War. he can stop it at any time. The rest of the world is finally standing up to ruzzian BS and land grabbing. Ruzzia will be returned to a sub 3rd world country. Thanks Vlad. Slava Ukraine
  25. Kanchanaburi to Three Pagodas Pass If you like scary mountain driving Thong Pha Poom to Ban E Tong. This ones way off the beaten track, used to drive it when building the Yadana Pipeline
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