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Everything posted by johng

  1. Don't send any money she will soon stop messaging..and if she doesn't well then maybe you got a keeper.
  2. Well that's a turn around for the books for the last 4 years or so it was the other way round 5555555555555 not so nice when the shoe is on the other foot ehh
  3. And when It doesn't happen are you gonna come back with an apology ?
  4. I have vague memories as a kid with paper straws they hardly lasted till the end of the drink obviously technology has leaped and bounded and they now do actually last till the end of a drink (mostly)..whereas a plastic straw lasts for many drinks and maybe a school project after that and then back to oil again if there is the will. Of course people should not be be throwing the things in the rivers and sea that is down to education.
  5. Same as it should have ever been..the bags had their advertising on it could be made "biodegradable" and a large percent were used more than once. "ja rup sarapow perm mai ka" has been replaced with the rather cheeky "sai toong mai ka" sometimes I ask for a double bag 😋
  6. Why don't you turn it back to oil first then burn it in a gas guzzling pickup truck 😋
  7. Here for the record the above "meme" is in fact a deep fake !!! just in case we get to Idiocracy the above didn't happen and PS feed the plants water not gatoraide and Hitler is not Putin while the dinosaurs roamed.
  8. The very famous UK porn star !! alas I think my VHS tapes have perished.
  9. There is another tower in North Pattaya that was standing uncompleted from the 1997 "tum yang goong" crash it was eventually taken over and completed and still stands to this day (touch wood 😋)
  10. Probably, don't remember ever hearing of "scary quotes" at school ever ! anyway I think I used them correctly even without a PHD in "everything under the sun" ( or knowing what the hell they are/were) https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/scare quotes express especially skepticism or derision concerning the use of the enclosed word or phrase It would seem you where using the quotes in the same manner IE: they where not really heroes ?
  11. Thailand can and will still trade with who ever they want to or don't want to and do still impose swinging tariffs on imports they deem fit...never mind the "orange man bad"
  12. S(ssss)cary quotes and s(ssss)per creeps keep me running ...running scared 😋 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scary_Monsters_(and_Super_Creeps)
  13. Yes they are secret so that means everything they do is perfect and should have no scrutiny at all ?
  14. Not at all, Just because I come from that country doesn't mean I have to agree with everything the "special forces" do , I can agree with some of what they do and be uncomfortable with some of the things they do and be totally against some of the things they do and at the same time acknowledging the "special forces" are "only following orders" and face severe punishment for disobedience.
  15. I wouldn't call them "heroes" dropping a nuclear bomb on a civilian population X2 that was about to surrender anyway..yes it speeded up the "surrender" a bit https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20250226_21/
  16. oh I come from a land down under you better run you better take cover ! no not really, I already told you were I come from in another tread about "the war" the country that built Lancaster Bombers.
  17. Sorry if that was the case maybe there is some "background editing" going on ? who did I quote ?
  18. Doubt they would seeing as they are "SAS" not willing to talk much just smash things up.
  19. Do you think the SAS respected those conventions ?
  20. Probably mostly bad guys, but with quite a few mostly goodish guys just trying to make a "buck" to feed their families.. legalise the drugs and then the govmnt won't have the mandate to kill "innocent civilians" unfortunately they will just find another excuse as always.
  21. I agree with you on this..but not just in the USA the whole world needs free speech to be upheld, unfortunately it is diminishing rapidly in many places UK ,EU,Canada,Australia etc
  22. Bush ,Biden,Blair,Boris,Clinton,Obomb-ha ? +++++
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