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Everything posted by johng

  1. Not much operating in Pattaya lately...as for working are you Thai ? if not then forget the idea.
  2. Yes they have wanted to do this for a long time... to keep you "safe" of course ????
  3. But what about the much discussed super duper monorail ?
  4. It's very possible that there is a water leak somewhere either from roof,windows or a water pipe buried in the floor or wall if the apartment has neighbours it could even be a leak in their apartment causing the problem.. even the aircon overflow pipe could be leaking into the wall not draining properly..if apartment is on the ground floor it could even be "rising damp" from the earth. Another more unlikely cause could be the mattress/bed was "cleaned" but not dried out thoroughly but I would imagine most people would track down the culprit pretty quickly in that case.
  5. Perhaps the extra space was taken up by "unneeded" files things like image cache,log files,crash reports,deleted but not really deleted files, maybe filesystem corruption led to inaccurate reporting of free/used size.
  6. translucent gold color ? could be anodized so would need the damage to the metal repaired before hand then re anodized,maybe cheaper and easier to exchange the rims for a new set at one of the many roadside shops selling wheels.
  7. I don't see pro vax statements being censored or pro vax scientist being de-platformed and branded as quacks even though they may well be proven correct.
  8. I remember at the beginning of the mask wearing there where reports of children passing out whilst exercising at school and the "experts" then recommending that strenuous exercise not be done whilst wearing a mask..also remember about the build up of bad bacteria on mask when worn for extended time ?
  9. Well I will give my usual shout out to "First Optic" though I don't know if he is fluent in English. google street map https://www.google.com/maps/@12.9206613,100.8785119,3a,75y,308.88h,90.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sB8qvlP5JHeFao3o2GJU3Vw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  10. Lots of lovely rain again this afternoon.
  11. Actually there is a bit of a Thai joke mixed in there because the condom in Thai is for want of better translation a "sanitary bag" so the cashier could have been asking if you wanted to <deleted> ???? I still have a little inward giggle when a cute cashier asks if we/she should use a bag.
  12. If the Delta is as transmissible as they say then surely it has spread all over the country already ?
  13. How about Petro the Pedetgarn ???? เปโตรเผด็จการ
  14. This is what the "Agenda 2030" and "great reset" is about.
  15. Good ???? debate is what is needed...not censorship,de platforming and ridicule of those with a differing opinion who may in the end turn out to be proven correct !
  16. Lots of news stories lately about crimes committed to fund the gambling boogeyman !
  17. And in a similar vein If they got all the mothballed Thai airways planes flying 24/7 they could blow those rain clouds away thus avoiding the yearly flooding ????
  18. If only the mythbusters series was still going it would make a good episode and my prediction would be "BUSTED"
  19. I'm not a virologist but as I understand it yes the antibodies wane, that is "normal" but the T cells "remember" for much longer so if the virus appears again antibodies are produced to fight it off apparently this is what is seen in people infected by the "original" SARS virus in 2002-2004 they still show T cell response.
  20. Yes it's very unfortunate that almost everything is made in china..but the reason is because they can make it super cheaply with what maybe called slave labour ! they have taken jobs from western industrialised countries along with their intellectual properties and know how whilst we thought they where doing us a favour ????
  21. But their immune system would have already been alerted to and know how to fight the virus possibly even better than if they had been jabbed.
  22. Ohh dear not looking hopeful then ! anyway if you cancelled the cards it won't matter if they turn up in a few months they'll only be useful for scraping ice off the windscreen ????
  23. Why are you scared or even care if @Bagwain lives near you ? you have had your jabs so you're protected right ?
  24. Yes that is possible I've had that happen before..did your daughter send the envelope "international signed for" or just a "normal" method "signed for" has a higher chance of arriving at the Thai post office unmolested as it is (supposedly) electronically traceable.
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