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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. It's terrible her family must travel to hopefully close this part of the story. To those who contribute to the fund, that's a great gesture of sympathy. The national government, the provincial government and local Koh Tao Council should step up to the plate and offer the family accommodations during the trial. It would send a powerful message to other travelers to Thailand, that the authorities do care about security.

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  2. What nonsense!!! Trying to make it acceptable to not require English language skills as a job qualification requisite. I've been in HR almost 10 years in Thailand now. No employer that I have worked for accepts anything less than confidence in English, both written and verbal. Not just Thais, but any foreign national as well. Frankly, a candidate who doesn't have the ability to properly communicate in English is worthless to an MNC, except at the manual labor skill level.

  3. Jet ski operators in Phuket and Pattaya were ordered to limit their jet ski damage scam claims to 100,000 baht

    Karaoke bar owners in Chiang Mai were ordered to limit their check bin lady drink scam to 50,000 baht per customer

    The scammers were told the price controls only apply to Chinese tourists, and that they can continue to rip off tourists of other nationalities as they please

  4. For example, 866 million pairs of shoes imported by the US, of which 68 per cent of them would be unloaded at Los Angeles and Long Beach, said Ms Jirapaphan.

    Wow, does everyone in the US now wear shoes from Thailand?

    Didn't know Imelda Marcos lived in the West Coast. w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

    Try Makiki Heights on Oahu, Hawaii. Not West Coast USA for the geographically uninformed. Hawaii has its own history of dock worker labor strikes. Back in the day before extensive air cargo, a longshoreman strike would cripple the state's economy.

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